www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Orange officials have unveiled a 4G timeline for French Guiana, with a commercial launch anticipated in 2016, reports www.telegeography.com
Vincent Poujol, CEO of Orange Caraibes, visited the capital Cayenne earlier this month and shared details of the Company’s planned Long Term Evolution (LTE) rollout at a media event.
While Orange is still waiting for permission to launch from watchdog Arcep, Mr Poujol confirmed that the infrastructure has already been upgraded in selected areas.
Since September 2014 the telco has been testing 4G technology in the capital, as well as the coastal city of Macouria. Going forward, LTE technology will be rolled out in Kaw, Camopi and Saint-Laurent.
In addition, Orange seeks to deploy fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) technology to around 30,000 properties by 2021. The telco’s fibre deployment will commence in September 2015, connecting around 8,600 Cayenne homes by 2016.
The suburbs of Remire-Montjoly and Matoury will be first in line for the rollout.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Macau Legend Development Ltd. Wednesday in Macau signed with the government of Cape Verde a contract for the construction of a tourist complex on the islet of Santa Maria, located opposite the capital, Praia, with a area of 152,700 square metres and which will have a gambling facility, reports www.macauhub.com.mo
David Chow Kam Fai, chief executive of Macau Legend Development and Honorary Consul of Cape Verde in Macau said he had US$273 million in the tourism project and that it should be completed within three years and be profitable in five.
Cape Verde also granted the Macau company a gaming concession for 25 years for the island of Santiago, 15 of which exclusively.
David Chow said the contract showed that Macau does have an important role as an economic and commercial platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and showed that the Special Administrative Region was one of the important cities in the Chinese “One belt, One road” project.
In term of gambling Chow said that the resort would have between 30 and 40 gaming tables and slot machines intended for mass tourism.
After the ceremony attended by the Chief Executive of Macau, Chui Sai On and Cape Verde Minister of Tourism, Investment and Business Development, Leonesa Fortes the Cape Verdean official considered that
the Project “will mean a profound change, not only locally, in Praia, in the Windward region, but all over Cape Verde”.
During the contract signing ceremony, Leonesa Fortes, thanked “all the people of China” for their support “from the first moment of Independence” and recalled the signing of a memorandum of understanding with China in May, to boost Investment.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
South Tarawa, capital of Kiribati
The President of Kiribati Anote Tong says whatever action the world decides to take at climate change talks in Paris, it comes too late for low-lying island nations like his own, reports Radio New Zealand International – www.radionz.co.nz
Anote Tong was a keynote speaker at the UN General Assembly on Monday where he called for technical know how and resources to help low lying atoll states adapt to the immediate effects of climate change.
“We are reconciled to the reality that whatever measures we take to remain above the rising seas and more severe weather conditions our islands will never be able to accomodate the current level of population and we do not have the scale of resources required to do this on our own.”
Anote Tong wants them to be included as an outcome of COP 21 and he called for solidarity in facing what he described as an almost impossible challenge.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Emirates fikk æren av å være det første flyselskapet i historien til å bringe gigantflyet Airbus A380 til Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport ved hovedstaden Taipei, skriver www.travelnews.no
Flyplassen gjør i disse dager de siste oppgraderingene som er nødvendig for å ta imot dobbeltdekkere på jevnlig basis i fremtiden.
Både politikere og toppledere møtte opp da verdens største kommersielle passasjerfly i regi av Emirates landet på gate C2 ved den taiwanske flyplassen. Flyplassen har gjennomgått en rekke endringer for å muliggjøre flygninger med markedets aller største passasjerfly, og er nå i sluttfasen av forberedelsene.
Taiwan er et viktig marked for Emirates, som har sett en stor etterspørsel siden de startet opp daglige flygninger mellom hovedflyplassen i Dubai og Taipei i februar i fjor.
– Emirates er stolte over å være det første flyselskapet som lander en Airbus A380 på Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Dette vil hjelpe flyplassen med å være forberedt på fremtidig drift av store flytyper, i tillegg til at det gir oss en mulighet til å vise fram våre moderne produkter og tjenester til passasjerer i Taiwan, uttaler norgessjef i Emirates Terje Grue.
