www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

There’s overwhelming support for shops to open on a Sunday in the Channel Island of Guernsey, the www.itv.com website reported.

The results of a Guernsey government survey have been released showing 64% of the public want Sunday trading to be introduced.

21% think laws should also be relaxed at certain times of the year, like Christmas and during the summer.

39% said they would ‘very likely’ do more shopping on Sundays if more shops were open.

The results show there’s support from retailers too with more than half (53%) saying they would like to open their doors on a Sunday.

Also, the vast majority of residents wanted a better range of shops to be allowed to trade on a Sunday when cruise liners are visiting.

And 93% believe any new Sunday trading laws should apply to all parishes, not just St Peter Port, the island’s capital.

Learn more at www.itv.com/news/channel/update/2015-04-15/66-support-sunday-trading-in-guernsey

Guernsey Tourist Board: www.visitguernsey.com

St Peter Port Parish: www.stppcons.com

#By #Cruise #Ferie #Guernsey #Hovedstad #Jul #Kanaløyene #Reise #StPeterPort #Sommer #Søndag

#Capital #ChannelIslands #Christmas #City #Holiday #Travel #Summer #Sunday 


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

Ryanair kunngjorde i dag at de i forbindelse med sitt vinterprogram fra oktober 2015, vil starte opp tre nye ruter til Alicante, Budapest og Malaga fra København, skriver www.boarding.no

De tre nye rutene vil komme i tilegg til lavpriseselskapets eksisterende ni ruter fra København til Brussel, Köln, Dublin, London, Madrid, Milano, Roma, Stockholm og Warszawa.

I løpet av et helt driftsår estimerer Ryanair å levere nesten 2 millioner kunder til den danske hovedflyplassen. I forbindelse med lanseringen legger selskapet ut 100.000 lavprisbilletter for salg på sine nettsider, frem til midnatt 23. april.

#Alicante #Belgia #Brussel #Budapest #By #Danmark #Dublin #England #Ferie #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Hovedstad #Irland #Italia #Kastrup #København #Køln #London #Madrid #Malaga #Milano #Polen #Reise #Roma #Ryanair #Spania #Stockholm #Storbritannia #Sverige #Tyskland #Ungarn #Warszawa



www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

Workshop Coffee i Clerkenwell Road. Foto: www.workshopcoffee.com

Er du i London og på jakt etter den aller, aller beste koppen med kaffe? Da kan Workshop Coffee Co. et hett tips, skriver Se og Hør.

Workshop Coffee åpnet sin første filial i Clerkenwell Road, sentralt i London Borough, for fire år siden, og har akkurat åpnet sin fjerde, i Barrett Street i Marylbone, ikke langt unna Oxford Street.

De to andre ligger i Fitzrovia og i Holborn.

Les mer på www.workshopcoffee.com

#By #Coffee #England #Ferie #Hovedstad #Kaffe #London #Oxford #Reise #SeOgHør #Storbritannia #Workshop



www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

Guatemala City. Photo: wikipedia.org

Guatemala is projecting big things in the tourism sector, the www.caribjournal.com website reported.

The country’s tourist board said it was projecting 2.2 million visitors for the year 2014, with significant investment on the way in the next three years.

Tourism arrivals to the country grew by 2.8 percent in the third quarter, led by a strong July and buoyed by travelers from North America.

“Tourism is one of the main industries in the country, generating significant revenue to the economy as well as new employment opportunities,” said Pedro Duchez, director of INGUAT, Guatemala’s tourist board.

“There is a projected investment of USD $350 million over the next three years from both the private and public sectors, which is allotted towards new hotels, infrastructure, as well as the enhancement of public spaces and tourist attractions. It’s a very exciting time for the destination.”

The boost comes as a number of international brands have announced new forays into the country, from a new Ramada hotel to a pair of new properties by Courtyard by Marriott and La Quinta planned in Guatemala City.

“Investment by these top hotel brands is a testament to Guatemala’s growing appeal in the international arena,” Duchez said.

“While popular areas such as Antigua, Lake Atitlan and Petén see continued interest for further development, the Tourism Board is also focused on broadening the spectrum by showcasing other lesser known areas such as Las Verapaces and Rio Dulce that offer different types of excursions such as wildlife encounters and adventure experiences.”

