Finland, Denmark and Norway Are The Happiest Countries In The World

The Love Bridge, with it’s thousands of padlocks and messages from couples from all over the world, in Helsinki, capital of Finland. Photo credit:

The Finns live in the happiest country in the world, according to the UN World Happiness Report 2019.
In second place is Denmark, with Norway in third place.

The report ranks 156 countries by factors such as economy, health, freedom and social security.

The ranking is based on surveys carried out by Gallup from 2016 to 2018. On the next places on the list are Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada and Austria.

‘Rakkauden silta – Kärlekens bro – Bridge of Love’ is the inscription on the brass plate of the railing on the “Love Bridge” in Helsinki. Photo credit:


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