David Fei, administrerende direktør ved Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, var meget fornøyd med gjennomføringen.
– Denne landingen representerer ett år med grundige forberedelser, og vi er stolte av å kunne ønske A380 velkommen til flyplassen vår. Dette beviser at Taoyuan Airport er en flyplass med høy kvalitet, gode fasiliteter og operativ beredskap, kommenterer Fei.
Nordmenn som søker østover kan fly til Taiwan med kun en mellomlanding i Dubai, og nyte alle fordelene kunder av Emirates har, slik som muligheten til First eller Business Class, inkludert 30 kg bagasje og verdens beste underholdningssystem med hundrevis av filmer, serier og et stort utvalg av radio- og TV-kanaler.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Den tidligere Sovjet-republikken Turkmenistan er det landet i verden med færrest røykere, ifølge Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO).
Bare 8 prosent av befolkningen røyker, opplyste WHO-sjef Margaret Chan da hun besøkte landet tirsdag, skriver www.aftenposten.no / NTB.
– Dette er det laveste nasjonale tallet i verden. Jeg gratulerer dere med denne bragden, sa hun.
I 1990 var det 27 prosent av turkmenske menn over 15 år og 1 prosent av kvinner, som røykte, ifølge WHO.
I 2012 ble det forbudt å røyke på offentlige steder, i offentlige bygg og i militæret. Også reklamer for tobakk ble forbudt i landet.
Til sammenligning røykte 31,1 prosent av verdens menn over 15 år i 2012. 6,2 prosent av kvinnene var røykere.
Turkmenistans tidligere president Saparmurad Nijazov, som døde i 2006, gikk hardt ut mot røyking i sin tid. Han fikk blant annet laget en 36 kilometer lang «helsesti» i fjellene rundt hovedstaden Ashgabat som offentlige tjenestemenn ble tvunget til å gå i.
I Norge røyker 13 prosent daglig, viser 2014-tall fra Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB). Tar man med andelen som røyker av og til, ender Norge på 22 prosent. Da målingene startet i 1973, var andelen dagligrøykere hele 42 prosent.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Det skulle ta 54 år før Cubas flagg offisielt heises i USAs hovedstad. Kubanske æresvakter i kritthvite uniformer foldet ut det røde, hvite og blå cubanske flagget ved bygningen som fra mandag fungerer som Havannas ambassade i Washington, skriver www.vg.no
Folkemengden som overvar seremonien, klappet og ropte «Viva Cuba», før cubanske diplomater og andre gjester sang den cubanske nasjonalsangen utenfor ambassaden, som kun ligger et steinkast unna Det hvite hus.
USA gjenåpner sin ambassade i Havanna neste måned, når den amerikanske utenriksministeren John Kerry besøker Cuba.
I dag tok Kerry imot sin kubanske kollega Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla i utenriksdepartementet i Washington. Det er første gang siden 1958 at en kubansk utenriksminister er på offisielt besøk i den amerikanske hovedstaden.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Kampala is set to get its first city tour buses – a development that will come as a major boost for urban tourism and further diversify the tourism product offerings, reports www.eturbonews.com
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is working with Albrieux Africa tours to get the product running by the end of the year.
KCCA public & corporate affairs manager, Peter Kaujju, confirmed the city tour bus project saying it is part of the various initiatives aimed at increasing the allure of the city.
Kampala is considered the entertainment capital of East Africa and is one of the most diverse capitals across Africa. Its social scene and night life is almost unparalled across the region with theatre, bar, culture, and live shows dotting the city center from Monday to Monday.
“Kampala has the heritage that makes it special and unique. This is a city with a long and impressive history and cultural attractions spread in different corners for visitors to explore”, said Albrieux Giacomo, the boss of Albrieux Africa Tours.
The city tour itinerary includes stopovers at various elegant historical features that remain almost a secret because of limited marketing. Among them is the Namugongo Martyrs Shrine, Bahai Temple, Old Kampala Mosque that enables a visitor to see the entire city skyline, Kasubi tombs, Uganda Museum, and Makerere University – one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in East and Central Africa.
