Vietnam opens honorary consulate in New Caledonia is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Photo taken at the inauguration ceremony of Vietnam’s honorary consulate in New Caledonia

Vietnam’s honorary consulate was inaugurated in New Caledonia’s capital Noumea on October 5 with Dinh Jean-Pierre as its Honorary Consul General, reported.

At the inauguration ceremony, Vietnam’s Consul General in Sydney Mr Hoang Minh Son said the establishment aims to unite Vietnamese expatriates in New Caledonia.

He said he expects Dinh Jean-Pierre to contribute to boosting Vietnam-France ties and promote Vietnamese language and culture in New Caledonia.

French High Commissioner for New Caledonia Mr Thierry Lataste spoke highly of the Vietnamese community in his speech, describing them as hard-working and contributors to the local economy.

The first Vietnamese reached New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France, in 1891, gradually forming the close-knit community seen today.

Consul General Dinh Jean-Pierre is also head of the Vietnam friendship association on the island.

Other countries that have established honorary consulates in New Caledonia is Germany, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Japan.

News source:

#Australia #Belgia #By #Destinasjon #Ferie #Frankrike #General #Hovedstad #Italia #Japan #Konsul #Konsulat #NewSouthWales #Noumea #NyCaledonia #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storby #Sveits #Sydney #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyskland #Vietnam

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Best Western åpner nytt hotell i Stockholm is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Best Western Plus Grow Hotel åpner høsten 2018 i Solna Strand utenfor Stockholm, skriver nettstedet TravelNews.

Det nye hotellet får en attraktiv beliggenhet mellom Solna og Sundbyberg, like utenfor den svenske hovedstaden. Sundbyberg har de siste årene blitt en trendy forstad og et knutepunkt med mange bedrifter, restauranter, butikker og god offentlig transport til Stockholm.

Best Western Plus Grow Hotel vil tilføre bydelen flere overnattingsmuligheter, noe som det er et behov for.

Hotellet får åtte etasjer og 176 rom, restaurant, bar, lounge, gym og badstue. Hotellet blir firestjerners, moderne og bærekraftig. Rommene blir attraktive, og det legges stor vekt på design, utforming og smarte digitale løsninger, skriver nettstedet.

Ambisjonen er å skape en møteplass med innbydende lounge og restaurant/bar. Hotellets spennende mat- og drikkeutvalg kommer til å bli tatt hånd om av Aveqiagruppen med David Berggren.

Det blir enkelt å komme seg til hotellet. Stoppested for T-bane og buss ligger rett ved, det samme gjelder for flybuss fra Bromma og Arlanda flyplasser.

For gjester som ankommer med bil finnes det parkering i overvåket garasje.

– Området rundt Solna Strand har hatt en veldig positiv utvikling de siste årene. Vi ser fram til å kunne tilby et nytt og spennende Best Western Plus hotell for både forretningsreisende og privatreisende, sier Johan Michelson, Sverigesjef for Best Western Hotels & Resorts til TravelNews, og legger til at med sitt moderne design og smarte digitale løsninger er hotellet et veldig positivt tilskudd for Best Western Plus.


#Badstue #Bar #Bil #Buss #Butikk #By #Design #Destinasjon #Digital #Drikke #Ferie #Flyplass #Forstad #Gym #Hotell #Hovedstad #Lounge #Mat #Overnatting #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Restaurant #Stockholm #Storby #Sverige #Tbane #Transport #Trend #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Western

Fly til Ronaldo på Madeira is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Nå kan du fly til Ronaldo på Madeira! I alle fall til flyplassen som får hans navn…

Den portugisiske fotballstjernen Cristiano Ronaldo (31), har om mulig blitt enda mer populær i hjemlandet etter Portugals EM-gull i sommer.

Fra før er han hedret med en statue, dog en smule spesiell, i hjembyen Funchal, hovedstad på den selvstyrte øya Madeira. Nå blir også øyas flyplass oppkalt etter ham, skriver Se og Hør.

Formelt heter flyplassen i dag  Aeroporto da Madeira / Madeira Airport; i dagligtale Funchal Airport, og den er også kjent som Santa Catarina Airport.

Nå får den navnet Cristiano Ronaldo Airport (Aeroporto Cristiano Ronaldo).


