Uganda: Cyclist to Promote Kampala As Safe Tourist Destination is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
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Uganda’s Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities in a bid to promote the capital city Kampala as a tourist destination has organized the second edition of Kampala Adventure Cycling 2016 due for 14 August, / East African Business Week reports.

“Tourism is not only about going to parks. There is a lot to see in and around our city, and the Kampala Adventure Cycling event will allow many people appreciate this city. It is amazing that many people live here but have only seen so little.” said Godfrey Kiwanda, Minister of State for Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities.

The event is meant to highlight Kampala as a beautiful and safe tourism destination to the local and international audiences as well as cement the partnership amongst the private sector, Kampala Capital City Authority and Uganda Tourism Board in promoting tourism in Kampala and Uganda. it is also meant to raise awareness as well as raise funds to provide tourism guiding skills for children aged 16-18 years born and raised in Ugandan prisons in order to improve on their lives.

See the full story here:

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#Antikvitet #Barn #By #Destinasjon #Ferie #Fengsel #Hovedstad #Kampala #Ministerium #Park #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselust #Reisemål #Storby #Sykkel #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Uganda

#Adventure #Antiquities #Bike  #Capital #Children #City #Cycle #Destination #Holiday #Ministry #Prison #Tourism #Tourist #Travel #Wildlife



Mallorcas innbyggere frustrerte av økende strøm av turister is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg

Mallorcas hovedstad Palma de Mallorca.

En kraftig vekst i antall turister til Mallorca har ført til en økende frustrasjon blant innbyggerne på den populære ferieøya, skriver NRK. 

Lokalbefolkningen klager over at turistene presser opp boligprisene på øya og ødelegger det tradisjonelle bylivet 

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#Balearene #Bolig #By #Destinasjon #Ferie #Hovedstad #Mallorca #Palma #PalmaDeMallorca #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Spania #Storby #Øy

Ny taxfree på Oslo Lufthavn is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Foto: Avinor

Når den nye taxfree-butikken på ankomst på Gardermoen åpner i begynnelsen av september i år møter de reisende en romsligere og mer attraktiv butikk, skriver

– Den nye taxfree-butikken er utformet på en måte som skal gjøre nordmenn stolte over ankomsten til eget land. Butikken vil by på en unik handleopplevelse, sier administrerende direktør i Travel Retail Norway, Håkon Fjeld-Hansen til Travelnews.

I april neste år åpner nye Oslo Lufthavn for fullt, og fram til da vil de nye arealene på flyplassen tas i bruk stegvis. 

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#Butikk #By #Destinasjon #Ferie #Flyplass #Gardermoen #Hovedstad #Lufthavn #Norge #Oslo #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storby #Taxfree #Tollfri #Tur #Turisme #Turist

Zagreb received more than a million tourists last year is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


Zagreb, capital city of Croatia, received more than a million tourists last year, This is even more than the number of visitors to Dubrovnik on the Adriatic coast, reports.

In the first five months of 2016 the capital was visited by 337,300 tourists, a 6% increase over the same period last year and a 12% rise in overnight stays. The majority of visitors came from South Korea, Germany, USA, Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Index reported on July 3.

Director of the Zagreb Tourism Board, Martina Bienenfeld, said the numbers are a result of the continuing work by the Zagreb tourism industry as well as city and state institutions. Thanks to numerous events Zagreb is a year-round destination.

“The city is awake, guests are increasing. Throughout the year we promote Zagreb on different tourism and congress fairs around the world and we made sure the story of Zagreb is heard by all ages and visitors in different platforms – from advertorial to mobile advertising and billboards to radio campaigns,” Bienenefeld said.

“We also published a special webpage detailing all events – concerts, exhibitions, film and street shows, all united under the Zagreb Summer Tour 2016 brand. The campaign took some two years to perfect.”

