ORANGE DISCLOSES 4G, FIBRE PLANS FOR FRENCH GUIANA is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Orange officials have unveiled a 4G timeline for French Guiana, with a commercial launch anticipated in 2016, reports 

Vincent Poujol, CEO of Orange Caraibes, visited the capital Cayenne earlier this month and shared details of the Company’s planned Long Term Evolution (LTE) rollout at a media event.

While Orange is still waiting for permission to launch from watchdog Arcep, Mr Poujol confirmed that the infrastructure has already been upgraded in selected areas.

Since September 2014 the telco has been testing 4G technology in the capital, as well as the coastal city of Macouria. Going forward, LTE technology will be rolled out in Kaw, Camopi and Saint-Laurent.

In addition, Orange seeks to deploy fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) technology to around 30,000 properties by 2021. The telco’s fibre deployment will commence in September 2015, connecting around 8,600 Cayenne homes by 2016.

The suburbs of Remire-Montjoly and Matoury will be first in line for the rollout.

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