Flyplassen, som ble åpnet i 1964, blir ofte omtalt som en av verdens aller mest spektakulære og halsbrekkende flyplasser, på grunn av dens beliggenhet og rullebanens konstruksjon, der den ender på kanten av et høyt stup.

Programmet Most Extreme Airports på History Channel har ranket flyplassen på Madeira som den niende mest farlige i verden, og den tredje farligste i Europa, etter Gibraltar International Airport, og Courchevel Altiport i de franske alper.

Cristiano Ronaldo er tidligere blitt hedret med en mye omtalt statue i hjembyen Funchal, les mer her:

Cristiano Ronaldo spiller i dag på Real Madrid.

#Airport #Alper #By #CristianoRonaldo #Destinasjon #EM #Ferie #Flyplass #Fotball #Frankrike #Funchal #Gibraltar #Gull #History #HistoryChannel #Hovedstad #International #Madeira #Madrid #Portugal #RealMadrid #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Ronaldo #Spania #Statue #Stjerne #Storby #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Øy





Første cruiseskip i Tunisia siden museumsangrep is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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For første gang siden et terrorangrep på Tunisias nasjonalmuseum som kostet 21 turister livet, har et cruiseskip anløpt hovedstaden Tunis, skriver VG / NTB.

Det tysk-opererte skipet MS Europa med 350 passasjerer om bord la torsdag til i hovedstadens havneby La Goulette for et endagers besøk.

Turistene ble mottatt av musikkorps med trompeter og trommer, kameler og nordafrikansk dans.


Se vår store bloggpost om Tunisia her:

#By #Cruise #Cruiseskip #Dans #Destinasjon #Europa #Ferie #Havn #Havneby #Hovedstad #Kamel #Korps #Musikkorps #Passasjer #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storby #Terror #Tunis #Tunisia #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tysk #Tyskland

Varsler fredning av USAs ambassade i Oslo is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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På nyåret flytter amerikanerne fra ambassaden (bildet) ved Slottet i Oslo til Huseby. Nå varsler byantikvaren en omfattende fredning av det særpregede. trekantede bygget, som er tegnet av den finsk-amerikanske stjernearkitekten Eero Saarinen (1910-1961), og sto ferdig i 1959.


#Ambassade #Amerikansk #Arkitekt #By #Destinasjon #Ferie #Finland #Hovedstad #Norge #Nyttår #Oslo #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Slottet #Stjerne #Storby #Tur #Turisme #Turist #USA

Tourist spending in Moscow drops by half is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Tourists visiting Moscow from abroad spend on average $800 per trip, whereas Russian tourists spend $200 on a visit to the capital, according to Konstantin Goryainov, deputy head of the Department for National Politics, Interregional Relations and Tourism of Moscow, who presented the statistics to journalists at a recent press conference, the Russia Behind the Headlines website, and the Interfax news agency reported.

– Tourists who come to Moscow from abroad spend something in the region of $800 when they come. Since the start of the crisis, foreign spending in Moscow has fallen by half in Russian terms, as this is measured in dollars. Moscow needs to create more itineraries and offer better-quality services, in order to raise this amount by another 20-30 percent,’ Mr Goryainov said. 

He noted that while foreign tourists clearly prefer to fly to the city, more Russian tourists still arrive by train. Just over a third of Russian tourists travel by rail compared with 25 percent who travel by air. Only 1 percent of tourists visit the city by boat, on a river cruise, for example.

Maintaining and improving transport infrastructure is critical for attracting tourists, according to Goryainov. ‘There are already four international airports in Moscow, and 10 train stations. Half of foreign visitors to the country come via the capital – it is an important center for transportation,’ Goryainov said.

On average, Moscow hotels have been at 62-63 percent capacity throughout the year, slightly up from the before.

‘We are interested in keeping hotel capacity at a steady average throughout the year; therefore we introduced an events calendar showing 500 events in Moscow, spread out over the four seasons,’ Goryainov said. ‘Tourism’s contribution to the region’s GRP (Gross Regional Product) is at about 3-4 percent, however in Moscow itself this figure doubles to about 6-8 percent and brings in trillions of rubles of GRP,’ he added.

According to the statistics presented at the event, there were 17 million individual arrivals to the city in 2015, of which 2 million were foreigners. Tourists from China, Germany, Turkey and France make up the bulk of foreign tourists.