Besides different cultural and entertainment content, an important role in year-round tourism in Zagreb is congress tourism. Last year there were 233 business events, with 115 in the first five months of this year. According to data published by the International Congress and Convention Association, Zagreb has moved from the 79th to the 64th place out of 373 cities.

Zagreb today has 53 hotels, 45 hostels and 1,707 apartments and rooms, with a total of 14,466 beds.

See the full story here:

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#Adriaterhavet #BosniaHerzegovina #By #Destinasjon #Dubrovnik #Ferie #Film #Herberge #Hotell #Hovedstad #Italia #Kampanje #Kongress #Konsert #Korea #Kroatia #Kyst #Leilighet #Messe #Mobil #Radio #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Reklame #Show #Sommer #SørKorea #Tur #Turisme #Turist #Tyskland #USA #Utstilling #Zagreb

#Adriatic #Advertising #Apartment #Campaign #Capital #City #Coast #Congress #Concert #Croatia #Destination #Exhibtion #Fair #Germany #Holiday #Hostel #Hotel #Italy #SouthKorea #Summer #Tourism #Tourist #Travel

flydubai to fly daily to Bucharest is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Dubai-based low-cost carrier flydubai has announced the addition of two new flights a week between Dubai and Bucharest, and will now fly daily to the Romanian capital, reports.

“We are delighted to announce our daily flights from and to Bucharest,” said Ghaith Al Ghaith, CEO of flydubai. “At flydubai, we are committed to expanding connectivity to destinations that have historically been underserved from Dubai.”

“Since the launch of our Bucharest route in 2012, we have witnessed increasing demand from GCC passengers visiting the city and Romanian expatriates using our hub in Dubai to connect and visit family and friends around the world,” Mr Al Ghaith added. 

flydubai said passenger traffic between Dubai and Bucharest continues to grow year-on-year, and it remains a particularly popular route for Business Class passengers.

The airline said it has seen great demand from passengers travelling to Dubai and further afield on the flydubai network, whether for business or leisure.

See the full story here:

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#Bucuresti #By #Destinasjon #Dubai #Emiratene #Ferie #Flyselskap #ForenteArabiskeEmirater #Hovedstad #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Romania #Storby #Tur #Turisme #Turist

#Airline #Bucharest #Capital #City #Destination #Emirates #Holiday #Tourism #Tourist #Travel #UnitedArabEmirates

Etter Brexit: Spania vil ha delt suverenitet over Gibraltar med Storbritannia is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Spanias regjering foreslår å dele suvereniteten over det britiske territoriet Gibraltar (bildet), på sørspissen av Spania, med Storbritannia etter at et flertall av britene stemte for å forlate EU. 

-Vår formel er britisk-spansk dele-suverenitet for en fast tidsperiode. sier Spanias utenriksminister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo til spansk radio.

Storbritannia var raskt ute og avviste forslaget.

20 145 av Gibraltars 24 117 stemmeberettigede avla stemme etter en valgkampanje som var totalt dominert av Remain, ledet an av Gibraltars regjeringssjef Fabian Picardo.

Som ventet ble det et valgskred for de som ville forbli i EU. 19 322 – 95,9 prosent, stemte for Remain, mens 823 – 4,1 prosent, stemte for Brexit.

Gibraltar har vært under britisk herredømme i langt over 300 år, og Spania har hele denne tiden forlangt å få området tilbake, noe som i lange perioder har ført til et svært kjølig forhold mellom regjeringene i Spania og Storbritannia, og også mellom kongehusene i de to landene.

Gibraltars erkebritiske innbyggere er nær 100 prosent pro-EU, slik som lokalregjeringen og territoriets politiske partier. De er skremte med tanke på hva som nå skjer ved en Brexit, der Gibraltar frykter at Spania skal stenge grensen og dermed kvele territoriets økonomi, der turisme, online gambling, handel, service, shipping og finans, og det britiske militære nærveret er viktige inntektskilder. 