#Antigua #By #Ferie #Guatemala #Hotell #Hovedstad #LatinAmerika #Marriott #MellomAmerika #Ramada #Reise

#Capital #CentralAmerika #City #Holiday #Hotel #LatinAmerica #Travel




www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

The Republic of São Tomé and Principe in 2014 received more than 18,000 tourists, an annual increase of 24.6 percent, the Directorate General of Tourism said, according to the www.macaudailytimes.com website.

Figures obtained by Macauhub in São Tomé from the Directorate-General showed that the archipelago was visited in 2014 by 18,187 tourists, compared to 13,708 in 2013.
Portugal topped the list of countries with just over 10,000 tourists, or about 55 percent of the total, followed by Angola with about 4,000 or 22 percent and France, Gabon and the United States with lower percentages.

Sao Tome and Principe was a Portuguese colony until Independence in 1975.

Sao Tome, Capital of Sao Tome and Principe

Directorate-General of Tourism sources said factors that led to an increase in the number of tourists included visa waivers for some countries and promotion of the country abroad.

At the beginning of 2014, CNN Travel chose São Tomé and Príncipe as one of ten dream destinations worldwide.

Around 56,000 of the country’s 193,000 inhabitants live in the capital Sao Tome, on the island of the same name.

Kilde/ Source: www.macaudailytimes.com / Macauhub

#Afrika #Angola #By #CNN #Ferie #Frankrike #Gabon #Hovedstad #Koloni #Macao #Portugal #Principe #Reise #SaoTome #SaoTomeOgPrincipe #USA 

#Africa #Capital #City #Colony #France #Holiday #Travel


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

Foto: wikipedia.org

-Upassende virksomhet like ved flyplassen, det mener kommunestyret som nå har trukket naturist-spaet Kestrel Hydro for retten, skriver VG.

Stedet ligger like utenfor terminal 5 på London-Heathrow, og kaller seg et “naturist-spa for samtykkende voksne”. Nå kjemper de i retten for å kunne drive videre.

Kampen står i High Court i London, den høyeste førsteinstansedomstolen for sivile saker i England og Wales.

Kestrel Hydro har holdt til i Staines-upon-Thames siden 2004. I hovedsak er det et vanlig avslappende utendørs- og innendørs spa, med den forskjellen at kleskoden er “naturist”, uten en tråd, med andre ord. Men, det finnes også en privat klubb for “naturistsysler og seksuelle aktiviteter” der.

-Stedet har hele tiden operert diskret, og uten en eneste klage, sa Kestrel Hydros advokater i retten sist uke.

Men kommunestyret i Staines-upon-Thames krever at Kestrel stopper klubbvirksomheten og fjerner en del av bygningsmassen på parkeringsplassen.

-Det er ikke på grunn av trafikk, støy eller andre forstyrrelser, men fordi den representerer en upassende utvikling for området, skriver Lonely Planet Travel News.

#By #England #Ferie #Flyplass #Heathrow #Hovedstad #Kommunestyre #London #LonelyPlanet #Naturist #Reise #Spa #Storbritannia #Thames #VG #Wales


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

The Gibraltar Tourist Board has completed the third phase of its refurbishment of the visitor attractions, The Gibraltar Chronicle – www.chronicle.gi reported.

The works on the main attractions on the Upper Rock are part of a continuous commitment by the Government of Gibraltar to improve the tourist product. 

O’Hara’s Battery has seen a major overhaul with machinery being restored to its original state. The exhibition now boasts new information panels complemented with screens that provide an instructive commentary about the Battery and the firing of the 9.2 inch gun. An interactive panel adds a new experience to the site. 

Gun barrels mounted on replicas of carriages in St George’s Hall are another improvement carried out to the Great Siege Tunnels. Mannequins of a gun crew have been placed next to one of the guns and, at the interactive panel; visitors will even experience the sound of gun fire. 


Works are now under way to open Cornwallis Chamber. This new chamber will be accessed via a new spiral staircase from the Great Siege Tunnels. The attraction will also have information panels installed with mannequins and props to complement the experience. 

The “City Under Siege” exhibition is a site where all mannequins and exhibits are exposed to the elements. 

This site has undergone extensive refurbishment, and a 10 minute documentary will be playing at this location. A picnic area at the entrance enhances this picturesque site. 

Further to the improved facilities carried out at the World War II Tunnels last year, the attraction has been enhanced by creating three exhibit areas, which depict life in the tunnels as it was during the war years. 

In addition, the ticket office at Jews’ Gate has been refurbished to improve facilities for the Upper Rock team. 

