www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Foto: vintageteatours.ie
Vintage Tea Tours i Dublin tilbyr nostalgiske sightseeingturer i den irske hovedstaden der deltakerne får oppleve den klassiske “Tea time”-tradisjonen, skriver Se og Hør.
Foto: vintageteatours.ie
Arrangøren byr på både kaker, te og 50-talls jazz på anlegget i en ærverdig dobbeldekkerbuss – mens den kjører rundt i byen.
Turene går tre ganger om dagen og varer rundt en og en halv time. Pris fra ca. kr.360
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Det legendariske britiske folkrockbandet Fairport Convention (bildet) feirer sitt 50-års jubiluem med blant annet en konsert i St.Patrick-katedralen i Dublin under Tradfest i januar. Foto: tradfest.com
Den irske hovedstaden Dublins største tradisjons- og folkemusikkfestival, Tradfest, samler musikere fra inn- og utland 25.-29.januar 2017, skriver Se og Hør.
Arrangementet, som også byr på håndverksmarked og annen underholdning, går av stabelen i det populære Temple Bar-distriktet, kjent for både fastboende og besøkende for sitt store utelivs- og underholdningstilbud.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
A report commissioned by the national Irish tourism authority, Fáilte Ireland, has revealed that the capital city, Dublin will face an ongoing shortage of accommodation from 2016-2018, despite new hotels in the pipeline, Hospitalityireland.com reports.
The Analysis of Visitor Accommodation in Dublin study said that this shortage poses a threat to tourism in Dublin, limiting visitor numbers which have been growing rapidly in the past three or four years.
While some 5,550 extra hotel rooms are expected to be added in the city from projects that are underway or are in the planning phase, most of these won’t come to fruition until 2018 or later, before which accommodation will become extremely sparse.
Commenting on the report, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan said:
“Minister Ross and I welcome the detailed analysis provided by this report and will be considering the recommendations in consultation with the relevant tourism and State bodies.
“While I note the report’s findings that suggest the accommodation capacity pressures in our capital may ease from 2019 on, there are serious challenges in the intervening period. It is vitally important that we keep the focus on value and competitiveness.
“We must remember that, since seven out of ten visitors to Ireland will stay in Dublin at some stage in their trip, whether it is their sole destination or a gateway to the rest of the country, the issues outlined in this report have a national impact.”
The report made a number of recommendations to alleviate the problem, including placing a greater emphasis on market trends, making planning permission for new projects a faster process with city officials, and improving tourism initiatives and transport to destinations outside of Dublin.
Fáilte Ireland Chairman Michael Cawley, added: “The report indicates that there are a potential extra 5,500 bedrooms due to come on-stream but even these are not guaranteed and it is imperative that we do all that we can to facilitate them.”
See the full story here: http://www.hospitalityireland.com/accommodation-shortage-in-dublin-could-limit-tourism-failte-ireland/28860
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Foto: www.visitdublin.com
Idag 17.mars feirer Irland sin nasjonaldag, St.Patrick’s Day. Dagen feires ikke bare i Irland – da det er en av verdens mest populære feiringer, og i svært mange land og storbyer, spesielt der det bor mange irer og irskættede, feires det med parader, irsk folkemusikk, Guinness-øl, og selvsagt med fargen grønn – den irske nasjonalfargen, som en viktig komponent. Det fåes blant annet grønt (!) øl, selvsagt…
Verdens største St.Patrick’s Day-parade holdes i New York, en by der over 5 prosent av befolkningen har irske aner.
Dødsdagen til Irlands skytshelgen, St.Patrick (385-461 e.Kr.) feires ikke bare som nasjonaldag i Irland, men også som offentlig fridag i Nord-Irland, i den kanadiske provinsen Newfoundland and Labrador, og på den britisk-styrte øya Montserrat i Karibia, der svært mange av innbyggerne er etterkommere av irske innvandrere.
Store St.Patrick-markeringer finner også sted i Chicago, Sydney, London, Brussel, Boston, Auckland, Tokyo, Cape Town, Toronto, Munchen og Buenos Aires.
Den første offisielle St.Patrick’s Day-paraden i Irland fant sted i Waterford i 1903.
