KIM KARDASHIAN OG KANYE WEST SATTE JEREVAN PÅ HODET is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Kim Kardashian, her med datteren North i armene, og ektemannen Kanye West til høyre, i mørk frakk. Foto: AFP, Getty Images

Det kunne virke som “hele” Jerevan var på beina for å få med seg all viraken da den amerikanske TV-personligheten, realitystjernen, modellen og forretningskvinnen Kim Kardashian (34) og hennes mann, rapperen og plateprodusenten Kanye West (37), og deres to små barn, besøkte Armenia og landets hovedstad nylig.

Superkjendisparet var omgitt av mange skuelystne og et stort pressekorps over alt hvor de viste seg. Kardashian-familien er av armensk opphav, og besøket i Jerevan fikk massiv dekning i armenske og internasjonale medier. 

På programmet stod blant annet besøk ved flere av hovedstadens attraksjoner, og paret hadde også møte med landets statsminister, og fungerende president, Hovik Abrahamyan.

#Armenia #By #Ferie #Hovedstad #Jerevan #KanyeWest #Kardashian #Kaukasus #KimKardashian #Modell #President #Rapper #Reise #Reality #Statsminister #West #TV

CINNAMON RED COLOMBO EMERGES AS BEST NEW HOTEL IN SOUTH ASIA is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Cinnamon Red Colombo, part of the dynamic Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts chain, won the ‘Best New Hotel of the Year’ award in the ‘Mid-Market’ segment at the 11th Hotel Investment Conference – South Asia (HICSA) 2015, held on the 7th and 8th April 2015, in New Delhi, India, the The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka writes.

The prestigious annual HICSA ‘Hotel of the Year’ awards were instituted to honor and recognize the most outstanding hotel developments in the region for the past year. Hosted by HVS Asia, a dedicated hospitality consulting firm, the conference provides a highly respected platform for new hotels to gain prominence.

Winning this award reaffirms that Cinnamon red is perfectly positioned to cater to the demands of the new age travelers – the new millennials – and due to its strong brand presence, especially in the South Asian region, provides a unique experience for its guests.

Terrence Fernando, General Manager of Cinnamon red Colombo received the award on behalf of Cinnamon red at the awards ceremony held on 7th April at the JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi.

In its published report on Sri Lanka’s hospitality sector, HVS noted that the launch of Cinnamon red Colombo presents an excellent opportunity to tap into the burgeoning mid-market outbound traveler segment, primarily from India and China.

The new, emerging breed of discerning travelers seek the assurance of a hotel that understands and anticipates their needs, while providing the right amalgamation of comfort, efficiency and convenience – the precise concept of Lean Luxury which Cinnamon red is pioneering.

By adapting to the growing needs of this segment, Cinnamon red has yet again emerged as a preferred choice for travelers, more recently winning a award for guest satisfaction as well.

Kilde / Source: The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka –

#By #Colombo #Ferie #Hotell #Hovedstad #ndia #Kina #NewDehli #Reise #Resort #SriLanka

#Capital #China #City #Holiday #Travel

CAYMAN ISLANDS TOURISM BOOMING is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Cruise ships in George Town Harbour, Grand Cayman

Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell said 2015 has potential to be the best year yet for tourism in the Cayman Islands.  Cruise passenger arrivals for the month of January already show a 7% growth over the number of passengers Grand Cayman greeted last year, the (Cayman News Service) website reported.

Deputy Premier, Moses Kirkconnell, Minister of District Administration, Tourism and Transport

“Our arrivals in both stayover and cruise were strong. For stayover, for example, our numbers showed 11% growth year over year while the average in the region was 5%” Kirkconnell explained. “We are pushing for a 4% to 5% growth in stayovers this year.”

The 2014 statistics show a little more than 1.6 million people came to Grand Cayman by a cruise ship but the Department of Tourism is forecasting over 1.7 million passengers visiting this year.

George Town

Six cruise ships had to keep sailing past the Cayman Islands in the month of February due to weather but the minister is confident the tourism industry can make up that loss throughout the year.

“If those six ships had stopped, 21 thousand passengers we would have had in February we lost,” he stated. “Improving the Spotts Dock and having the berthing piers would have salvaged some of those – not all of them, but they would have been a help.”

When it comes to tourists making their way to the Cayman Islands, whether it’s by boat or by plane, it’s not by mistake, Kirkconnell said. “We try to do events to bring people on the island during off months of the year, like the Cayman Cook-off and different events that we can advertise internationally,”

Kilde / Source: Cayman News Service –

#By #Caymanøyene #Cruise #Ferie #GeorgeTown #Hovedstad #Minister #Reise #Øy

#Capital #City #Holiday #Island #Travel

BYGGER NY FLYPLASS I KHARTOUM is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Kina har gitt Sudan et lån på 700 millioner dollar – 5,6 milliarder kroner, til finansiering av den nye Khartoum International Airport. Den nye flyplassen i Sudans hovedstad får et areal på 86000 kvadratmeter og får en kapasitet på 7,5 millioner passasjerer årlig.


