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Minister for Tourism Paschal Donohoe has unveiled a ?1m marketing campaign for Dublin in a bid to boost the capital’s appeal to overseas visitors, Irish national broadcaster www.rte.ie reported.

The marketing campaign will centre on a new brand for Dublin and will be pitched at potential visitors in the UK and Europe throughout the autumn.

“What we have here in Dublin is unique,” said Mr Donohoe.

“We have a young, vibrant, happening city with a rich culture and heritage which is nestled between the wide open spaces of Dublin Bay and the Dublin mountains.

“There is no point, however, in being Europe’s best kept secret and I very much welcome this new campaign to reposition the city and county and ensure that its unique appeal cuts through in the international marketplace,” added Mr Donohoe.

Following extensive research in overseas markets to find out what prospective visitors look for when choosing a destination, a new brand titled ‘Dublin – A breath of Fresh Air’ has been developed.

Fáilte Ireland says the new brand “seeks to communicate Dublin’s unique position as a vibrant capital city … where city living thrives alongside the great outdoors”.

“This is the first Dublin-dedicated tourism campaign in many years and it is very much a welcome development,” added Fáilte Ireland CEO Shaun Quinn.

From Monday, the new brand will feature in a marketing campaign in the UK. A marketing campaign will also begin shortly in France and Germany with an emphasis on digital and social media marketing.

The new Dublin marketing campaign is funded by Fáilte Ireland, the four Dublin local authorities and a collection of private-sector partners.

Following the announcement for Dublin, Fine Gael TD for Cork South Central Jerry Buttimer has said a similar dedicated tourism brand needs to be developed to promote and sell Cork.

Mr Buttimer said: “A dedicated and specific tourism brand needs to be developed to promote and sell Cork as a leading tourism destination.

“Cork city and county offer great attractions and have great potential. Although Cork is included as a major part of marketing campaigns, we must develop a unique brand for the city and county, so that we can increase our share of overseas visitors,” Mr Buttimer added.

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