SOFIA EXPECTS 7-10% INCREASE IN TOURIST NUMBERS IN 2015 is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Deputy Mayor of Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, Mr.Todor Chobanov, has predicted a 7-10% increase in the number of tourists in the capital in 2015, the Sofia News Agency –, reported.

Chobanov recently presented the implementation of the Regional Tourism Product Development project in the municipalities of Sofia, Ihtiman and Svoge.

He made clear that the package included routes to over 20 historical, cultural, religious, and natural sites in the three municipalities.

The Deputy Sofia Mayor, as cited by the Bulgarian National Radio, informed that the authorities were working to equip the landmarks with information plates.

Mr.Chobanov said that the campaign for providing for information plates in Bulgarian and English continued in 2015, adding that the plates contained QR codes leading to a tourism portal.

He pointed out that tourist guidebooks for Sofia were being developed by several countries, including in France and Japan.

Ivo Marinov, Director of Municipal Enterprise ‘Tourist Service’, stated that Bulgaria’s capital had registered a 7% increase in tourist numbers in 2014.

Mr.Marinov informed that the Municipal Enterprise ‘Tourist Service’ was launching joint projects with the New Bulgarian University and the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” aimed at boosting development in the sector.

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#Borgermester #Bulgaria #By #Ferie #Frankrike #Hovedstad #Japan #Ordfører #Reise #Sofia #Turist #Universitet

#Capital #City #France #Holiday #Mayor #Travel #University

BYGGER NYE TURISTKOMPLEKSER OG HOTELLER I DAMASKUS is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Turistdepartementet i Syria har gitt lisens til etablering av et nytt fire-stjerners hotell i Mezzeh-distriktet i hovedstaden Damaskus, melder statlig syrisk radio- og fjernsyn på sine nettsider

Hotellet får 54 rom, restaurant og svømmebasseng.

I januar ga ministeriet lisens til etablering av et stort turistkompleks i al-Jarjaniyeh-området utenfor hovedstaden.

I den snart fem år gamle borgerkrigen i Syria har Damskus, som før krigen var en av Midtøstens store turistdestinasjoner, stort sett vært forskånet for krigshandlingene, og livet har gått noenlunde som normalt.

Også langs landets Middelhavskyst og i havne- og badebyen Latakia er det etter forholdene rolig, mens landets økonomiske sentrum, storbyen Aleppo, nord i landet, er lagt i grus, og uerstattelige kulturminner fra verdensarven er tapt for alltid.  

Les vår store bloggpost om Syria og Damaskus her:

#Aleppo #Basseng #By #Damaskus #Ferie #Fjernsyn #Hotell #Hovedstad #Kultur #Latakia #Middelhavet #Midtøsten #Radio #Reise #Restaurant #Svømmebasseng #Syria #TV


BRUNEI OPENS MARITIME MUSEUM IN THE CAPITAL is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Brunei Tourism has announced the official launch of the Maritime Museum in the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan, the website writes.

The museum is located at Kota Batu near the river bank of Brunei is a repository for the country’s historical maritime artefacts and technologies from different eras.

There are three galleries: Brunei Ship Wreck Gallery, which displays artefacts from the Brunei Shipwreck discovered in 1997 and considered to be the most important discoveries in Brunei’s maritime history; Brunei Water Vessels Gallery, which focusses on the connection between Brunei people and the river; and Temporary Gallery, which showcases the history  of trade and cultural exchange between China and Brunei from as early as 2,000 years ago. 

#BandarSeriBegawan #Brunei #By #Båt #Ferie #Galleri #Hovedstad #Maritim #Museum #Reise #Skip

#Boat #Capital #City #Gallery #Holiday #Ship #Travel

VERDENS FLOTTESTE INNFLYGNING? is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Arubas berømte Eagle Beach

Sitter man ved vinduet på venstre side av flyet når det skal lande på Aruba i Karibia, er man vitne til en av verdens kanskje aller vakreste innflygninger, skriver VG.

Den selvstyrte nederlandske øyas palmer, fantastiske strender, og turkisgrønne vann er det aller første man får øye på når flyet seiler innover Aruba, utenfor kysten av Venezuela.

Vakrere innflygning finnes knapt…

Hovedstaden Oranjestad er en populær cruisehavn.

