Luxembourg først i verden med gratis kollektivtransport

Luxembourg by. Foto:

Luxembourg er det første landet i verden med gratis kollektivtransport, også i hovedstaden Luxembourg by. Fra lørdag 29.februar ble det nemlig gratis å ta buss, tog og trikk.

Storhertugdømmet har et folketall på ca.615,000 og et areal på 2586 km2.

Fra før har blant andre Estlands hovedstad Tallinn innført gratis kollektivtransport.


Luxembourg kan legalisere marihuana

Luxembourg kan bli det første landet i Europa som legaliserer marihuanabruk fullstendig til folk over 18 år. Landets helseminister Etienne Schneider bekrefter at regjeringen er i gang med en toårsplan for å legalisere stoffet, melder The Guardian ifølge NRK.

Hungary opens diplomatic mission in Luxembourg

Luxembourg City

Hungary has opened a new diplomatic mission in Luxembourg City, capital of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. This will be the Luxembourg office of the Hungarian embassy in Brussels.

Hungary used to have an embassy in Luxembourg, but that was closed 10 years ago. The mission will also handle consular matters, and will be open to Luxembourg’s 2,000-strong Hungarian community, as well as providing consular services to Hungarians living in nearby parts of Belgium and Germany.

The new embassy office was officially opened by Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó and his Luxembourg counterpart Jean Asselborn.


TOURISM IN LUXEMBOURG CITY GROWS FOR 6TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Luxembourg City

Tourism in Luxembourg City, capital of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, grew for the sixth consecutive year in 2015, with the number of queries made at the tourist office rising 12.33 percent to 680,897, the Luxembourger Wort newspaper reports.

Participation in guided tours rose 15.79 percent with 294,240 people taking part in a tour in the capital.

Meanwhile, visits to the ever popular Casemates, former military tunnels under the old town, rose by almost 10 percent with 127,475 exploring the atmospheric passageways.

New features introduced in 2015 which served to boost tourism include the creation of a Luxembourg Convention Bureau to assist the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union as well as well a light show Luxembourg Light Nights on December 18 and 19.

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#Capital #City #Convention #Destination #Duke #GrandDuchy #Holiday #Light #Military #OldTown #Tourism #Travel

ALL CHANGE NOT SMALL CHANGE FOR CITY PARKING IN LUXEMBOURG is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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No longer will motorists in Luxembourg City, capital of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, be caught out when they want to park their car but do not have any spare change to pay for parking, the English edition of the Luxembourger Wort newspaper’s website reported.

A total 250 new pay and display parking machines are to be installed in the capital giving users the option of paying by credit or debit card, as well as by cash.

Photo: Shutterstock /

The new machines will be installed around the train station district, in the upper town and around Limpertsberg.

In total there are 1,400 parking ticket dispensers in Luxembourg City.

Kilde / Source:

Office National du Tourisme: –

Luxembourg City:

Luxembourg City Tourist Office:

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#Capital #Car #City #Parkin #Traffic #Travel


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Luxembourg by (

Tsjekkia gjenåpnet sist uke sin ambassade i Luxembourg by, etter at den forrige regjeringen la ned ambassaden i 2012. Tsjekkias utenriksminister Lubomir Zaoralek var til stede ved åpningen av ambassaden sammen sin luxembourgiske kollega Jean Asselborn, melder utenriksdepartementet i Praha.

Tsjekkia ville opne opp igjen ambassaden for å styrke de historiske og økonomiske forbindelsene mellom de to EU-landene.

Luxembourg sin andel utgjør en betydelig andel av utenlandske investeringer i Tsjekkia, som er spesielt interessert i et nærere samarbeid med Luxembourg innen IT, forskning og miljøvennlig teknologi.

Tsjekkisk eksport til Luxembourg kom opp i 161,5 millioner euro – 1,4 milliarder kroner, i 2014.

The Czech Republic last week reopened its embassy in Luxembourg City, after the previous Czech government closed Down the mission in 2012.

Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek was present at the reopening of the embassy along with his Luxembourgois counterpart Jean Asselborn, according to the Czech Foreign Ministry.

The Czech Republic wanted to reopen the embassy to strengthen the historical and economic relations between the two EU countries.

Luxembourg‘s share represents a significant proportion of foreign investment in the Czech Republic, who are particularly interested in closer cooperation with Luxembourg in IT, research and environmentally friendly technologies.

Czech exports to Luxembourg reached 161.5 million euros in 2014.

#Ambassade #EU #Euro #Forskning #IT #Luxembourg #Miljø #Praha #Teknologi #Tsjekkia #Utenriksminister


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Luxembourg by, hovedstaden i storhertugdømmet, har åpnet en utendørs kunstisbane. Det 500 kvadratmeter store anlegget, som er et midlertidig tilbud, åpnet på Place Guillaume II, rett foran rådhuset, 6.desember, og vil holde åpent til 1.februar.


Julemarked i Luxembourg by – foto:

Kunstisbanen er en del av byens Winterlights-festival, som inkluderer blant annet et julemarked.


#Reise #Hovedstad #Jul #Kunstisbane #Luxembourg #Skøytebane