Flyplassen får både regionale og internasjonale ruter, og to 4000 meter lange rullebaner som kan ta de største flyene. Sudanske myndigheter håper at den nye flyplassen vil bidra til økt eksport av sudanske varer til Gulf-landene og Afrika.

Den nye flyplassen skal bygges i løpet av en periode på vel tre år, med China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) som hovedentreprenør, mens sudanske selskaper skal stå for 40 prosent av byggeprosjektene.

I tilknytning til flyplassen skal det videre bygges et nytt hotell med 300 senger. Flyplassen blir liggende 40 kilometer fra Khartoum.

Kina er ellers den største investoren i, og kjøperen av, sudansk olje.

#Afrika #Airport #By #Ferie #Fly #Flyplass #Gulfen #Hotell #Hovedstad #International #Khartoum #Kina #Olje #Reise #Sudan

FLYDUBAI INCREASES FREQUENCY ON AFRICAN ROUTES is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Dubai-based flydubai is increasing the frequency of flights on some of its routes in Africa for the summer schedule, operating a total of 78 flights a week to 12 points in East and North Africa, reported.

On March 29, flydubai increased its service from five flights a week to daily to the capital of South Sudan, Juba, and three flights a week instead of two to Bujumbura, Burundi.

Zanzibar, which has seen excellent demand since the launch of the route in October 2014, will be served with four flights a week instead of two. Alexandria in Egypt will also see flydubai increase its flights from two to three a day from June.

“We are delighted to offer more flights to Africa”, said Ghaith Al Ghaith, chief executive officer of flydubai. We were the first United Arab Emirates carrier to serve Bujumbura, Juba and Zanzibar. We have seen strong demand for travel across our network in Africa, and we look forward to welcoming more passengers on board our flights”.

In line with growing trade and tourism ties between the UAE and East and North Africa, flydubai launched six routes to the region in 2014, doubling its network, and becoming the third biggest carrier of its category there and the first to offer a Business Class option to Dubai from destinations like Juba.

“Whether travelling for leisure or business between Dubai and Africa, we are confident that our passengers will continue to enjoy our Business Class, award-winning In-Flight Entertainment and the ability to connect on our growing network and Beyond”, said Sudhir Sreedharan, senior vice president Commercial.

#Afrika #Alexandria #Bujumbura #Burundi #By #Dubai #Egypt #Ferie #Flyselskap #Hovedstad #Juba #Reise #SørSudan #Tanzania #Zanzibar

#Africa #Airline #Capital #City #Holiday #SouthSudan #Travel

MATMARKED I BARCELONA SIER NEI TIL STORE TURISTGRUPPER is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Det berømte matmarkedet i Barcelona, La Boqueria, sier nei til å slippe inn store turistgrupper i rushtiden, og har hatt et tak på maksimum 15 personer per gruppe, skriver VG.


Med inngang midt på travle og populære La Rambla, er markedet en av byens største attraksjoner. Nå synes imidlertid lokalbefolkningen i Katalonias hovedstad at turistene begynner å ta overhånd, og restriksjonene er innført som tiltak for å begrense overbefolkning av markedet, fremme god markedsaktivitet og å unngå blokkeringer, skriver den engelskspråklige spanske nettavisen


De nye restriksjonene gjelder på fredager og lørdager fra klokken 08 til klokken 15. Hvis grupper på over 15 personer kommer i dette tidsrommet vil sikkerhetsvakter eskortere dem ut.

Skribenten og reiseeksperten Sally Davies, som bor i Barcelona, synes lite om store guidede turistgrupper på La Boqueria.

-Gi heller turistene et kart, pek ut de mest interessante bodene og la dem utforske markedet selv. På den måten er det også større sjanse for at de kjøper ting, noe som vil være bra for alle, sier Davies til

#Attraksjon #Barcelona #By #Ferie #Hovedstad #Katalonia #LaBoqueria #LaRambla #Marked #Mat #Reise #Spania #VG

SURINAME TO BUILD NEW RAILWAY SYSTEM is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Suriname says it is spending Euro130 million euro on developing a new railway system within an 18 month period, the Caribbean Media Corporation –, reported.

The new railway will allow for commuters to move from the Poelepantje area in Paramaribo southward to the village of Onverwacht in District Para. It will run on the left side of the Indira Gandhi road, a busy artery that leads to the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport.

Officials said the intention is to eventually take the railway all the way to the airport, and thereby relieve the current infrastructure.

The ambitious project will be carried out by Dutch railway systems contractor Strukton Systems.

“We have extensive technical knowledge and experience in this field and we’re happy to help”, said Strukton manager, Les van Seventer

The contract features the construction of a 29 kilometer dual railway track from Paramaribo to Onverwacht, the delivery of five diesel trains, the training of the necessary personnel and the construction of a Paramaribo Central Station at Poelepantje and eight train stops and 16 flyovers on the route.

The trains will be able to carry 250 people with 134 seated and 120 standing.

Head of the presidential Commission Construction Railway, Eddy Jozefzoon, said that a definite start date for the construction could not be given but that preparations were well underway.