Selskapet Private Jet deler denne oppfatningen, og har nominert Reina Beatrix Airport på Aruba til sin pågående kåring av verdens mest spektakulære innflygninger.

Blant de nominerte er også Cape Town, Gibraltar, San Sebastian i Spania, London City Airport, og Longyearbyen på Svalbard.

Les mer om Aruba, hovedstaden Oranjestad, og øyas berømte strender, her:

#Airport #Aruba #Beach #Beatrix #By #CapeTown #City #Cruise #Dronning #England #Ferie #Fly #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Gibraltar #Hovedstad #Karibia #London #Longyearbyen #Nederland #Oranjestad #Reise #SanSebastian #Spania #Storbritania #Strand #Svalbard #SørAfrika #Venezuela #VG

HISTORISK BILLIGE FLYBILLETTER TIL SØR-AFRIKA is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Å fly fra Norge til Johannesburg i Sør-Afrika er billigere enn noensinne. Billettprisen har falt med opptil 35 prosent på et år, og den har vært på konstant tur nedover de siste fire årene. Det viser den siste utgaven av Norsk Flyprisindeks fra reisesøkemotoren, skriver

Sør-Afrika lokker med fantastiske safariopplevelser, gode golfbaner og Afrikas sørligste punkt, Kapp Det Gode Håp, ved Cape Town, og er derfor blant nordmenns mest populære reisemål. For den som alltid har drømt om å reise til Sør-Afrika er det kanskje en god idé å slå til nå, for med tur-returbilletter til under 4.000 kroner er det historisk billig å fly dit.

Det er verdt å merke seg at flyreiser til Sør-Afrika ikke foregår med lavprisselskaper som tar seg ekstra betalt for setevalg, bagasje og annen komfort. I følge pristesten er det nemlig KLM, Qatar Airways og British Airways som flyr til Sør-Afrika fra henholdsvis Trondheim, Oslo og Bergen.

– Jeg er svært overrasket over den store nedgangen i flybillettprisene til Johannesburg, sier Ole Stouby, direktør i reisesøkemotoren

-Det er ingen tvil om at konkurransen mellom de store flyselskapene er intensivert, og det blir spennende å se om prisene vil holde seg like lave fremover eller finne tilbake til et mer normalt nivå, sier Stouby videre.

De fleste flyr til Sør-Afrika for å dra på safari. Den mest berømte safariparken der er nasjonalparken Kruger. Der kan du være heldig å få se “The Big 5”, det vil si løver, elefanter, nesehorn, leoparder og vannbøfler, i tillegg til flodhester, krokodiller og geparder.

Johannesburg er hovedstad i provinsen Gauteng.

Les mer om Sør-Afrikas tre hovedsteder Pretoria, Cape Town og Bloemfontein her:

#Airways #Bergen #Bloemfontein #British #By #CapeTown #Dyr #Ferie #Flyselskap #Gauteng #Hovedstad #Johannesburg #KappDetGodeHåp #KLM #Nasjonalpark #Oslo #Pretoria #Provins #Qatar #Reise #Safari #SørAfrika #Trondheim

JAPAN OPENS NEW EMBASSY BUILDING IN BELGRADE is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Japan has officially opened it’s new embassy building in Serbia, in Belgrade’s Cherry Blossom Street (Ulica Tresnjin cvet)), the website reported.

The opening ceremony was attended by Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who said that he hopes that the further strengthening of bilateral ties will be as efficient as the construction of the embassy building. He specifically pointed to the growth potential of trade between the two countries.

Vucic expressed gratitude to Japan for its support and aid to Serbia after the devastating floods in May last year.

Japanese Ambassador Masafumi Kuroki thanked the government of Serbia and the authorities in Belgrade for their cooperation in the construction of the new embassy building.

We are glad that the Embassy of Japan is located in the street called Cherry Blossom, as this is the symbol of spring in Japan, said Ambassador Kuroki, voicing hope that the opening of the new building will give a new momentum to bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of economy.

Serbia is about to open various chapters with the European Union, but I hope that new chapters will be opened with Japan as well, the ambassador said.

