AIR MAURITIUS LAUNCHES NEW REGIONAL AIRLINE is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Air Mauritius is set to launch a regional African airline, with the intention of reinforcing connectivity between Africa and Asia, reports

Carla da Silva, Regional Manager for Southern Africa and Latin America made the announcement at its annual Air Mauritius Awards.

The new regional airline is set to operate as a subsidiary of Air Mauritius and “will increase the Air Mauritius network, adding additional eight points in the African region.

Added to this the airline will be launching operations to Maputo, capital city of Mozambique, and Dar es Salaam, commercial capital of Tanzania, in May. Mauritius remains a popular destination for South Africans and is the fourth largest market for the airline. 

In July 2015 South African Airways and Air Mauritius broaden their code-share agreement to enhance greater connectivity between the continent, South Africa, Mauritius and other inter-continental routes.

“The broadening of our relationship with Air Mauritius follows growing traffic between our two countries not only as a consequence of tourism, but is also concomitant to growing trade between the markets,” said South African Airways Acting CEO Nico Bezuidenhout.

In December 2015 Turkish Airlines also announced it would be serving the Mauritian capital city of Port Louis with a four-times weekly flight. 

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#Africa #Airline #Capital #City #Destination #Holiday #Mozambique #SouthAfrica #Tourism #Turkey #Travel

VING SATSER MER PÅ USA – WASHINGTON OG BOSTON ER NYE DESTINASJONER is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Kirsebærblomstring i Washington DC. Foto:

Til tross for en sterk dollar – reiseoperatøren Ving vokser i det amerikanske markede, og det er på Florida økningen er størst, skriver reisenettstedet

Nylig lanserte Ving to USA-nyheter – Boston i Massachusets, og den føderale hovedstaden Washington DC. Til Boston flyr Norwegian direkte fra Oslo Lufthavn, mens Icelandair flyr via Reykjavik til den amerikanske hovedstaden.

– I fjor var det imidlertid Florida som sto for den største økningen i antallet reisende, sier Tonje Løkaas Fossum, markeds- og kommunikasjonsdirektør i Ving Norge.

Interessen for USA ser altså ut til å holde seg, selv om dollaren holder en rekordhøy kurs.

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#Amerika #Boston #By #Destinasjon #Dollar #Ferie #Florida #Flyplass #Hovedstad #Icelandair #Island #Japan #Keflavik #Kirsebær #Lufthavn #Massachusets #Norwegian #Oslo #Reise #Reiseliv #Reiselyst #Reisemål #Reykjavik #Storby #Tre #Turisme #Turist #USA #Valuta #Ving #Washington #WashingtonDC

MORE TOURISTS EXPECTED IN PRAGUE FOR EASTER is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

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This year will see Good Friday as a public holiday in the Czech Republic of the first time.

About 235,000 foreigners are expected to arrive in the Czech capital Prague for Easter, which is 7 percent more than last year, reports the Prague Post.

Easter Sunday falls on March 27 for people following the Western calendar. In the Czech Republic, Good Friday (Velký pátek) will be a public holiday for the first time due to a new law.  Easter Monday (Velikonoèní pondìlí) will continue to be a holiday as well, making a four-day weekend.

Most tourists will come from Europe for the long weekend, with many of the visitors expected from neighboring countries – Germany, Slovakia, Austria and Poland, according to projections by municipal agency Prague City Tourism.

Many visitors will also come from Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and France. Europeans in the last four years accounted for 70 percent of the total number of foreign visitors during the Easter holidays in Prague.

The expected boost in tourism in Prague is in part from people in other parts of the Czech Republic who will have Friday off this year for the first time.

About 30,000 Czechs are expected visiting the capital at the end of March to meet up with friends and family or just for a one day tour, Prague City Tourism said.

In Russia, Easter celebration will be May 1, so tourists from there are expected to come a bit later. Despite the number of Russian tourists decreasing in recent years, Russia remains one of the main tourist supplier to the Czech Republic.

This year, Prague City Tourism expects the 14 percent growth of tourists from Asia, due in part to new direct flights from several cities.

While not as important as the Christmas markets, Prague will again have Easter markets on Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square and other locations in the city, operated by several different companies.

The ones at Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square will open March 12 and end April 3. During that time, there will also be events for St Patrick’s Day on March 17.

The Old Town Square market will have live music and other entertainment daily, as well as activities for children such as painting eggs.

Animals including sheep and goats will be in a petting zoo.

Good Friday had been a holiday in Czechoslovakia up to 1951, when it was removed from the calendar by the then-communist government.

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THE ROLLING STONES KLAR FOR SIN FØRSTE KONSERT PÅ CUBA is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


The Rolling Stones skal spille sin første konsert på Cuba noensinne 25. mars, opplyser det britiske bandet på sine hjemmesider tirsdag, skriver 

Konserten, som er gratis, skal holdes på stadion Ciudad Deportiva i hovedstaden Havanna få dager etter at USAs president Barack Obama besøker Cuba.

Coliseo de la Ciudad Deportiva, som er en innendørsarena med plass til 15000 mennesker, ble åpnet i 1957, og er hjemmebane for Cubas landslag i volleyball.

The Rolling Stones ble startet i London i 1962, og består i dag av Sir Mick Jagger (72), Keith Richards (72), Charlie Watts (74) og Ronnie Wood (68).


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