Spisesteder, skoler og barnehager blir stengt frem til 21. desember, og det samme vil treningssentre, kjøpesentre og kasinoer, opplyser helseminister Kostadin Angelov.
Kirker og andre gudshus får holde åpent, og det samme får teatre dersom de nøyer seg med å fylle salen til 30 prosent, sier han videre.
Nærmere 130 000 har fått påvist coronasmitte i Bulgaria, der viruset til nå har krevd drøyt 3200 liv.
Landets helsevesen sliter tungt, og over 2.000 leger og sykepleiere er blant de mange som er smittet.
Bulgarias hovedstad Sofia stenger nattklubbene og diskotekene i byen i to uker fra søndag 24.oktober i et forsøk på å stanse koronasmitten. Det sier borgermester Yordanka Fandakova.
Hun oppfordrer også universitetene i hovedstaden til å holde mest mulig digital undervising.
Regjeringen i Bulgaria har innført påbud om å bruke munnbind på åpen gate for å bremse spredningen av koronaviruset.
Regjeringen i Bulgaria innfører påbud om å bruke munnbind på åpen gate for å bremse spredningen av koronaviruset. Det melder NTB, ifølge VG.no – Vi befinner oss i en svært alvorlig situasjon, sier helseminister Kostadin Angelov etter at det ble meldt om ny rekord på 1472 smittede siste 24 timer, i tillegg til 29 dødsfall.
Regjeringen i Bulgaria påbyr nå munnbind utendørs, fra og med torsdag 22.oktober. Det opplyser helseminister Kostadin Angelov, ifølge Reuters.melder NRK. Koronasmitten sprer seg raskere i landet enn noen gang siden pandemien startet. Bulgaria har bekreftet over 30.000 smittetilfeller og over 1000 døde.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) officially opened an embassy in Bulgaria’s capital city Sofia today, after Bulgaria opened an embassy in Abu Dhabi, federal capital city of the UAE, in April 2018, the Independent Balkan News Agency reported, according to the sofiaglobe.com website.
UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, attended the embassy opening.
He also held talks with Prime Minister Boiko Borissov and his Bulgarian counterpart Ekaterina Zaharieva.
A Bulgarian government statement quoted Mr Borissov as saying that following the activation of relations between Bulgaria and the UAE, it was important to maintain the dynamic and to continue to develop fruitful co-operation.
Borissov described the opening of the UAE embassy as a “good step” that would help facilitating bilateral dialogue and trade and economic co-operation.
News sources: https://sofiaglobe.com, Independent Balkan News Agency, Bulgarian Foreign Ministry
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
EU-kommisjonens president Jean-Claude Juncker, tidligere og mangeårig statsminister i Luxembourg, lover drahjelp til EUs nye formannskapsland Bulgaria, skriver VG Direkte.
-Dere kan stole på oss. Deres plass er i Europa. Deres plass er i Schengen. Og deres plass er i euroen, sa Juncker under en markering i Bulgarias hovedstad Sofia torrsdag.
22 av de 28 EU-landene er per i dag med i Schengen-samarbeidet, som også omfatter sju land utenfor EU, blant dem Norge. 19 av de 28 er del av eurosonen.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
‘ In the first seven months of the year the Bulgarian capital city Sofia has welcomed nearly 553,000 tourists, an increase of 8.6% compared to last year.’
This is what Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said speaking at the opening of the First Meeting of Mayors of the Central and Eastern European Countries and China 16+1, which was held at Sofia Tech Park in Sofia, the FOCUS News Agency reported.
She commented further that according to the data of the world tourism barometer, last year more than 144 million visits of foreign tourists had been registered in the countries included in the initiative.
The minister remarked that the revenues generated thanks to these visits amounted at about USD 162 billion.
‘Last year Sofia was visited by nearly 916,000 tourists, while the tourism sector generated revenues estimated at about BGN 116 million only from overnight stays.’
She commented further that the tourist maps, which would ease the tourists in finding the landmark sites in all regions, were already ready.
The Bulgarian tourism minister added that the congress and festival forums had high added value for the capitals within the initiative, pointing out that this was an occasion to attract higher attention on behalf of the tourists.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
“We are ready to help Sofia to become European Green Capital”. That’s what Mayor of Slovenian capital city Ljubljana, Mr. Zoran Janković, who is on a visit to Sofia said, cited by a reporter of FOCUS News Agency.
“Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia, has a special place among us, mayors of European capitals. We attended a conference in Amsterdam and I am very glad that Sofia has decided to apply for a European Green Capital Award,” Mayor Janković said.
“If we want to save the planet every city in the world must be a green capital. When applying there are 12 chapters, but it’s not about whether we will fulfill them and when we will fulfill them. We are open for questions and for help. I am glad that Mayor Fandakova decided to make this step,” he said.
“We mayors are a special kind of people. Between us there is no negative competition, but cooperation and look forward to the success of anyone who achieves it, “he said.
“Now we are holding negotiations with the European Union to get as much money directly to cities rather than countries because I am convinced that mayors know best what their cities need,” the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Jankovic, noted.
See the full story here: www.focus-fen.net/news/2016/05/23/407350/we-are-ready-to-help-sofia-become-european-green-capital-ljubljana-mayor.html
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
“Sofia’s development as a green city has been outlined as major vision for us,” Mayor of the Bulgarian capital city Sofia Yordanka Fandakova said speaking at the Green Investments – Business Perspectives before the Socially Responsible Companies conference held in Sofia, the Bulgarian FOCUS News Agency reported.
Mayor Yordanka Fandakova. Photo credit: FOCUS News Agency
“A green city means better quality of the air, lower noise, preservation of the nature and environment, saving energy, and the business can directly join these initiatives. We should also mention the waste recycling and utilisation”, the mayor remarked.
“We are developing a green city by modernising the urban transport, expanding the subway, renovating the streets, easing the traffic, installing energy efficient lights, renovating the buildings. We also take care of the parks, expand the green spaces in the city, and of course we provide modern waste management,” the mayor commented further.
“This is responsible behaviour that requires tackling the problems that have been amassed over the years, such as the quality of the air. And we should cope with it faster because we want our children to enjoy cleaner environment,” Mayor Yordanka Fandakova added.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Sofia, capital city of Bulgaria, has the potential to become a digital market capital in the South Eastern Europe. That is what Sofia Mayor, Yordanka Fandakova, said during a round table discussion organised by the Bulgarian – Nordic Chamber of Commerce, in connection of business perspectives of Nordic companies in Sofia Municipality, reports the FOCUS News Agency.
Mayor Fandakova presented major directions of the municipality’s activities for the development of the capital.
“We have ambitions to develop competitive power of our city. We identified our sectors for development for which we will take special measures,” Fandakova said.
According to the mayor, this will happen jointly with the Investment Agency.
“We rely on the creation of better business environment. We have ambitions to develop the IT sector, pharmacy. We are willing to boost any kind of investment,” she added.