News sources:, Interfax

#By #Båt #Cruise #Destinasjon #Elv #Event #Ferie #Fly #Frankrike #Hotell #Hovedstad #Jernbane #Kina #Moskva #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Russland #Storby #Tog #Transport #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyrkia #Tyskland

#Boat #Capital #China #City #Destination #France #Germany #Holiday #Hotel #Moscow #Railway #River #Russia #Tourism #Tourist #Train #Travel #Turkey


China to finance Egypt’s $45 billion capital city in the desert is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Egypt hopes to have its new capital city completed by 2021. Photo credit: Getty Images

Egypt’s plan to build a glittering new capital city in the desert was written off by many as nothing more than a dream for a country with a struggling economy.

That dream, however, appears headed for reality after China stepped in to bankroll much of the $45 billion project, World Tribune reported.

China Fortune Land Development announced on Sept. 25 it would invest $20 billion in the project. That announcement followed the pledge of $15 billion from China’s state-owned construction company.

Work has already begun for the as yet unnamed new capital 28 miles south of the current capital Cairo. The new city, located on a 270-square-mile slice of desert owned by the Egyptian army, would be home to some 5 million people.

City planners envision a city with skyscrapers rivaling those in Dubai, green areas comparable to New York City’s Central Park, an international airport larger than London’s Heathrow and an amusement park on the scale of Disney World.

Several hundred apartment buildings already have gone up in the new city, and construction crews are building roads and laying sewage lines.

The target for completion of the new capital is 2021.

Egyptian officials have long sought to relocate the capital away from highly-congested Cairo, in which 30 million people (a third of the country’s population) reside.

‘I can say with total honesty that this project is 20 years overdue,’ said Mohsen Salah El Din, chief executive of the state-owned Arab Contractors, which is involved in the project.

‘We had to find an alternative location to suck this congestion out of Cairo and relocate where the government would be and where the civil servants working in these agencies would live so that they don’t have to commute long distances between home and work,’ he said.

The moving of the capital would not be unprecedented. Turkey, India and Brazil all moved their capitals in the 20th century.

‘Egypt’s administrative capital is not different from Ankara, New Delhi or Brasilia,’ said Zeyad Elkelani, a political science professor at Cairo University.

‘The new capital is an important step to make room for the private sector,’ Elkelani said. ‘The bureaucracy has been choking business in Egypt and the residents of Cairo.’

The government of Egyptian President Abdul Fatah Sisi also announced it was speaking with the Chinese about building a university in the new city.

News source:

#Ankara #Brasil #Brasilia #By #Cairo #Destinasjon #Disney #DisneyWorld #Dubai #Egypt #England #Ferie #Flyplass #Heathrow #Hovedstad #Hær #India #Kairo #Kina #Leilighet #London #NewDehli #NewYork #Park #Professor #President #Regjering #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Skyskraper #Storbritannia #Storby #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyrkia #Universitet #USA #Ørken 

#Airport #Apartment #Army #Brazil #Capital #China #City #Desert #Destination #Government #Holiday #Skyscraper #Tourism #Tourist #Travel #Turkey #UnitedKingdom #University

Sjakkspillere pålagt å bruke hijab under VM i Teheran is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Bildet viser Atous Pourkashiyan fra Iran (t.v.) og Fatemah al-Jeldah fra Syria under en turnering. Foto: Goh Chai Hin / AFP / Getty Images

Kvinnelige sjakkspillere kan bli pålagt å bruke hijab under konkurransene i sjakk-VM for kvinner i Iran neste år, skriver den britiske avisa The Telegraph, ifølge NRK.

Flere stormestere kritiserer det internasjonale sjakkforbundet for ikke å stå opp for kvinners rettigheter.

Kvinnelige deltakere i sjakk-VM som ikke bruker hijab mens de oppholder seg i Iran, kan ifølge flere kilder risikere fengsel.

Sjakk-VM for kvinner går av stabelen i Irans hovedstad Tehran i februar 2017.

Til opplysning / for the record: denne bloggen er blokkert av myndighetene i Iran / this blog – – has been blocked by the authorities in Iran.  

Kilder:, The Telegraph

#Britisk #By #Destinasjon #Fengsel #Ferie #Hijab #Iran #Hovedstad #Internasjonal #Konkuranse #Kvinne #Politikk #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Religion #Sjakk #Storby #Teheran #Tur #Turisme #Turist #VM