www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Politiet i Oslo mener at de har mulighet til å bøtelegge Uber-kunder, men sier at de ikke kommer til å gjøre det framover. Samtidig fortsetter jakten på Uber-sjåførene, skriver VG, ifølge nrk.no
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] har analysert reisene i 2015 og funnet årets mest populære reisemål.
Travellink har analysert reisene i 2015 og funnet årets mest populære reisemål.
I 2015 reiste vi mest til storbyer i Europa. Øst-Europa ble stadig mer populært, men årets mest uventede nyhet var Tokyo (bildet), skriver travelnews.no
2015 var et bra reiseår, og til tross for dyrere dollar og pund fortsatte vi nordboere å reise som aldri før. Aller helst reiste vi til Spania, England og Øst-Europa, men Asia og USA er fortsatt populært. Den dyrere dollaren kompenseres med flere og billigere fly både til USA og Asia.
Som vanlig ligger storbyer som London, Amsterdam og Berlin på topp når det gjelder populære reisemål, og Spania er med stor margin det landet vi nordboere aller helst besøker. Men vi ser også en tydelig trend i at stadig flere reiser til de østlige delene av Europa, og både Istanbul og Budapest klatrer mange plasseringer på listen sammenlignet med tidligere år.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Finland og Estland er enige om å utrede muligheten for en undersjøisk togtunnel som vil gå under Finskebukta mellom hovedstedene Helsingfors og Tallinn, skriver nyhetsbyrået FNB, ifølge nrk.no
Togreisen skal ta 30 timer, og tunnelen blir tidligst klar i 2030. Prosjektet har en prislapp på 120 milliarder euro.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Terror alerts and links to the Paris attacks have given Brussels unwelcome publicity in recent weeks, but tourist chiefs have come up with a solution: call locals direct and ask them whether or not it’s safe, reports expatica.com
Tourist agency VisitBrussels on Friday set up three yellow outdoor telephone booths at key spots in the Belgian and EU capital to which people from around the world can call and get the scoop.
One of the phones is just metres from the family home of Paris attacks fugitive Salah Abdeslam in the district of Molenbeek, where police have carried out several raids since November.
“You have to come here to Molenbeek to really know what’s happening,” Molenbeek resident Siham El-Sihan said after marching up to the phone and answering a call from an AFP reporter.
“It’s an image that people have without knowing. They’re just opinions with no proof. I live here and we are bit like a big family,” she said, her conversation caught and broadcast simultaneously online by a nearby camera.
The campaign is to last through Monday with phones at three locations, including the Mont des Arts museum district and the trendy Place Flagey.
Brussels, and the immigrant-strong Molenbeek district in particular, gained worldwide notoriety for being the alleged staging ground for the Paris attacks on November 13 that killed 130 people.
On Friday, Belgian prosecutors said police had found the Brussels flat where bombs used in the Paris attacks could have been made and where key suspect Abdeslam may have hidden.
Brussels itself was put on lockdown a week after the massacre with schools and museums closed on fears of a further attack, a measure that the government this week said cost the Belgian economy 350 million euros.
The city’s New Year fireworks were also cancelled over a separate terror alert.
“Over the past weeks, the international media has portrayed Brussels as a war zone that tourists would do well to avoid,” VisitBrussels agency said in a statement announcing their call scheme.
“The people of Brussels are proud of their region and are no doubt eager to re-establish the truth regarding the situation in Brussels.”
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Terrorgruppen Den islamske staten sier de står bak angrepet på en gruppe israelske turister ved en turbuss utenfor Three Pyramids Hotel, sørvest for Egypts hovedstad Kairo torsdag, ifølge nyheitsbyrået Amaq som støtter gruppa, melder Reuters.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Tourism is one of Europe’s most important sectors, generating hundreds of billions in direct GDP benefits, reports consultancy.uk
The sector has been doing well in recent years, consistently growing above regional GDP since 2009. A number of cities are doing spectacularly well, according to Roland Berger research, and are far exceeding GDP growth.