I Irlands hovedstad Dublin blir det St.Patricks-festival og storstilt feiring i tre hele dager, les mer her:
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Dublin cruise port. Photo credit: thejournal.ie
Dublin Port Company has announced the launch of Cruise Dublin, the company’s new Cruise Tourism Development and Marketing agency established to grow Dublin as Ireland’s premier port of choice for cruise, reports the afloat.ie website.
Cruise Dublin’s role is to promote Dublin as Ireland’s cruise capital to cruise lines internationally, working collectively with its members who are drawn from the capital’s leading retail outlets, visitor experiences and tourism bodies, including Fáilte Ireland, the Irish national tourism authority.
As a membership organisation, Cruise Dublin’s remit is to support those businesses in the capital looking to develop their offering in tandem with the future growth of Dublin as a marquee cruise destination.
Photo credit: visitdublin.com
Its formation comes as figures reveal that cruise tourism is currently growing at a rate of 20 per cent per annum in Dublin, and projected to grow substantially in the coming years.
Allure of the Seas
Dublin Port Company’s ABR Project, recently approved by An Bord Pleanála, will facilitate future growth and allow Dublin Port to handle the world’s largest cruise liners, including the 360 meter long Allure of the Seas, owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises, the Miami-based Norwegian-American shipping company.
The ABR Project, once complete, will mean that larger ships will be able to routinely call at Dublin, turn within the expanded Alexandra Basin West and berth as far upriver as East Link Bridge, adding a new dimension to the cityscape.
See more at http://www.afloat.ie/port-news/cruise-liners/item/31604-new-cruise-tourism-development-agency-to-attract-international-cruise-lines
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
“The 1916 Tour – Beyond Barricades”, the latest addition to Dublin Bus Tours has been launched in Ireland’s capital. It was launched by the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe, reports financialexpress.com
Speaking at the launch of the tour, the minister said, “1916 is undoubtedly the most renowned period in our country’s history. As we approach the centenary of the week that led to the birth of the Irish State, people are looking to find out more about the events surrounding the rising, any possible family connections to what went on and the experiences of the men and women who fought at the GPO and other landmark sites. Dublin Bus’ 1916 Tour Bus is a welcome addition to the commercial services the company already has in place and promises an accurate and convincing portrayal of the rebellion to Dubliners and those coming from further afield.”
See the whole story at http://www.financialexpress.com/article/lifestyle/travel-tourism/dublin-bus-launches-the-1916-tour-beyond-barricades/222169/
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
There are too few hotels in Dublin, which will act as a brake to developing the economy across the island, a leading accountancy firm claimed yesterday, on the same day Tourism Ireland launched its plans to boost tourism in the capital, the irishexaminer.com reports.
Crowe Horwath accounting and consultant firm said occupancy rates of up to 80% indicates that Dublin hotels are effectively full and illustrates the severity of the shortage even at this early stage in the economic upswing.
Because of the construction industry is in a bad shape there is no evidence the new hotels will be built. It says that planning problems and finding funding for projects are the “key hurdles.”
“The limited availability of rooms in Dublin city is causing a bottleneck that is likely to damage the full potential of Ireland’s economic growth and needs urgent attention,” says the accountants.
Yesterday, Tourism Ireland formally launched its follow on to the Wild Atlantic Way, by saying it will launch ads abroad in the new year for its new programme highlighting “Ireland’s Ancient East”, as well as promoting a campaign around an initiative specifically for the capital, called “Dublin – A Breath of Fresh Air”.
The tourism agency’s chief executive Niall Gibbons, said the 7.9 million visitors coming to the island this year was a record.
It now aimed to attract 8.2 million people NeXT year: “Growth has been recorded from all our markets around the world–with record numbers arriving here from North America, Mainland Europe and Australia and developing markets. Throughout the year, Tourism Ireland undertook a packed programme of promotions, to bring Ireland to the attention of travellers everywhere,” he said.
But Aiden Murphy, partner at Crowe Horwath, a specialist in the hotel and tourism sector, said the occupancy levels means that Dublin hotels are already effectively full.
The limited availability of rooms in Dublin city is likely to damage the full potential of Ireland’s economic growth.