KCCA placed the invitation for expression of interest for the product in 2014. Three companies expressed interest, submitted bids, and were considered by KCCA contracts Committee.
According to Kaujju, the best evaluated bidder was Albrieux Africa Tours and Travel agency.
“KCCA signed a memorandum of understanding With the company to supply the city bus tour services for 5 years, the provider has initiated the procurement of two new Ashok Leyland double decker buses”, noted Kaujju.
Kaujju said the locations for the ticketing booth have been approved by KCCA and will be at the National theatre, Kabaka njagalla road near independence monument, and at the national museum.
“The authority has also secured space at Jubilee Park Sheraton to set up a tourist information center where UTB offices, tour operators/guide offices, a craft shop, UWA souvenir shop, and café will be set up”, said Kaujju.
Giacomo said the product is intended to maximize tourism revenue by taking them to places they would not have considered visiting because of traffic and lack of organized tours.
Globally, city tours enable short-stay visitors to experience the life of the country captured in the city but also add revenue to the economy through the purchase of souvenirs and spending on the short trips.
“We want to create brand/image and reputation for Kampala as a city of hospitality and recreation”, noted Giacomo.
The product, one of the many emerging, will also target to ignite domestic tourism ranging from schools to enthusiastic corporate groups and individuals as well as international tourists booked by tour operators and the walk in tourists.
It will also target conference and meeting delegates, foreign guests booked by foreign embassies, cultural tourists, religious tourists, business tourists, academic tourists, and political tourists
It will run under the theme “Kampala Landscape and Cultures” to let visitors have an experience of the “beautiful undulating scape and historical heritage” of Kampala, and the quiet and Scenic peaks of the hills. A suggested name for the tour is “The Seven Hills Odyssey”.
The main hotel cluster in the city, and thus the main embarkation point for visitors wishing to join the tour circuit, is the Nakasero area neighboring the major hotels of Sheraton, Serena, Speke, and Imperial Royal hotels.
“This is next to the independence green park and the Jubilee Park – all ideal for relaxing as you wait for your maiden ride”, noted Giacomo.
The company is proposing more use of the National Theatre complex in staging cultural shows and performances aimed at the tourism market.
They are also proposing the remodeling of the African Craft Village by removing the existing concrete structure to provide a setting which reflects Uganda’s cultural heritage with buildings reflecting indigenous architectural styles and materials.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Illustrasjonsfoto: therealgreek.com
I morgen, mandag 20.juli, blir det dyrere å spise og drikke i Hellas, da momsen øker på en lang rekke varer. Det var et av kravene landets internasjonale kreditorer har stilt for at Hellas skal få en ny låneavtale, skriver NTB / www.e24.no
Moms på drikkevarer og mat på greske spisesteder økes fra 13 til 23 prosent.
Illustrasjonsfoto: yelp.ca
-Vår moussaka og ouzo kommer uheldigvis til å være dyrere fra mandag, sier Kostas Sarafis, en servitør i Athen, til nyhetsbyrået DPA.
Økningen i moms og avgifter ventes ifølge greske medier å tilføre statskassen 800 millioner euro, tilsvarende rundt 7 milliarder kroner, fram til årsskiftet.
Dessuten skal avgifter på andre varer økes fra og med mandag. Greske medier hadde søndag satt opp en liste over varer som kommer til å bli dyrere: Kjøtt, fisk, kaffe, te, juice, ris, mel meieriprodukter, toalettpapir og kondomer.
Ellers åpner de greske bankene igjen i morgen, men fremdeles med restriksjoner på uttak – som er satt til 60 euro per dag. Dette gjelder ikke utenlandske turister.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Using woven loincloths, Senegalese stylists and designers have made Dakar a hub of African fashion
Woven loincloths are being used by Senegalese stylists and designers to embellish many traditional outfits, reports www.worldbulletin.net
The use of woven loincloths in fashion has boosted the activity and popularity of Senegalese weavers.