He said one the biggest challenges will be to convince land owners to sell their properties along the proposed route.

Jozefzoon said the project will result in significant employment opportunities for nationals and that private bus owners need not worry about losing business.

#Airport #By #Ferie #Flyplass #Gandhi #Hovedstad #International #Jernbane #Nederland #Paramaribo #Reise #Surinam #SørAmerika #Tog

#Capital #City #Netherlands #Railway #SouthAmerica #Train #Travel

Suriname Tourist Information Centre:

VERDENS STØRSTE PASSASJERFLY TIL KASTRUP is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Emirates Airbus A380 (

Som første by i Skandinavia får København og Kastrup lufthavn nå daglige besøk av Emirates sitt kjempefly Airbus A380, kjent som verdens største kommersielle passasjerfly, skriver VG.

Emirates merker en økende etterspørsel etter seter på ruten København-Dubai, og har allerede satt inn større fly.

1.desember begynner de å fly 380’eren, som tar 615 passasjerer.

Med det nye flyet kan selskapet frakte 8610 passasjerer ukentlig mellom Danmark og De forente arabiske emirater – pluss ekstra mye fraktgods i buken.

Per i dag har ikke Kastrup de nødvendige fasilitetene til å drifte verdens største passasjerfly, men innen desember skal nødvendige investeringer og oppgraderinger være gjort, lover flyplassledelsen.

#Airbus #By #Danmark #Dubai #Emiratene #Emirates #Ferie #Fly #Flyplass #Hovedstad #Kastrup #København #Reise #Skandinavia #VG 

FLYPLASSEN I HONGKONG NEST BEST I VERDEN PÅ BAGASJEHÅNDTERING is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Hongkong International Airport sett i fugleperspektiv (

Den internasjonale flyplassen i Hongkong er nest best i verden når det gjelder å gjenforene bagasje med eier, mens Kansai International Airport ved Osaka i Japan er i Skytrax World Airport Awards 2015 kåret til den flyplassen i verden som er best på bagasjehåndtering, skriver Dagbladet.

Utrolig nok har ikke flyplassen rotet bort en eneste koffert siden den åpnet i 1994.

Det er det britiske flyanalysebyrået Skytrax som har rangert de ti beste flyplassene i verden til å håndtere bagasje, ut fra brukeranmeldelsene til mer enn 13 million flypassasjerer.

Skytrax’ Ti-på-topp i bagasjehåndtering

1. Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan

2. Hongkong International Airport, Kina

3. Singapore Changi Airport

4. Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

5. Incheon International Airport, Seoul, Sør-Korea

6. Tokyo International Airport Haneda, Japan

7. Kastrup lufthavn, København, Danmark

8. Munich Franz Josef Strauss Airport, München, Tyskland

9. Zürich Kloten Airport, Zürich, Sveits

10.Narita International Airport, Japan

#Airport #Bagasje #Bayern #By #Dagbladet #Danmark #Ferie #Fly #Flyplass #Kongkong #Hovedstad #International #Japan #Kastrup #Kina #Korea #København #Munchen #Osaka #Reise #Seoul #Singapore #Strauss #Sveits #SørKorea #Taiwan #Tokyo #Tyskland #Zurich

NAZI-ERA ART BEQUEST TO BERN MUSEUM CHALLENGED is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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A relative of late German art collector Cornelius Gurlitt lodged a claim on Friday for his inheritance, a Nazi-era art hoard which he has bequeathed to a museum in Switzerland’s apital Bern, the website reported.

The surprise move came just days before the Museum of Fine Arts in Bern is expected to reveal whether it accepts the inheritance of the spectacular trove of more than 1,000 pieces amassed during the Nazi era.

Uta Werner, 86, a cousin, appealed to a court in Munich to be recognized as Gurlitt’s heir, with the backing of her children and some other family members, the spokesman said in a statement.

A report by a psychiatrist that “seriously questioned” Gurlitt’s mental fitness to make a will had prompted the family to now act, it said.

Gurlitt, who died in May aged 81, had hoarded more than 1,000 paintings, drawings and sketches, including masterpieces by the likes of Picasso and Chagall, in his Munich flat for decades.

Hundreds more works were unearthed at his Salzburg home.

He was the son of Nazi-era art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt, who was tasked with selling works taken or bought under duress from Jewish families, and avant-garde art seized from German museums that the Hitler regime deemed “degenerate”.

Before he died, Cornelius Gurlitt struck a deal with the German government to help track down the rightful owners of the artwork.

A day after his death, the Museum of Fine Arts in Bern said it had been astonished to learn that it was named as the recipient of his collection in his will.

It is to announce Monday at a news conference in Berlin whether it will accept the bequest.

See more at

#2Verdenskrig #Bern #By #Ferie #Hitler #Hovedstad #Kunst #Munchen #Museum #Picasso #Reise #Salzburg #Sveits #Tyskland #Østerrike #Verdenskrig

#Art #Austria #Capital #City #Germany #Holiday #Munich #Switzerland #Travel #WorldWar