Istanbul leads the cities with more than 10 million overnight stays, Brussels leads in 2-10 million overnight stays and Dubrovnik in Croatia in less than 2 million overnight stays.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Både Kuwait, Qatar og Djibouti har nå kalt tilbake sine ambassadører i Iran, etter at Saudi-Arabia brøt alle diplomatiske bånd til regjeringen i Teheran på grunn av angrepene mot den saudi-arabiske ambassaden i den iranske hovedstaden, og landets konsulat i Irans nest største by, Mashhad.
Både ambassaden og konsulatet ble satt i brann av demonstrantene, som protest mot Saudi-Arabias henrettelse av en sjiamuslimsk skriftlærd.
Bahrain og Sudan har også brutt med Iran, mens De forente arabiske emirater, der det bor og arbeider flere hundre tusen iranere, har nedgradert de diplomatiske forbindelsene med Iran
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Singapore Airlines (SIA) increases flight frequencies to Bangkok, Colombo, Milan, Rome, Sydney, Ahmedabad, Mumbai and adds Düsseldorf to its network, reports rappler.com
The airline announced today that it will add a sixth daily flight from Singapore to Bangkok in March, up from 5 daily flights.
The sixth daily Bangkok service starting March 27, was added to meet the demand for travel to and from the Thai capital.
An Airbus A330-300 aircraft will be operated, adding nearly 2,000 seats per week on the route.
SIA is also increasing its flight frequency to Colombo, Milan, Rome, Sydney, Ahmedabad, and Mumbai from March 27 to October 29, 2016 and peak season.
Frequency to Colombo will also increase to 10 per week from 7. Milan services will also increase to 6 per week from the current 5, including two flights that continue to Barcelona in Spain.
Five weekly flights will also be operated to Rome from June 25 to July 30 this year, up from the current 3 flights per week.
Services to Sydney will increase to 35 per week from June 23 to September 4, 2016.
In addition, the Indian city of Ahmedabad will be served 4 times per week between April 30 to June 4 this year, up from the current 3 weekly flights, while 18 weekly flights will be operated to Mumbai from April 21 to June 6, up from the current 17 flights per week.
Düsseldorf will also become the newest destination in the SIA network starting Thursday, July 21. Flights to Düsseldorf will be operated 3 times weekly with the all-new Airbus A350-900 fitted with Singapore Airlines’ latest cabin products.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Under the patronage of Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Bahraini Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism will host an event entitled “The Inauguration of Manama, the Capital of Gulf Tourism 2016” today, reports the Bahrain News Agency.
The event will showcase the history and culture of Bahrain through the Kingdom’s most important features and tourist destinations. A list of events and programmes suited to families and individuals will be announced during the launch of the event.
The announcement of the events will initiate the Manama Capital of Gulf Tourism 2016 calendar, which will play a vital role in contributing to the enhancement and development of the tourism sector in Bahrain.
The city of Manama was picked as the “2016 Capital of Gulf Tourism” by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Ministers of Tourism, due to the Kingdom’s cultural history and wide-ranging tourist attractions
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Thailand skal tiltrekke seg flere turister med tykke lommebøker ved å fokusere mer på kvalitet, sier landets turistminister Kobkarn Wattanavrankul.
Han melder i en uttalelse at det også skal satses på kvinnelige reisende, sportsturisme og luksusreiser, skriver travelnews.no
– Vi ønsker at de besøkende skal bli lengre, og bruke mer penger, sier ministeren videre.
Besøkstallene for 2015 gjorde et betydelig byks oppover, til 24,8 millioner besøkende, en god økning fra 2013, da det populære turistlandet var preget av militærkupp og lange perioder med massive gateprotester, blant annet i hovedstaden Bangkok.
– Turistnæringen bidrar med 14,5 prosent av landets brutto nasjonalprodukt, sier turistminister Kobkarn Watanavrangkul.