“If Dublin is considered the gateway to Ireland, what happens when there are no rooms to be found,” he said.
The accountants say that the average rate charged for a room in Dublin is 97.25 euros, up 7.2% from 90.73 euros a year earlier. Room rates have still to match 2006 levels, but are costly compared with prices outside the capital, including 79.36 euros in Midlands and East; 79.43 euros in the South west; and 67.50 euros along the Atlantic seaboard.
“Hotels require active management and have longer planning horizons. Offices are currently more attractive to build and lack of finance is also compounding the issue,” Aiden Murphy said.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Hotels in Dublin city have been experiencing occupancy levels of over 80 per cent, and there is an immediate need for new hotels in prime Dublin city locations.
The Dublin market has seen a strong rebound in economic activity, with the Dublin hotel market benefiting from a surge in demand, irishtimes.com reported.
Hotels in Dublin city have been experiencing occupancy levels of over 80 per cent, and there is an immediate need for new hotels in prime Dublin city locations.
In the next five years Dublin needs 5,000 additional rooms. However, the construction and development sector is slow to ramp up activity, with planning and funding of these projects the key hurdles.
In terms of funding, the challenge is that the time needed to deliver a hotel from the planning stages through to opening is at least three years, assuming funding is in place. While Dublin has queues of international funds keen to buy established city- centre hotels, as these hotels represent a quality asset class, there is limited funding available for a building project that brings the typical construction risks.
The need to fast-track hotel projects in Dublin city is critical and displacement should not be a concern. The issue is gap funding. While investors seeking to acquire an established hotel are plentiful, a gap exists around the necessary development Capital.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
High-profile property developer Johnny Ronan has announced plans to build four new hotels, including a stunning 70-bed boutique hotel in the iconic Bewley’s Building on Dublin’s Grafton Street, the Sunday Independent can exclusively reveal, the independent.ie reported.
The luxury hotel will complement the Bewley’s coffee house in the landmark building, which was immortalised in James Joyce’s Ulysses.
The famous Harry Clarke stained-glass windows will be a central feature in the design and the project is seen as ‘win-win’ for the cafe, ensuring the long-term viability of the business.
The announcement comes amid a flood of other major new projects, which will be developed by Ronan and his team at Ronan Group Real Estate with an estimated investment of 250 million euros. The developments are due for completion in 2017 and 2018.
In a second major venture, the prolific developer has announced a 167-bed, four-star hotel named Aquavetro. The hotel will be situated in what will soon be Dublin’s tallest building, a 22-storey waterfront tower, which Ronan is currently developing adjacent to Tara Street Dart station.
It is the latest in a long line of joint venture partnerships with CIE, which owns the site.
The building, which will also include Grade A offices on the upper floors, will be a landmark addition to Dublin’s skyline and a major boost to tourism in the city.
The timely announcement comes only two days after a report by property agents Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL) on Friday which warned that Dublin needs as many as 3,000 new hotel rooms or it will continue to lose out on attracting international events to the city.
This weekend, Shane Whelan, development director for Ronan Group, told the Sunday Independent that “the focus on delivering hotels is to satisfy the strong demand generated by record tourism numbers, a recovering economy and restricted hotel capacity”.
He explained: “The last lease we signed was with Starwood for the Westin Hotel in 1996. Leases are now back in vogue as hotel operators don’t need their capital tied up in bricks and mortar.”
In a third major development, Ronan will develop The Enniskerry Park Hotel, a 200-bed hotel on a scenic 4.5-acre site in Enniskerry, neighbouring his former Ritz-Carlton Hotel, a prior Ronan Group development that has subsequently been named The Powerscourt Hotel by its current owners.
And in a fourth major project that will round off the current plan for Ronan Group Real Estate’s hotel development portfolio, Ronan will develop a site in the picturesque village of Delgany, Co Wicklow.
Ronan, who is nominated for ‘property entrepreneur of the year’ at the Irish Independent Property Excellence Awards at Dublin’s Convention Centre on Thursday night, has invited lease proposals through Knight Frank.
Meanwhile, on Friday JLL warned that Dublin hotel prices will continue to rise, if availability remains an issue. According to a report, the average price of a room is now 127 euros – an increase of nearly a fifth in just one year.
