www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the Capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]

Minister for Tourism Paschal Donohoe has unveiled a ?1m marketing campaign for Dublin in a bid to boost the capital’s appeal to overseas visitors, Irish national broadcaster www.rte.ie reported.

The marketing campaign will centre on a new brand for Dublin and will be pitched at potential visitors in the UK and Europe throughout the autumn.

“What we have here in Dublin is unique,” said Mr Donohoe.

“We have a young, vibrant, happening city with a rich culture and heritage which is nestled between the wide open spaces of Dublin Bay and the Dublin mountains.

“There is no point, however, in being Europe’s best kept secret and I very much welcome this new campaign to reposition the city and county and ensure that its unique appeal cuts through in the international marketplace,” added Mr Donohoe.

Following extensive research in overseas markets to find out what prospective visitors look for when choosing a destination, a new brand titled ‘Dublin – A breath of Fresh Air’ has been developed.

Fáilte Ireland says the new brand “seeks to communicate Dublin’s unique position as a vibrant capital city … where city living thrives alongside the great outdoors”.

“This is the first Dublin-dedicated tourism campaign in many years and it is very much a welcome development,” added Fáilte Ireland CEO Shaun Quinn.

From Monday, the new brand will feature in a marketing campaign in the UK. A marketing campaign will also begin shortly in France and Germany with an emphasis on digital and social media marketing.

The new Dublin marketing campaign is funded by Fáilte Ireland, the four Dublin local authorities and a collection of private-sector partners.

Following the announcement for Dublin, Fine Gael TD for Cork South Central Jerry Buttimer has said a similar dedicated tourism brand needs to be developed to promote and sell Cork.

Mr Buttimer said: “A dedicated and specific tourism brand needs to be developed to promote and sell Cork as a leading tourism destination.

“Cork city and county offer great attractions and have great potential. Although Cork is included as a major part of marketing campaigns, we must develop a unique brand for the city and county, so that we can increase our share of overseas visitors,” Mr Buttimer added.

#By #Cork #Dublin #England #Ferie #Frankrike #Hovedstad #Irland #MInister #Reise #Storbritania #Turisme #Tyskland

#Capital #City #France #Germany #Holiday #Ireland #Tourism #Travel #UnitedKingdom



www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]

Legg merke til hva som skjer på trikkeskinnene, mellom modellen Ana Pavel og trikken…

Et bilde fra en fotoseanse i regi av Miss Bikini i Dublin i Irland går nå runden i sosiale medier, nettaviser og andre medier verden over. Og det er ikke på grunn av den toppløse blondinen vi ser på bildet, skriver nettavisen.no

Fotomodellene kastet toppen i Harcourt Street i sentrum av den irske hovedstaden, for å vise sin støtte til kampen mot brystkreft, og overhodet ikke som et nakenstunt for å skape oppmerksomhet rundt missekåringen.

I alle tilfeller kan det se ut til at synet ble en smule overveldende for en uheldig syklist. Avkledte kvinner i trafikkbildet har vist seg å skape hodebry for trafikanter ved flere enn en anledning, og her har vegmyndighetene et mulig bildebevis som støtter bekymringen.

Irske medier skriver at det er usikkert hva som førte til at syklisten stuper i bakken, men at det er lov å gjette…

#By #Dublin #Ferie #Hovedstad #Irland #Kreft #Media #Modell #Naken #Reise #Sykkel #Trafikk #Trikk #Turisme


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]

Illustrasjonsfoto: wikipedi.org

En av de mest populære attraksjonene i Dublin – etter Guinness-bryggeriet vel å merke – er en organisert pub til pub-tur i kjente irske forfatteres fotspor, skriver Se og Hør.

Irene er som kjent et lesende folk – og glade i publivet, så mer irsk får du det ikke. Her blir man bedre kjent med forfattere som Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett og Brendan Behan.

Les mer her: www.dublinpubcrawl.com

Kilde: Se og Hør

#BrendanBehan #Bryggeri #By #Dublin #Ferie #Forfatter #Guinness #Hovedstad #Irland #JamesJoyce #Litteratur #OscarWilde #Pub #Reise #SamuelBeckett SeOgHør #Turisme #Øl


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]


Irer er jovial folk, og det er ingen overaskelse at irske byer kommer godt ut av Travel and Leisures kåring over verdens vennligste byer, skriver Se og Hør.

Hovedstaden Dublin ligger på tredje plass, Charleston i Sør-Carolina i USA er nummer to – mens Galway på vestkysten av Irland er kåret til verdens vennligste by.