“We produce more. We stress on shiny fabrics that are popular with women,” Kabanta Mama Nanki, a weaver in Dakar told Anadolu Agency.
“We have customers from all over the country. Senegalese women buy woven loincloths for scarves and outfits,” says Nanki, who has been a weaver for over 30 years. “Our income has increased because designers are using more and more woven loincloths in fashion shows.”
Nanki also said they “have a variety of loincloths. Prices range between 11,000 and 25,000 FCA francs (around $22 and $55).”
Weavers from the Colobane neighborhood in Dakar come from the Manjaque ethnic group, a minority group in Senegal and Guinea Bissau.
In the fashion world, some designers do not hesitate to hire weavers. “Some recruit weavers. Others deal directly with those who have their own workshops,” Nanki said.
“We sometimes have customers who want loincloths for traditional outfits. When you buy a shiny fabric, it helps to have a nice traditional boubou,? said Mame Lo, a seamstress in Dakar.
Boubous are long, wide robes worn by many men in West Africa.
According to Nanki, they have more customers during winter. “We have more buyers in December and January. When it is cold, women prefer heavy scarves,” another weaver, Diez Sa, told Anadolu Agency.
In Senegal, loincloths are not used just for fashion, but also for therapeutic reasons.
“For the Manjaque people, loincloths protect against evil spirits. That is why married women wear them. They are also used for baptisms,” Nanki said.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
St Kitts and Nevis will kick off its first-annual Restaurant Week with tasting events at various hotels and restaurants. The events are open to the public, and all are invited to attend, reports the www.sknvibes.com website.
During Restaurant Week, July 16 to 26, 2015, restaurants across the Federation will offer special Restaurant Week menus at deep discounted prices. Some will offer Restaurant Week specials for just dinner, some just lunch, and some lunch and dinner. Over thirty restaurants between St. Kitts and Nevis are participating.
Organiziers of St. Kitts-Nevis Restaurant Week include the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Hotel and Tourism Association, and Tourism Authorities of both islands.
Restaurant Week aims to:
– Create affordable opportunities for locals to try different restaurants,
– Celebrate local produce such as mango and breadfruit in July when it is plentiful, and
– Support small and local restaurants during the low time of tourism season.
Restaurant Week will make dining out both affordable and fun for all. In addition to rock-bottom prices for multiple course meals, restaurants will offer all customers chances to win prizes and giveaways.
Additionally, two major promotions will add excitement nearly every night July 16-26.
The Restaurant Week kickoff event on Thursday July 16 will feature tastings of a signature cocktail sponsored by TDC Limited, as part of a promotion called “A Taste of TDC” that will run throughout Restaurant Week July 16-26.
A Taste of TDC During Restaurant Week, designated restaurants will create a signature TDC appetizer or cocktail that contains three secret ingredients – one beginning with letter “T” one beginning with letter “D” and one beginning with letter “C”.
All persons will be invited to come ot the restaurant to taste the signature dish or cocktail, and guess the secret ingredients. Based on a drawing of names, a person who guessed all three secret ingredients correctly will win an exciting prize from TDC. Persons are encouraged to make a reservation for dinner at the host restaurant.
The four restaurants where “A Taste of TDC” will take place are:
1) Blu at St. Kitts Marriott Resort (Restaurant Week Kickoff Thursday July 16, 5-7pm);
2) The Verandah at Ocean Terrace Inn (Friday 17th July, 2015);
3) Montpelier Plantation and Beach on Nevis (Date TBA); and
4) The Fisherman’s Wharf at Ocean Terrace Inn (Date TBA).
“A Taste of TDC” is just one of the exciting promotions and giveaways taking place throughout Restaurant Week July 16-26. Persons are encouraged to “Like” the St. Kitts-Nevis Restaurant Week page on Facebook for the latest updates. Menus of participating restaurants, and prices, are available at the Restaurant Week website: www.restaurantweek.kn.
All are encouraged to make advance reservations to secure a table, to enjoy the unbeatable discounts and promotions on offer.