Kilde / Source:

#Ambassade #Ambassadør #Beograd #By #EU #Ferie #Hovedstad #Kirsebær #Reise #Serbia #Statsminister

#Ambassador #Belgrade #Capital #Cherry #City #Embassy #Holiday #PrimeMinister #Travel

ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS PARTY TO REMOVE PRETORIA’S STATUES is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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The statue of former president Paul Kruger at Church Square, Pretoria. Photo credit: Thobile Mathonsi, ANN / 

Pretoria’s members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) will destroy statues of “all icons of apartheid” in the capital Pretoria, including the giant effigy of former president Paul Kruger (1825-1904; president of the South African Republic; Transvaal 1883-1900) at the Church Square at the city centre, the party’s Tshwane deputy chairperson Moafrika Mabongwana said on Saturday, the Independent Online – / African News Agency, reported.

“The fact that these statues, which are symbols of white supremacy, are still found in this city is a crime against our people. We are going to remove everything that represents apartheid and white supremacy from this city”, said Mabongwana.

“We believe that those statues don’t represent the hue of our society. We are not going to seek anyone’s permission, we do not need it.”

Hundreds of people congregate at Church Square daily.

The numbers of people increases significantly on holidays and weekends.

People of different races take turns to have photographs taken at the Paul Kruger statue.

Known popularly as “Oom Paul” (“Uncle Paul”) the Paul Kruger statue is mounted metres-high on a huge pedestal guarded between giant bronze figures of sentries holding rifles.

Mabongwana said due to “lack of education” most people were unknowingly embracing the figures of people who oppressed their forefathers.

“Our people are just not educated about the statues and what they represent. How does a black person embrace such a figure. By destroying the statues, we will be educating our people.” he said.

Mabongwana said that after destroying the statues, EFF members would proceed to hand themselves over to police.

On Saturday, some tourists were taking photographs of the statue.

They were joined by several Pretoria residents.

Some were taking “selfies” while leaning on the sentries.

Sherry Ntabeni said she was not concerned about “Oom Paul’s” apartheid history because South Africans had forgiven their past oppressors.

“I do know history. Paul Kruger was one of our major oppressors, but the gospel today is that we forgive one another. Holding on to the past is not going to help anyone”, she said.

“My kids enjoy playing in this park and I can’t deny them. The efforts we are putting on statues could be spent on improving service delivery”

Ntabeni brought her two young children to play in the park.

The street leading into the Church Square is named Paul Kruger.

Davison Zwane said the Tshwane municipality should remove the statues installed during apartheid.

“I feel insulted as a black person, every time I drive along Paul Kruger Street. The EFF is right. The ANC-led municipality should have taken decisive action ages ago. I would assist in destroying the Paul Kruger statue”, he said.

#Apartheid #Attraksjon #Bloemfontein #By #CapeTown #Church #Ferie #Foto #Hovedstad #Park #President #Pretoria #Reise #Square #Statue #SørAfrika #Transvaal

#Attraction #Capital #City #Holiday #Photo #SouthAfrica #Travel

Les mer om Sør-Afrikas tre hovedsteder; Pretoria, Cape Town og Bloemfontein, her:

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS “FORGING AHEAD” WITH CRUISE PIER PROJECT is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Photo credit: Caribbean Journal

The British Virgin Islands government is “forging Ahead” with the territory’s cruise pier construction project, Works Minister Mark Vanterpool, has said.

Vanterpool said that the government was expecting “some challenges due to delays in the construction Project”, but that it was making every effort to ensure that the British Virgin Islands could still benefit from this year’s cruise season, the Caribeean Journal reported.

According to a new report from the BVI Ports Authority, between October and the end of April, the territory is expected to see 297 cruise ships making calls and bringing in a total of 612,372 passengers.

Of that total, 169 calls will be made to Road Town Harbour, accounting for around 450,000 passengers.

The BVI’s cruise pier project will include an expanded, widened and strengthened dock and the development of landside facilities, including shopping, restaurants and customs.

There will also be dredging performed to accommodate larger vessels.

Right now, the project is three months behind schedule, Vanterpool said, but the expectation is still to have the entire project completed by the end of 2015.

Royal Caribbean canceled five of its six calls between October and December, however, the Minister said. 