Galway er kjent for sin hyggelige stemning med gatemusikanter, et koselig sentrum, utallige barer, og den årlige østersfestivalen i slutten av september.

#By #Charleston #Dublin #Ferie #Festival #Galway #Hovedstad #Irland #Reise #SeOgHør #SørCarolina #Turisme #USA #Østers

#Capital #City #Holiday #Ireland #Oysters #SouthCarolina #Tourism #Travel


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]

The Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland, has been named ‘Europe’s leading tourist attraction’ at an awards ceremony in Sardinia.

The World Travel Awards are considered the Oscars of the travel industry and decided by an open vote.

Guinness won for the visitor centre at their St James’s Gate brewery, founded in 1759, which is the home of the ‘Black Stuff’ in Ireland.

The Storehouse was shortlisted alongside some of Europe’s most historic attractions including the Acropolis, Buckingham Palace, the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower.

#Akropolis #BuckinghamPalace #By #Colosseum #Dublin #Eiffeltårnet #Ferie #Guinness #Hovedstad #Irland #Italia #Reise #Sardinia #Turisme #Øl

#Beer #Capital #City #Holiday #Ireland #Italy #Tourism #Travel


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. Contact us at [email protected] 

Aviva Stadium

American football is set to be played in Dublin once again, with the announcement that Boston College and Georgia Tech will face each other at the Aviva Stadium on September 3rd 2016, the www.fft.ie website reports today. 

The Atlantic Coast Conference game is expected to attract a sell out show of 48,000 football fans. In a significant boost to tourism it is estimated that 25,000 supporters will make the journey from the United States for the game, generating upwards of ?25m for the economy.

The Aer Lingus College Football Classic announcement was made by Prime Minister Enda Kenny at a Dublin reception. This was followed by a reception in Boston College in the US, attended by Mayor of Boston Marty Walsh.

The game is being title sponsored by Aer Lingus and will also be supported by Tourism Ireland, Failte Ireland and Dublin City. This will mark the third time in five years that an American College football game will be played in Ireland.

Speaking at the reception on Thursday, Enda Kenny said: “This is great news for Irish tourism and the economy; in 2012 and again last year, we witnessed a huge surge of US visitors to our shores for the Emerald Isle Classic and the Croke Park Classic and I have no doubt, particularly given Boston College’s close links with this country, we will see another spectacular success in 2016.”

Father William P. Leahy from Boston College added: “2016 is a very special year in Ireland’s history and we are particularly pleased that we will be travelling with hopefully tens of thousands Boston College supporters to share in those celebrations and enjoy this important conference game with Georgia Tech.”

Niall Gibbons, CEO of Tourism Ireland, said: “Tourism Ireland in the US is working closely with Anthony Travel, the official travel company for both colleges, and other travel partners, to maximise the tourism benefits of the game. From today, we will undertake a programme of co-operative promotions, to help ensure the game is a sell-out.”

Tickets are not yet on sale, however already package tours from America are available, as well as corporate hospitality packages at the Aviva Stadium.

#Borgermester #Boston #By #College #Dublin #Ferie #Flyselskap #Fotball #Georgia #Hovedstad #Irland #Massachusets #Ordfører #Reise #Statsminister #USA

#Airline #Capital #City #Football #Holiday #Ireland #Mayor #PrimeMinister #Travel


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, the environment, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Dublin is by far the most expensive capital city in Europe to buy a round of drinks, a staggering new survey has found, the www.irishmirror.ie website reported.

The drinks cost 77 euros in Dublin, compared to just 28 euros in Budapest, which came in as the cheapest.

The survey, which will do little for the country’s tourist industry, looked at the cost of 10 drinks – including beer, wine and a glass of champagne – in 10 EU destinations.

Dublin proved the priciest destination, with the drinks costing as much as 77 euros.

A 330ml bottle of beer in the Irish capital, for instance, was 5.20 euros, compared with just 1.48 euros in Budapest.

Similarly, a dry martini in Dublin would set travellers back 10.38 euros but was only 2.64 euros in Budapest.

The next-priciest destination was Barcelona, where a 175ml glass of white wine was 3.65 euros, compared with only 1.27 euros in Budapest.

The drinks proved the least expensive in Budapest, where the cost was 28 euros. The next best-value destination was Prague where the drinks were 36.21 euros, while Riga in Latvia was also good value at 47.55 euros.

For those who don’t want to travel to Eastern Europe, traditional city break favourite Amsterdam is likely to be the cheapest option for a weekend away.

