Østerrike forbyr røyking på restauranter


Ytre høyre-partiet FPÖ er nå ute av regjeringskontorene i Østerrike, og det har banet vei for en ny og strengere røykelov, melder NRK. Den nye loven innebærer røykeforbud på restauranter, puber og andre utesteder, med trusler om bøter på opptil 1.000 euro, over 10,000 kroner.

Kilde: www.nrk.no

Passasjerene sier nei til duft på T-banen i Wien

T-banen i Wien. Illustrasjonsfoto: Wikipedia.org

Myndighetene i Østerrike har i sommer testet ut ulike dufter på hovedstaden Wiens T-banetog, men passasjerene sier nå nei.

Energigivende» grapefrukt, «avslappende» melon og sandeltre er blant de fire duftene som er blitt testet i en rekke vogner på to metrolinjer i byen i juli, skriver VG Direkte.

Duftene ble kanalisert inn i vognene via ventilasjonssystemet. Transportselskapet Wiener Linien har nå besluttet å droppe ideen om duft på T-banen etter at 21.000 av 37.000 deltakere i en internettundersøkelse stemte imot tiltaket. .

Kilde: www.vg.no

McDonald’s in Austria offers hotline to US embassy in Vienna

Photo credit: McDonald’s

American citizens who need help in Austria can now head to their nearest branch of McDonald’s, because of an agreement signed by the fast-food chain and the US embassy in Vienna, the BBC News reported.

The embassy says any US citizen “in distress” or whose passport has been lost or stolen can get assistance from one of Austria’s 194 McDonald’s outlets.

Restaurant staff have been given the task of helping US citizens get in touch with the US embassy.

A 24-hour hotline to the embassy is part of the arrangement.

The embassy said it was ensuring that American citizens had every option available to get in touch when in need – “the #1 duty of every embassy around the world”.

McDonald’s said it saw itself as a type of support and telephone exchange and had agreed to the idea on the request of US ambassador Trevor Traina.

A spokesman told the BBC it would also “help anyone who finds themselves in need of assistance, for example, by calling the police or emergency services”.

The Ambassador signed an agreement with the company’s managing director in Austria, Isabelle Kuster, last week.

The company said its branches would continue to be Austrian territory and would offer help to anyone in need, not just Americans.

Not everyone was impressed by the announcement on social media:

  • One Facebook user wondered if the idea was “because apparently we are too incompetent to look up the US embassy online”
  • Another joked: “One McPassport to go please”
  • Another asked: “Is this in lieu of a staffed embassy?”

To which the embassy responded “certainly not”, adding that the embassy was fully staffed and the partnership was “only one extra way for Americans to connect to the Embassy when they are in an emergency situation”.

Trevor Traina, a former technology entrepreneur, was nominated for the Vienna ambassadorial post by President Donald Trump last year.

President Trump is himself widely known for his taste for burgers and fries.

News source: www.bbc.com – BBC

US Embassy in Austria

The Travel Photo: Vienna, Austria

The Travel Photo: Vienna, federal capital city of Austria. View to Volksgarten, museums and parliament building,
Photo credit: WienTourismus – Christian Stemper.  www.wien.info – www.wien.info

Wien verdens beste by å bo i

www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, and now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. 
See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no  – Contact us at [email protected] – Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

Wien. Foto: Christian Stemper, Vienna Tourism

Østerrikes hovedstad Wien er kåret til verdens beste by å bo i. Dette ifølge The Economists Intellegence Units rangering over byer med best livskvalitet for 2018, skriver Se og Hør.

Melbourne i Australia og Osaka i Japan ligger på de neste plassene. Listen er basert på blant annet stabilitet, kultur, infrastruktur og utdanning.

#Australia #By #Hovedstad #Japan #Kultur #Melbourne #Osaka #Wien #Østerrike

What’s On in Vienna

www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no  – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

Photo credit: Christian Stemper, Vienna Tourism

Government of Austriawww.austria.info

Austrian National Tourism Office: www.austriatourism.com

City of Vienna: www.wien.gv.at

Vienna Tourist Office: www.wien.info

#Austria #City #Foto #Government #Photo #Tourism #Tourist #Vienna #Wien #Østerrike

Wizz Air med direkterute Bergen-Wien

www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no  – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

5. november i år starter det ungarske lavprisselskapet Wizz Air en ny direkterute mellom Bergen og Østerrikes hovedstad Wien, skriver travelnews.no 

Wizz Air har base i Wien, og ruten gir vestlendinger tilgang til flere nye destinasjoner med Wizz Air videre fra Wien. Rutetidene passer bra for både weekend-turer og lengre reiser.

Flytiden er to og en halv time. Ruten går fra Bergen klokken mandag, onsdag, fredag og søndag og retur fra Wien samme dager.

Wizz Air har i dag direkteruter fra Flesland til Gdansk, Warszawa, Katowice og Szczecin, i Polen, Kaunas i Litauen, Riga i Latvia, og Budapest i Ungarn.

Kilde: www.travelnews.no – TravelNews.no

#Bergen #Budapest #Flesland #Fly #Flyplass #Flyrute #Flyselskap #Gdansk #Katowice #Kaunas #Latvia #Lufthavn #Polen #Riga #Szczecin #Ungarn #Warszawa #Wien #WizzAir #Østerrike

Wien: Satser på nytt konsept med “kvinnevennlige” hotell

www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]

Fra Hotel Bristol i Wien. Foto: womensensitivehotels.com

Hotel Bristol i Wien er ett av fem hotell, i Østerrike og Tyskland, som tilhører den nyoppstartede plattformen «Kvinnevennlige hotell», skriver VG. 

