The Capital Photo: Tallinn, Estonia

The Capital Photo: A quiet autumn afternoon, in the Vanalinn (“Old Town“) of Tallinn, capital city of Estonia. October 2014. Photo by:

Photo of the Day: Trams of Tallinn

Photo of the Day: The popular, famous and colorful trams in Tallinn, capital city of Estonia.
The first tramline in the city, which at that time and until 1917 was known as Reval, in the Russian Empire, was opened in 1888 and was a horsecar line. The tram are popular with residents and tourists alike, and, all public transport in Tallinn is free.
The photo is taken right by the walls of the Old Town, behind the low wall with the grafitti, and close to the Fat Margaret tower and one of the city gates, in October 2014.

All public transport in Tallinn is free.
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Photo of the Day: Tallinn, Estonia

Photo of the Day: An art noveau building in Old Town (Vanalinn) in Tallinn, capital of Estonia. Vanalinn is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. October 2014.
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Kazakhstan to open embassy in Tallinn, Estonia

Vanalinn (“Old Town“) of Tallinn, capital city of Estonia. Photo by:

Kazakhstan will open an embassy in Tallinn, capital city of Estonia.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received a diplomatic note regarding Kazakhstan’s wish to open an embassy, and we, in turn, welcome the decision to open an embassy in Tallinn,” ministry spokesperson Sandra Kamilova told BNS, according to the website,

Estonia established an embassy in the Kazakh capital city Astana (now Nur-Sultan) in 2011.

Kazakhstan’s embassy in Helsinki, Finland, is accredited to Estonia, and currently maintains a consulate in Tallinn.

As of May 2019, Tallinn hosts 38 foreign embassies.

News sources:, Estonia Foreign Ministry

The Travel Photo: Tallinn, Estonia

An art noveau building in Old Town (Vanalinn) in Tallinn, capital city of Estonia. Vanalinn is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
October 2014.
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Ny flyrute Oslo-Tallinn


Flyselskapet airBaltic, med base i Riga i Latvia, lanserte 28. oktober en ny direkterute fra Oslo til Estlands hovedstad Tallinn, skriver

– airBaltic tilbyr den beste tilknytningen til og fra de baltiske stater, i tillegg til gode forbindelser via Riga til vårt nettverk som omfatter Russland, CIS, Europa og Midt-Østen, sier Martin Gauss, CEO i airBaltic til nettstedet.
I 2017 økte antallet passasjerer med selskapet i Skandinavia, noe som viser at det er en økende interesse for å reise til Baltikum både blant forretningsreisende og turister. airBaltic fliyr fra Oslo til Tallinn to ganger per uke. Flytiden er på halvannen time. 

Kilde: – Travel News

Les vår store bloggpost om Tallinn på vår reiseblogg

#Baltikum #Estland #Flyselskap #Hovedstad #Latvia #Oslo #Passasjer #Riga #Russland #Skandinavia #Tallinn

The Beer Photo: A. Le Coq beer, Tallinn, Estonia is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at  – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

A cold A. Le Coq local lager beer, at the popular Clayhills Gastropub in Tallinn, capital of Estonia; the oldest such in the Baltics.
Albert Le Coq started a brewery in London in 1807, and established the A.Le Coq brewery in Tartu in Estonia, then part of the Russian Empire, in 1826.
The company is currently owned by Finnish investors. Photo by:

#Baltics #Baltikum #Beer #Brewery #Bryggeri #Capital #Estland #Estonia #Finland #Foto #Hovedstad #London #Photo #Pub #Russia #Russland #Tallinn #Tartu #Øl

The Travel Photo: Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at  – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

A quiet afternoon under a late October sun, in the Vanalinn (“Old Town“) of Tallinn, capital city of Estonia. Photo by:

#Capital #City #Estland #Estonia #Gamleby #Hovedstad #Old #Photo #Sun #Tallinn #Town