Tusenvis av spanske statsborgere pendler inn til Gibraltar hver dag for å jobbe, fra, eller via den spanske grensebyen La Línea de la Concepción, som ligger kloss inntil Gibraltar og er den eneste grensekrysningen mellom Spania og Gibraltar.

Sist Spania stengte den 1,2 kilometer lange grensen var i 1969, da den spanske diktatoren, general Francisco Franco, stengte grensen i protest fordi Storbritannia hadde gitt Gibraltar indre selvstyre.

Stengingen varte helt til 1985, ti år etter Francos død.

Bildet er tatt fra Rock of Gibraltar, med La Linea de la Concepcion i bakgrunnen, og med hovedveien som krysser Gibraltars flyplass.

Kuriøst nok så krysser veien fra La Línea de la Concepción inn til Gibraltar, en vei med fire kjørefelt, Gibraltars flyplass, noe som er en attraksjon i seg selv…

Gibraltar er et selvstyrt, britisk oversjøisk territorium på sydspissen av Spania, og blir kalt Europas siste koloni, selv om det begrepet stort sett ikke lenger brukes. 

Gibraltar har et areal på  6,8 km2 – og har 33,000 innbyggere. Territoriet styres av en britisk guvernør utnevnt av Storbritannias regjering, et folkevalgt parlament og en lokal regjering, ledet av en Chief Minister. 

Gibraltar, som er med i EU, har fullt indre selvstyre, mens Storbritannia har ansvar for utenriks- og forsvarspolitikk. Gibraltars regjering har sine egne representasjonskontorer i London, Brussel og Washington DC.

#Attraksjon #Belgia #Brexit #Britisk #Brussel #By #Destinasjon #Diktator #England #EU #Ferie #Finans #Flyplass #Franco #Gambling #General #Gibraltar #Grense #Guvernør #Handel #Hovedstad #Kongehus #London #Militær #Minister #Parlament #Pendle #Regjering #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Remain #Rock #Service #Shipping #Spania #Spansk #Storbritannia #Storby #Territorium #Tur #Turisme #Turist #USA #Utenriksminister #Valg #Vei #WashingtonDC

After Brexit: Could London break away from the UK and become independent? is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

The only region in England and Wales to vote for Remain could become its own city state by 2035, analyst says, according to The Week website.

Calls have emerged for London to secede from the UK after the results of the EU referendum.

The capital of the United Kingdom resisted the national trend to become the only region in England and Wales to vote in favour of remaining in the European Union.

Remain won 2,263,519 votes in London, compared with 1,513,232 in favour of Leave. Now its residents are “venting their frustrations on social media with pleas to form an independent city state and stay in the EU”, the London Evening Standard reports.

A petition on says: “London is an international city, and we want to remain at the heart of Europe.”

It has so far gathered just 800 signatories, according to The Week.

Prior to the vote, Professor Tony Travers, of the London School of Economics, told the BBC that while the scenario is unlikely, it is far from impossible.

According to Travers, independence is not the only way London could continue to flex its muscle on a world stage. The city could follow New York’s example, he says, with a powerful mayor who operates independently from the national government.

Read the full story here:

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#Borgermester #Brexit #By #Destinasjon #England #EU #Ferie #Hovedstad #London #NewYork #Ordfører #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storbritannia #Storby #Tur #Turisme #Turist #USA #Wales

#Capital #City #Destination #Holiday #Mayor #Tourism #Tourist #Travel #UnitedKingdom

Røde tall for Den Norske Opera & Ballett is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


Den Norske Opera & Ballett (bildet) i Oslo går i dundrende minus, melder NRK. Regnskapstallene for 2015 viser et underskudd på hele 67 millioner kroner, noe som i all hovedsak skyldes pensjonsutgifter.

Ifølge Finansavisen er de reelle pensjonskostnadene langt høyere enn det som er oppgitt av operaen.

Kilder:,  Finansavisen 

#Ballett #By #Destinasjon #Ferie #Hovedstad #Norge #Opera #Oslo #Pensjon #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Storby #Tur #Turisme #Turist