“We are in contact with the Royal Caribbean Group to continue our close relationship, as they are considered a long term mutual partner in our cruise tourism industry”, Works Minister Mark Vanterpool said.


#British #BritiskeJomfruøyer #By #Caribbean #Cruise #Ferie #Hovedstad #Jomfruøyene #Karibia #Minister #Reise #Restaurant #Road #RoadTown #Royal #Shopping #Tortola #Town #Øy

#Capital #City #Holiday #Islands #Travel #VirginIslands

De britiske jomfruøyene er et selvstyrt, britisk oversjøisk territorium i det nordlige Karibia, med et areal på 153 km2 og et innbyggertall på ca.25000. Hovedstaden Road Town, en stor cruisedestinasjon, ligger på øya Tortola.


VIETNAM AIRLINES TIL HEATHROW is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Vietnam Airlines flytter sine operasjoner til Heathrow, noe flyplassen håper vil styrke muligheten for en ny rullebane, skriver

Flyselskapet etablerer seg dermed med flere av de andre Skyteam-partnerne på T4-terminalen, et trekk Heathrows administrerende direktør applauderer.

– Med dette sikrer Storbritannia seg en direkte link til et viktig, voksende marked, sa John Holland-Kaye da nyheten ble kjent.

Det betyr flere flyvninger og mer frakt-kapasitet, til et land i sterk utvikling, noe Holland-Kaye mener vil få stor betydning ikke minst for britiske eksportselskaper.

Siden den britiske flyplass-kommisjon fortsatt ikke har avgjort om det blir Gatwick eller Heathrow som skal få bygge en ny rullebane håper Holland-Kaye at Vietnam Airlines’ etablering kan bidra på vektskåla i Heathrows favør.

I starten åpner Vietnam Airlines fire ukentlige flyvninger fra Heathrow, to hver til hovedstaden Hanoi og Ho Chi Minh-byen (Saigon).

Nesten sommer planlegger Vietnam Airlines en daglig flight til hjemlandet med flyselskapets nye Boeing 787-9s Dreamliner.


#Airlines #Boeing #By #Dreamliner #England #Ferie #Fly #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Hanoi #Heathrow #HoChiMinh #Hovedstad #London #Reise #Saigon #Storbritania #Vietnam

SEOUL TO DEVELOP TAILORED TOURISM PROGRAMS is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) plans to revamp its tourism programs to meet the needs of visitors from China, Japan and other countries, the writes.

The city government said Wednesday it would develop more programs illustrating Korea’s history, K-pop and fashion.

The SMG operates 41 programs for foreign visitors. But a recent survey showed that tourists differ from one country to another ― certain tours that are popular among Chinese tourists are not favored by Japanese visitors.

For example, Chinese visitors tend to visit the city in big groups and are interested in shopping and food, while many Japanese tourists come in smaller groups and are more inclined toward K-pop and Korean drama.

Most tourists from North America and Southeast Asia visited Korea to experience its traditional culture and festivals, the SMG said.

The city government said an increasing number of tourists wanted to learn more about Korea by visiting places such as its history museum of modern architecture.

Firstly, city administrators will develop specific programs based on culture and arts, industries and shopping, towns and alleys, nature and the environment and theme tours.

The SMG plans to add some of the city’s significant sites, including the Seoul Anglican Cathedral, Seoul City Wall and Ihwa Mural Village, to its programs.

More marketing is also in the pipeline. “We will be more active in promoting the city via local media,” an SMG official said.

In 2013, about 10.04 million foreign visitors ― a record ― travelled to Seoul, up 9.3 percent on 2012. Chinese made up the largest group.

Over the years, visitor sightseeing preferences have changed. While spots such as Namdaemun and Dongdaemun saw a drop in visitors, new tourist locations, including areas of Hongdae, Samcheong-dong and Cheong Wa Dae, have gained popularity.

#Arkitektur #Asia #By #Fashion #Ferie #Hovedstad #Japan #Katedral #Kina #Korea #KPop #Kultur #Kunst #Miljø #Mote #Museum #Musikk #Reise #Seoul #Shopping #SørKorea #Turist
#Architecture #Art #Capital #Cathedral #China #City #Culture #Environment #Holiday #Music #SouthKorea #Tourist #Travel