At 57.67 euros for the 10 drinks, it was over 13 per cent cheaper than Paris at 66.50 euros, the number one city break destination and a popular choice among young women.

The fantasy order included a bottle of beer, a bottle of lager, a glass of white wine, a glass of champagne, a shot of Southern Comfort, a cocktail, a gin and tonic, a rum and coke, a scotch and soda and a dry Martini.

The poll by Post Office Travel Money could put off many young people, especially those across the Irish Sea, who might be considering be coming here for a boozy weekend.

Andrew Brown, of Post Office Travel Money, said: “The city break is now the king of holidays, especially among under-35s”.

Around half of them took a city break last year and one of the key reasons is the surging value of sterling, which is making European cities very cheap.

“We have seen growth of 163 per cent in sales of the Hungarian forint since 2010 on the back of cheap prices in Budapest and the rising value of sterling”.

“But air fares to Eastern Europe may cost more than to cities closer to home so it will pay to do some homework and calculate the cost of flights, accommodation and drinks before booking.”

Kilde / Source: www.irishmirror.ie

#Alkohol #Amsterdam #Barcelona #Budapest #By #Champagne #Dublin #Ferie #Frankrike #Hovedstad #Irland #Katalonia #Latvia #Nederland #Paris #Praha #Reise #Riga #Spania #Tsjekkia #Ungarn #Vin #Øl

#Beer #Capital #City #CzechRepublic #France #Holiday #Hungary #Ireland #Netherlands #Prague #Spain #Travel #Wine


Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no

Foto: www.nettavisen.no 

“Hele” verden gjør seg klar til å feire St.Patricks Day 17.mars – med parader og fest i Irlands farger i mange av verdens storbyer. Den største og mest kjente St.Patricks-paraden utenfor Irland er i New York. Men, det er selvsagt Irlands hovedstad Dublin som er selveste St.Patricks-byen, og paradehovedstaden over alle.

Foto: Alloverpress

Hentet fra www.nettavisen.no sine Reisetipssider:

Festdagens grønne farge har sitt opphav fra den grønne øya Irland, hvor den Irske nasjonalhelgen St. Patrick levde, og døde på nettopp denne dagen. Feiringen er nettopp for å minnes ham.

St.Patrick var nemlig en av verdens mest populære og kjente helgen, og den som innførte kristendommen i Irland. Et annet symbol for denne nasjonaldagen er trekløveren ? du kommer garantert til å se mye av den på klær, fjes og slips. Og nei, det symboliserer ikke bare lykke.

De lærde har lenge spekulert om hvor kløveren kommer fra, hvor noen hevder at den ble brukt av St. Patrick for å beskrive treenigheten.

I dag er ikke St. Patrick?s Day bare en kristen feiring, men mer som en kulturell begivenhet med masse øl, musikk og latter. Dette blir en storfest du ikke har sett maken til ? så kle deg i det irske flaggets farger og bli med på feiringen! Denne dagen er alle irske. 

www.visitdublin.com finner du mye informasjon om årets St.Patrick’s Day

St Patrick eliminated snakes from Ireland but he didn’t banish the sense of Irish fun!

Photo: www.visitdublin.com

Kit yourself out in green and go nuts in Dublin on St Patrick’s Day. The entire city will be transformed into one huge party zone with a four-day festival (March 14-17) that will ignite your sense of Irish pride – even if you are not Irish at all!

Your problem will be packing everything in.

Photo: www.visitdublin.com

Don the green jersey and join the good-humoured crowds lining the streets for the famous St Patrick’s Day Parade, a show-stopping pageant the likes of which you’ve never seen before.

Think Rio, only cooler, with giant, colourful puppets, fantastic street entertainers and more marching bands than you could shake a baton at.

The parade starts at noon on Parnell Square, snaking its way up O’Connell Street, down Westmoreland Street, Dame Street, and Lord Edward Street, before passing Christ Church Cathedral and finishing just after St Patrick’s Cathedral

Yes, yes, Ireland is famous for Guinness, and the Guinness Storehouse is indeed the top visited attraction, but not only that! To top it all off they also throw their very own spectacular festival around St Patrick’s Day. Feel the beat with toe-tapping live music; be in awe of the heel-kicking céilí dancers; delight your taste buds with Guinness-inspired food tastings. Combine this with unrivalled views across the city from the Gravity Bar… what more could you ask for!

Don’t know your jigs from your reels? Well you don’t have to be Michael Flatley to kick up your heels with the best of them. St Stephen’s Green will host a giant outdoor St Patrick’s Festival Céilí (March 16) with expert dancers to get you grooving to a decidedly different beat.

