DOMINICA LOOKS TO MAKE ROSEAU “MOST MODERN CAPITAL” IN OECS is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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The government of Dominica is planning to launch a major urban renewal project in its capital, Roseau, according to Alvin Bernard, Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the website reported.

Bernard, who was addressing a recent ceremony at the All Saints University School of Medicine, said the plan was to develop a “develop a modern, clean and viable economic space, and a major centre for services, culture, arts and sports.”

The aim is to make Roseau into a “urban community fully integrated with the national economy where all residents and stakeholders can be empowered to capitalize on opportunities and ultimately fulfill their needs and their communities.”

“In other words”, he said, “it will be a highly desirable environment to live, work and play.”

It’s part of an initiative by the government to develop Roseau into “the most modern capital city in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States”, according to a statement.

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