Photo of the Day: Bratislava, Slovakia

Photo of the Day: Bratislava, capital of Slovakia. The Bratislava Castle (Hrad), seen in the distance, on the hill in the top left corner, behind the spire, seen from the Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel.
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The Travel Photo: Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava, capital city of Slovakia. The Bratislava Castle (Hrad), seen in the distance, on the hill in the top left corner, behind the spire, seen from the Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel.

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The Travel Photo: Bratislava, Slovakia is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at  – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

Bratislava, capital city of Slovakia. The Bratislava Castle (Hrad), seen in the distance, on the hill in the top left corner, behind the spire, seen from the Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel. 
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#Bratislava #By #Capital #Castle #City #Foto #Hotel #Photo #Radisson #Slott #Slovakia

Bratislava to attract tourists with campaign featuring historical figures is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

Photo credit: Bratislava Tourist Board /

Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, aims to attract tourists with a new campaign based on personalities that have historical ties with the city, such as Maria Theresa, Albert Einstein and Pope John Paul II, The Slovak Spectator – Sme website reported.

Photo credit: Bratislava Tourist Board /

The campaign will be launched in neighbouring countries, as well as in Germany and United Kingdom, the TASR newswire learnt from the Bratislava Tourist Board executive director Alzbeta Melicharová on May 17.

Photo credit: Bratislava Tourist Board /

“Bratislava needs strong promotion,” Melicharová said. “We were searching for the right form and decided to do so via these world-known personalities”

The campaign will be launched on social networks and at underground stations, airports and important international bus and rail hubs.

The board wants to communicate historical monuments, design and smart solutions that are important to Bratislava through people such as Albert Einstein. Maria Theresa was crowned in Bratislava 276 years ago. Pope John Paul II, who visited Bratislava a couple of times, will represent the proximity of Bratislava and its residents to the spirit of nature, coherence and sport, which unite people and create unrepeatable moments, Melicharová said, as cited by TASR.

Bratislava’s annual coronation ceremony, at which the coronations of kings and queens of the Kingdom of Hungary are re-enacted, should be boosted into more of a tourist attraction, showing that the Slovak capital is proud of its rich history.

1.2 million tourists visited Bratislava in last year, an increase of over 15 percent from the previous year, when the one million limit was exceeded for the first time.

“We want to outdo these figures,” Bratislava mayor Ivo Nesrovnal told media. “The first estimates indicate that we might succeed. This is thanks to the fact that Bratislava makes investments in cleaning, restoring monuments and reconstructing roads, so that tourists won’t come here just for a few hours but will spend a longer time here and then return.”

Bratislava Tourist Board:

Learn more at /

City of Bratislava: /

News source: The Slovak Spectator – Sme

#Albert #Blogg #Borgermester #Bratislava #Buss #By #Design #Destinasjon #Dronning #Einstein #Ferie #Flyplass #Historisk #Hovedstad #Jernbane #Johannes #JohannesPaul #Kampanje #Keiserinne #Konge #Monument #Ordfører #Paul #Pave #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Slovakia #Sport #Storbritannia #Storby #Tog #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyskland #Undergrunn #Ungarn

#Airport #Blog #Bus #Campaign #Capital #City #Destination #Empress #Germany #History #Holiday #Hungary #John #King #Mayor #Pope Queen #Railway #Tourism #Tourist #Train #Travel #Underground #UnitedKingdom

Bratislava card offers more for tourists this year is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

Tourists can use the card throughout the whole Bratislava region, The Slovak Spectator – Sme website reported.

The Bratislava CARD has extended its offers for attractions and discounts to the whole Bratislava Region. Local as well as foreign tourists can now use it to enjoy more than 120 discounts, free sightseeing tours of Bratislava in eight languages, free entry to city galleries and museums and free travel via integrated transport across the whole Bratislava region.

This is the most extensive offer in the whole history of this card and the aim is to improve offers for tourists and inspire them to stay here longer.

Bratislava Mayor Ivo Nesrovnal shows the map Bratislava Card City&Region. Photo credit: Bratislava City Council.

“In this way we are meeting our goal which is to extend the stays of tourists which will positively reflect in a higher collection of taxes on accommodation,” said Bratislava Mayor Ivo Nesrovnal when introducing the new edition of the card for the season 2017/2018.

Photo credit:

The goal of Bratislava city council, the Bratislava Tourist Board, the Bratislava Region and other participating organisations is not only to get people into the capital but also other parts of the Bratislava region, such as Senec, the Small Carpathians mountains or the region of Záhorie.

The Bratislava tourist card has been on the market for 11 years. Last year’s upgraded edition brought a 30-percent increase in sales and an increased interest from possible partners in cooperation. Thanks to this as many as 72 subjects from the public, state and business sectors have created a joint offer for the tourist season of 2017/2018.

This year the Bratislava Region also joined the scheme when it extended free public transport for card holders to the whole region.

The partners also published a map called the Bratislava Card City&Region. It contains transport connections, general information about the region as well as the list of all participating partners.

Photo credit:

Tourists can buy the card, available in three variants – for one, two or three days costing 15 euros, 17 euros and 19 euros, respectively – in tourist information centres, some public transport customer centres and the receptions of selected hotels. It is also possible to buy it online via the website

In addition, the partners have been preparing a mobile application that will enable not only the purchase of the card, but will serve also as a discount tool.