Take your partner by the hand…and you’re off! You can enjoy more céilí craic at the National Concert Hall on March 14 for Céilí House Live featuring Dónal Lunny’s TRIAD group; soulful traditional Irish singer, Karan Casey; and exhilarating Irish fiddle trio, Fidil.

The Irish Boat Races will take place on the River Liffey, between rivals University College Dublin (UCD) and Dublin University (Trinity College). The 2km rowing course, will start at 3.30pm on O’Connell Bridge and travel past many of Dublin’s landmarks on its way up the river, finishing at St James’s Gate.

A unique chance to see two universities battle it out in a thrilling series of races.

Photo: www.visitdublin.com

Don’t leave Dublin without a visit to Croke Park, the hallowed ground for Irish Gaelic games. The All-Ireland Football and Hurling Senior Club Championship are on St Patrick’s Day, and promise a great atmosphere and cracking display of GAA skills. Afterwards, get your adrenaline pumping on a Skyline Tour which will see you walking on the roof of Croker, 17 storeys high! Come down to earth afterwards with a visit to the GAA Museum.

If you are feeling particularly Irish at this time of the year it is probably because you are! Dig deep into those Irish roots and research your family tree while in Dublin.

The National Archives of Ireland on Bishop Street has a rich store of invaluable records and also provides a free genealogy service to help you trace your ancestors. 

The National Library of Ireland also has an genealogy advisor, while the Glasnevin Museum at Glasnevin cemetery is a must-see for those delving into their ancestral past.

Discover the fascinating truth behind the legend of Saint Patrick with a special walking tour led by renowned Dublin author and historian, Pat Liddy.

This guided walk, held from March 14 – 17, will take you to places that most tourists – and many Dubliners – miss! There are no shortage of other themed walks to enjoy in Dublin, whether it’s culture, art, architecture, gardens, ghosts, pub trails or science safaris.

Photo: www.visitdublin.com

You just have to have a pint to toast Ireland’s patron saint whilst you are in Dublin! The capital has more than 1,000 pubs to choose from so you won’t go thirsty.

Choose from some of the city’s oldest heritage pubs, all oozing with character, including the the Stag’s Head, The Palace Bar, Mulligans, or Ryans of Parkgate Street.

If you fancy sipping a pint while listening to great music try Whelan’s or O’Donoghues. And all that drinking can be hungry work so line the stomach with fine fare at a gastro pub such as The Chop House or The Exchequer. Sláinte!

If you’re in Dublin for St Patrick’s Day, you have to deck yourself out in the most glaring St Patrick’s paraphernalia you can find! Think giant green hats, gross curly wigs and massive shamrocks. Carroll’s Gifts & Souvenirs is a great spot to stock up. You can also pick up quirky and curious items in Dublin’s back streets.

Check out craft and design at Cow’s Lane Designer Mart in Temple Bar, and vintage clothes and vinyl records at the Ferocious Mingle Market on Thomas Street or the Ha’penny Flea at the Grand Social on Lower Liffey Street. Happy shopping!

Photo: www.visitdublin.com

It won’t be just pints of beer that will be turning green! Dublin’s iconic buildings will be also going green to celebrate our national holiday.

See some famous landmarks like you have never seen them before including The Mansion House, the Guinness Store House, the Convention Centre, the Custom House and many more.

#Bibliotek #By #Dublin #Ferie #Festival #Grønt #Guinness #Hovedstad #Irland #Katedral #Kultur #Musikk #NewYork #Parade #Pub #Reise #StPatrick #Universitet #Øl

#Beer #Capital #Cathedral #City #Culture #Green #Holiday #Ireland #Library #Music #Travel #University



Se også vår andre reiseblogg / see also our other travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no

A cutting edge Tourism Information Office has been officially opened in Dublin’s city center. The new center will be the first port of call for visitors to Dublin.

(Shane O’Neill, Fennell Photography / www.independent.ie)

Irlands turistmyndigheter, Fáilte Ireland, har åpnet et nytt, høyteknologisk informasjonssenter i sentrum av byen, et sted som er ment å bli det første stedet turister er innom før de utforsker Dublin.

Senteret ble nylig offisielt åpnet av Irlands minister for transport, turisme og sport, Paschal Donohoe.

Gratis wi-fi, en avdeling for sosiale medier, Apple Macs, touchscreen teknologi, et stort utvalg apper, digitale kart, storskjermer med foto og film, er noe av det som tilbys de besøkende.