JLL senior vice-president for hotels Daniel O’Connor said that even if an extra 3,000 rooms were to be built, there would still be little slack in the system.
“Improving levels of corporate and leisure bed night demand in Dublin city are fuelling the demand for new hotel developments,” he said.
“Such is the strength of the Dublin hotel market, we estimate that average occupancy levels in the city would still remain at 80pc, even if 3,000 additional guest rooms were to come online today.”
JLL also pointed out that barely 500 hotel rooms were built in Dublin since 2010 – and only 300 are due to be added by the end of next year.
As a result, occupancy rates in the city stand at 84pc. There are about 19,000 hotel rooms in Dublin at present, but that needs to increase to 22,000.
The report has come as a bitter row broke out over who was to blame for high hotel prices during the Web Summits in Dublin over recent years. Web Summit organisers claimed that the high cost of hotels was one of the reasons why they were moving the event to Lisbon next year.
On April 1, Ronan became the most high-profile developer to exit Nama, having paid back close to 400 million euros over the past two years. US private equity group Colony Capital and international bank M&G helped to refinance close to ?300m worth of Nama debt.
Previously, Ronan had paid back close to 100 million euros through property sales, offloading Chinese interests and selling the MOP headquarters to Irish Life, an office on Burlington Road to Bernie Gallagher, and other assets. The Ronan Group recently launched a new website and branding for its business.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Guinness varsler at de har planer om ikke lenger å bruke fiskeblærer i produksjonen av den berømte stouten. Foto: Roger Hardy/Samfoto / dagbladet.no
Guinness-bryggeriet i Irlands hovedstad Dublin forandrer sin 256 år gamle oppskrift slik at ølet skal bli veganervennlig, skriver britiske Daily Mail, ifølge dagbladet.no
Bryggeriet har nesten siden starten brukt isinglass i filtreringsprosessen- en substans fra tørkede svømmeblærer i fisk – for å bedre gjæringsprosessen og for at det ikoniske stout-ølet skal få et klarere sluttresultat.
Mesteparten av dette avfallsproduktet fra fiskeindustrien blir filtrert bort underveis i bryggingsprosessen, men spor av fiskeblærer er fremdeles å finne i sluttproduktet, skriver The Independent.
Etter flere år med påtrykk fra stout-elskende, irske veganere, har Guinness nå varslet at det fra neste år kan bli slutt på at de bruker fiskeblærer i ølproduksjonen.
I 2016 skal bryggeriet nemlig bygge et nytt filtreringsanlegg, og de nærmest lover at det betyr slutten for fiskeblærene.
– Selv om isinglass har vært en god metode for å klarne ølet og er blitt brukt i mange år, regner vi med at bruken av det blir slutt når det nye anlegget tas i bruk, sier en talsmann for Guinness til The Times og legger til:
– Vi er klar over at bruken av isinglass er til hinder for at enkelte vil drikke våre produkter.
Guinness sier de allerede er i gang med å finne gode alternativer til isinglass.
Veganere og strenge vegetarianere har klaget over at Guinness og en del andre bryggerier har kunnet bruke fiskeproduktet i sine brygg, uten at det framgår av produktinformasjonen på flaskene.
Europa-parlamentet sa for tolv år siden nei til planene om å tvinge bryggerinæringen til å opplyse om fiskeblærebruken, etter at lobbyister fra bryggerinæringen påpekte at dette var en tradisjonell metode som aldri har gitt bivirkninger hos forbukerne.
Guinness brukte ikke isinglass da bryggeriet så dagens lys i 1759, men produktet kom i bruk på 1800-tallet og førte med seg store besparelser.
Isinglass er ikke mye brukt i moderne bryggerivirksomhet, da produktet gjerne er erstattet med syntetisk gelatin.
Det rapporteres at Guinness nå ser nærmere på to ulike og aktuelle filtreringsmetoder som ikke krever bruk av isinglass.
Dette skjer bare ni måneder etter at bryggeriet skrev til en nettguide for veganere at det ikke finnes et annet alternativ enn fiskeblærer for å kunne filtrere den berømte, svarte drikken.