Samantha Sacramento, the Minister for Tourism, acknowledged the work carried out by her predecessor in this ministry, Neil Costa, to develop Gibraltar’s tourism offering. 

She said the government’s “unprecedented Investment” in tourism and the Upper Rock reflected its support for the tourism industry and delivered an enhanced experience for our visitors. 

“Our commitment to tourism will no doubt be welcomed by all those working in the local tourism, retail, and hospitality industry”.

Kilde / Source: The Gibraltar Chronicle – www.chronicle.gi,

Gibraltar Tourist Board: www.gibraltar.gov.gi / www.visitgibraltar.gi

#AndreVerdenskrig #Attraksjon #By #Ferie #Gibraltar #Hovedstad #Minister #Reise #Rock #Sacramento #Tunnel

#Attraction #Capital #City #Holiday #Travel


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

Accra, Ghana. Photo: commons.wikipedia.org

Accra has been named as one of few African cities with the most millionaires, the www.ghanaweb.com website reported.

Johannesburg occupied the top spot as the African city with the most multimillionaires in Africa.

Other cities that made the list include Lagos, Nairobi, Cairo, Luanda and Dar es Salaam.

According to a report published by CNN Accra has over the years seen some of the highest growth in the number of millionaires on the continent. In 2012 its millionaire count hit 800 but this figure is expected to hit 1,500 in 2020.

Its neighbor Nigeria in 2012 registered 9,800 millionaires in Lagos this figure is however expected to shoot up to 15,800.

But Accra and Lagos are not the only African cities expected to see a growth in millionaires Nairobi, Luanda and Dar es Salaam have also been named.

Millionaires in Dar es Salaam are expected to shoot up to 3000 people from 1,900 recorded in 2012 while in Nairobi the figure is expected to shoot up to about 8000.

#Accra #Afrika #Angola #By #DarEsSalaam #Egypt #Ferie #Ghana #Hovedstad #Johannesburg #Kairo #Kenya #Lagos #Luanda #Millionær #Nairobi #Nigeria #Reise #SørAfrika #Tanzania

#Africa #Cairo #Capital #City #Holiday #Millionaire #SouthAfrica #Travel


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]


Senegal has scrapped visa requirements for foreign visitors and will slash taxes on air fares as it seeks to revive a tourism sector crippled by high costs and a regional Ebola outbreak, www.af.reuters.com reported.

The cost and administrative hassle of visas, coupled with taxes on air tickets, led to a fall in the number of visitors to the country.

The new measure on visa-free travel will come into effect on May 1, President Macky Sall said in an address to the nation late on Friday.

Mr.Sall also announced that government taxes on air fares would be cut by half in a bid to make Senegal a more competitively priced destination. It was not clear when the taxes on air fares would be cut.

Many hotels along Senegal’s coastline that were once full of French visitors closed early this tourist season as fears over an Ebola outbreak in neighbouring Guinea and nearby Liberia and Sierra Leone came on top of a gradual decline in the industry.

Senegal recorded one case of Ebola last year but prevented any further spread.

Senegal is looking for a strategic partner to relaunch its indebted state carrier Senegal Airlines ahead of the opening of a new international airport next year as it seeks to become a hub for air travel in West Africa

#Afrika #Airlines #By #Dakar #Ebola #Ferie #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Frankrike #Guinea #Hotell #Hovedstad #Liberia #President #Reise #Senegal #SierraLeone #Visum

#Airport #Capital #City #France #Holiday #Travel #Visa


www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – contact us a [email protected]

The government of Dominica is planning to launch a major urban renewal project in its capital, Roseau, according to Alvin Bernard, Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the www.caribjournal.com website reported.

Bernard, who was addressing a recent ceremony at the All Saints University School of Medicine, said the plan was to develop a “develop a modern, clean and viable economic space, and a major centre for services, culture, arts and sports.”

The aim is to make Roseau into a “urban community fully integrated with the national economy where all residents and stakeholders can be empowered to capitalize on opportunities and ultimately fulfill their needs and their communities.”

“In other words”, he said, “it will be a highly desirable environment to live, work and play.”

It’s part of an initiative by the government to develop Roseau into “the most modern capital city in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States”, according to a statement.

#By #Dominica #Ferie #Hovedstad #Karibia #Reise #Roseau #Urban #Utenriksdepartement

#Capital #Caribbean #City #Dominica #ForeignMinistry #Holiday #Roseau #Travel