News source: The Slovak Spectator – Sme

#App #Attraksjon #Blogg #Borgermester #Bratislava #By #Destinasjon #Euro #Ferie #Fjell #Galleri #Hotell #Hovedstad #Karpatene #Mobil #Museum #Ordfører #Pass #Region #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Sightseeing #Slovakia #Språk #Storby #Transport #Tur #Turisme #Turist

#Blog #Capital #Card #Carpathians #Destination #Gallery #Hotel #Language #Mayor #Mountains #Tourism #Tourist #Travel 


Her er Europas billigste ølbyer – i Bratislava får du vårens billigste utepils is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Lokalt Topvar-øl i Bratislava. Foto:

Våren er tiden for å besøke Europas storbyer, og en utepils i vårsola frister mange, særlig med tanke på at den gyldne tørsteslukkeren som regel er langt billigere enn her hjemme.

Bratislava, hovedstaden i Slovakia, er billigst, med 21 kroner for en utepils. Til sammenligning koster en utepils i Oslo 68 kroner, ifølge GoEuro Beer Price Index 2015.

Her er oversikten over Europas billigste ølbyer – hovedsteder i uthevet skrift.

Bratislava, Slovakia – 21 kr
Krakow, Polen – 25 kr
Malaga, Spania – 26 kr
Beograd, Serbia – 31 kr
Sofia, Bulgaria – 32 kr
Budapest, Ungarn – 36 kr
Dubrovnik, Kroatia – 39 kr
Liverpool, Storbritannia – 39 kr
Lisboa, Portugal – 40 kr
Ljubljana, Slovenia – 40 kr
Praha, Tsjekkia – 41 kr
Berlin, Tyskland

Kilder: Se og Hør, GoEuro Beer Price Index 2015.

#Beer #Beograd #Berlin #Bratislava #Budapest #Bulgaria #By #Destinasjon #Dubrovnik #England #Euro #Ferie #Hovedstad #Index #Krakow #Kroatia #Lisboa #Liverpool #Ljubljana #Malaga #Norge #Oslo #Pils #Polen #Portugal #Praha #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Serbia #Slovakia #Slovenia #Sofia #Spania #Storbritannia #Storby #Tsjekkia #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyskland #Ungarn #Utepils #Øl

RESTAURANT MODRA HVIEZDA – DEN BLÅ STJERNE I BRATISLAVA is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Les vår bloggpost om den berømte og historiske restauranten Den blå stjerne, i Slovakias hovedstad Bratislava, på vår reiseblogg

#Bratislava #By #Ferie #Hovedstad #Mat #Musikk #Reise #Restaurant #Slovakia #Turisme


AZERBAIJANI EMBASSY OPENS IN BRATISLAVA is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

The office of the Azerbaijani embassy has been inaugurated in Bratislava, Slovakia, reported.

The opening ceremony was attended by Slovak officials, including former President Rudolf Shuster, parliamentarians and the representatives of the diplomatic corps.

Speakers at the event included Azerbaijani Ambassador to Austria, Slovenia and Slovakia, Mr.Qalib Israfilov and several Slovak officials.

They hailed the opening of the embassy`s office in Bratislava as a new chapter in the relations between Azerbaijan and Slovakia.

The Slovak Republic recognized the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1992. Diplomatic relations between two states were established in 1993.

7 bilateral documents have been signed between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Slovak Republic.

#Ambassade #Ambassador #Aserbaidsjan #Bratislava #By #Ferie #Hovedstad #President #Reise #Slovakia #Slovenia #Turisme #Østerrike

#Ambassador #Austria #Azerbaijan #Capital #City #Embassy #Holiday #Tourism #Travel

BRATISLAVA LOSES FLIGHT CONNECTIONS is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at – contact us a [email protected] 


There is no longer a connection to Moscow as the Russian airline UTair closed the route as in the wake of economic sanctions. Moreover, the Austrian airline Niki will allegedly not open the planned routes to Vienna and Brussels, according to the The Slovak Spectator – website.

UTair has been operating the flights to Moscow for four years. This year it planned to offer to passengers one flight per week. Instead, it will end the flights for unspecified period.

“It is a direct consequence of anti-Russian sanctions observed by the international community”, Ivan Trhlík, head of the Bratislava airport, told the Hospodárske Noviny daily, adding there is no hope to restore the connection by the end of the summer season.

The abolishment of the flights will however not significantly impact the number of passengers of the airport, Trhlík added. Meanwhile, the Austrian low-cost airline Niki announced it would abolish its plans for the Bratislava airport.

“Niki will not fly from Bratislava”, Aage Dünhaupt, senior vice-president of Air Berlin, the owner of Niki, told the website.

Niki announced launching the flights to Vienna, Brussels and also Mallorca in late 2014, with the planned start in spring 2015. They then postponed the launch to autumn. Now Dünhaupt told the website that after re-calculating they found out that they can use the plane for other opportunities.

#Airport #Belgia #Berlin #Bratislava #Brussel #By #Ferie #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Hovedstad #Mallorca #Moskva #Reise #Russland #Slovakia #Wien #Østerrike

#Airline #Austria #Belgium #Capital #City #Holiday #Moscow #Russia #Travel #Vienna


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