Selv om det nye senteret er høyteknologisk og mye basert på at publikum skal finne ut mest mulig selv, er kontoret betjent av personale, og, det finnes fremdeles gode, gammeldagse brosjyrer å plukke med seg…

Man regner med at minst 5000 personer vil være innom turistkontoret daglig i høysesongen.

Interactive pods, a social media wall, Apple Macs and touchscreen technology are all to hand for visitors to the new Tourism Information Office, writes independent.ie

Located at 25 Suffolk Street, the office was officially opened by Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe, and promises to combine the high-tech digital delivery of information with a warm Irish welcome in the slick new setting.

There are still human beings to hand, in other words.

There are a large digital display showing social media posts and tweets tagged with the #LoveDublin hashtag, broadcasting images of Dublin on an “almost live” basis.

These spaces are designed to help visitors access relevant information quickly and intuitively, using a simplified map displaying key locations and attractions throughout the city and county. “All Dublin has to offer is only two touches away,” according to Fáilte Ireland.

Identical to the maps displayed digitally on the pods, these allow the visitor to note attractions and activities that relevant to their own needs. They can mark their key areas of interest and routes to get there, creating their own personalised map of Dublin.

A large-scale video wall presenting specially commissioned hi-res photographs from around Dublin. Visitors encounter this almost immediately on entering the space. The images are shown with an animated map that shows the location in which they were taken.

Free Wif-Fi, always a good thing.

Visitors can download key smartphone apps promoted here – including the Wild Atlantic Way app – giving them “the tools they need to sample and explore”, according to Visit Dublin.

This features several screens updated daily with events, concerts and special exhibitions taking place today and tomorrow. Some events can be booked in the Office.

“With its focus on the needs of the modern traveller and the provision of the most up to date information, we believe we now have a tourism office in Dublin that sets a benchmark nationally and, indeed, globally”, said Orla Carroll, Fáilte Ireland’s Head of Dublin.

“This new facility is a winning blend of the traditional and the new,” Minister Donohoe added.

Fáilte Ireland also announced an upgrade to its www.visitdublin.ie website.

The new Office and rebooted website come in a year when the Grow Dublin Tourism Alliance has been tasked with “rebranding” the city. The new brand is expected around autumn.

Although Dublin has been recovering from the recent financial crisis, and overseas visitors to Ireland increased by almost 9pc last year, the city has been underperforming against its potential – not to mention city break competitors such as Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen.

Fewer visitors are utilising traditional tourist offices, due in part to the range of digital tools now available to help them explore cities, but it is estimated that as many as 5,000 people a day could pass through the new Tourist Information Office in peak months

Kilder / Sources: www.independent.ie, discoverireland.com, failteireland.ie, visitdublin.com

Dublin Tourism Information Office
25 Suffolk Street
Dublin 2

Telefon: + 353 1850 230 330




#Amsterdam #App #Apple #Berlin #Dublin #Ferie #Hovedstad #Internett #Irland #København #Reise #Teknologi #Turist #WiFi

#Capital #Copenhagen #Holiday #Ireland #Technology #Tourist #Travel


Se også / see also www.minbestereise.blogg.no

(Photo credit: www.u2.com)

U2 fans can now dive into the supergroups secrets by visiting the exhibition “U2 Made in Dublin” in the Irish capital’s Little Museum of Dublin, writes Norwegian VG newspaper.

Achtung Baby, released in 1991.

Here visitors can see non-previously published photos of the band’s frontman Bono and U2, peek at the Trabant car used on the cover image for the album Achtung Baby, listen to rare bands releases and see a human-size statue of Bono.

Bono (54), whose real name is Paul David Hewson, has of course visited the exhibition in his hometown. He arrived unannounced and without any entourage like rock stars and celebrities often surround themselves with. And, he was actually not recognized when he entered the museum and walked around the premises.

Also band member David Howell Evans (53), better known as The Edge, have been visiting. He also came unannounced, nor he was recognized by museum staff or visitors.

His visit was first discovered when they discovered his name in the museum guestbook.

U2 was formed in Dublin in 1976.

Little Museum of Dublin is located in 15 St.Stephen‘s Green www.littlemuseumdublin.ie [email protected] telephone 353 1661 1000

See also an earlier blog post about Little Museum of Dublin: http://hovedsteder.blogg.no/1390250027_20012014.html

#Reise #Bil #Capital #Car #Hovedstad #Dublin #Irland #Museum #Musikk #Trabant #Travel #U2 #VG