På hjemmesiden til Women Sensitive Hotels er det listet opp hvilke ting som gjør hotellene særlig godt egnet for kvinnelige reisende:

Lavkalorimat, krølltang, allergivennlig sengetøy, sminkespeil, helkroppsspeil og yogamatte med tilhørende iPad med treningsinstruksjoner.

– «Kvinnevennlige» hoteller har helkroppsspeil, lavkalorimat og fornemme toalettartikler. Det er sånt kvinner vil ha, sier gründeren bak konseptet, Heike Labetzki.

De andre hotellene i samarbeidet ligger i München, Dresden, Berlin, og ett hotell til i Wien i tillegg til Bristol.

Les mer på www.womensensitivehotels.com

Les hele saken her: http://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/kvinner/satser-paa-kvinnevennlige-hoteller/a/23693188/

Kilde: www.vg.no

#Allergi #Bayern #Berlin #Bristol #By #Destinasjon #Dresden #Ferie #Hotell #Hovedstad #iPad #Kalori #Kvinne #Lavkalori #Mat #Munchen #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Sachsen #Sensitive #Sminke #Storby #Trening #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyskland #Wien #Women #Yoga #Østerrike

Air India looks to woo tourists with Delhi-Vienna service

www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]


Air India’s decision to start three-times-a-week flight to Vienna might prove to be a money spinner. Air India started the flight connecting Indian capital New Delhi with Austrian capital city Vienna on April 6. The airline started the service after Austrian Airlines withdrew it’s route between the two capital cities, according to The Hindu Businessline website.

Not only are the number of Indians travelling to Austria increasing, the country is also generating a lot of interest among affluent Indians wanting to tie the knot in a foreign locale. Officials from the Vienna Tourist Board told newspersons, who travelled on the inaugural Air India flight to Vienna, that the city witnessed close to 50 per cent increase in tourist arrival from India in 2015.

Pankaj Srivastva, Commercial Director, Air India, said that the flight is expected to link Vienna not only to the Indian subcontinent, but to South-East Asia and Australia as well.

“The first flight to Vienna had 106 transit travellers, 53 of them from Bangkok,” he added.

Ishvinder Maddh, Managing Director, Robinville, a market entry specialist for tourism boards and sight-seeing in the region, pointed out that in 2015, Indians had 2,15,000 room nights in Austria, far more than the average of 1,63,000 room nights in the previous years.

The Austrian capital is also the new attraction for big, fat Indian weddings.

The Viennese hospitality industry is currently abuzz with a Jindal family wedding scheduled to take place soon.

Sources say most luxury hotels in the capital have been booked and about 1,000 guests are expected to attend the wedding.

#Australia #Bangkok #Bryllup #By #Dehli #Destinasjon #Ferie #Flyselskap #Hotel #Hovedstad #India #Luksus #NewDehli #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storby #Thailand #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Wien #Østerrike

#Air #Arline #Austria #Capital #City #Destination #Holiday #Luxury #Tourism #Travel #Vienna #Wedding

Vienna meetings impact passes 1bn euro for first time

www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]

Photo credit: Vienna Tourism / Christian Stemper

Vienna Tourist Board Press Release:

The Austrian capital city Vienna has recorded its best ever year for business events in 2015, with meetings up 3 per cent and economic activity surpassing 1 billion euro for the first time.

The Vienna Convention Bureau announced the record figures, which included 1,392 congresses and 2,293 corporate events, leading to a 13 per cent increase of overnight stays of 1,682,966.

In total, the meetings industry had a value of 1,038.5 million euros.

Vienna Tourist Board director of tourism Norbert Kettner said: “Congratulations to everyone involved in Vienna’s meetings industry, as they have played their part in achieving the best results in Vienna’s history as a meeting destination.”

“Our city hosted a total of 3,685 conferences and corporate events in 2015, which represents a rise of 3 per cent on the total reported in 2014. The number of overnight stays attributable to these events came to 1,682,966, an increase of 13 per cent and equivalent to 12 per cent of all bed nights recorded in Vienna in 2014.

“Across the board, results surpassed the levels set in 2012, which was a record breaking year for the meetings industry, and the findings of the 2014-2016 study add to the positive picture: they show Vienna as a meeting destination that lives up to the ‘global – smart – premium’ criteria enshrined in the capital’s 2020 tourism strategy.”

The bureau said conference participants spent on average 534 euros (£431) each.

The break-down of meeting numbers were: 1,392 congresses (down 5 per cent), where 649 were national (down 4 per cent) and 743 international (down 5 per cent); 2,293 (up 8 per cent) corporate events, where 1,049 were national (up 26 per cent) and 1,244 international (down 4 per cent).

Christian Mutschlechner, head of the Vienna Convention Bureau, added: “Although it is true that there were fewer international congresses, the figures show a greater number of large-scale conferences for 2015 than in 2014. They not only attract more participants, but also last longer, both of which factors have an effect on overnight stays and revenue. A single event like this simply induces more economic impact at a single stroke.”

Some of the major events held last year include the European Congress of Radiology (20,000 delegates), the World Publishing Expo (8,000) and European Geosciences Union General Assembly (14,000).

#By #Destinasjon #Event #Ferie #Hovedstad #Konferanse #Kongress #Radiologi #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storby #Turisme #Turist #Wien #Østerrike

#Austria #Capital #City #Conference #Congress #Destination #Holiday #Publishing #Radiology #Tourism #Travel #Vienna