ST.LUCIA TOURISM MINISTER SAYS PRIDE IN COUNTRY WILL HELP KEEP CAPITAL CITY CASTRIES CLEAN is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Saint Lucia’s Tourism Minister, Lorne Theophilus, has declared that a lot more can be done to keep the capital city of Castries clean, reports.

However the minister believes the issue of keeping the city clean is not only a function of the agencies that are responsible for the upkeep of the capital.

“We need to look at the source of the uncleanliness and it is basically what is being done by our very own people,” Minister Theophilus told the St LuciaTimes.

According to Mr.Theopilus, there is need to instill greater respect for this country.

He also stated that Saint Lucians need to respect themselves as well.

The minister believes that in this way, citizens will do what is necessary to contribute to keeping Castries clean.

“We have Saint Lucians who on regular basis leave our jurisdiction and travel overseas and the things that they would not do overseas, they feel very comfortable doing within their very own country, so it calls for a greater sense of pride in our very own people and in our country,” Mr.Theopilus asserted.

The minister observed that a greater sense of pride would greatly assist the agencies responsible in what they need to do to keep Castries clean.

Stray dogs, garbage, indiscriminate urination around Castries and dilapidated buildings – especially the CDC apartments on Jeremie Street, have been cited as contributing to making the capital city lose its appeal to both locals and visitors.

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Kilde:, press release.

#By #Castries #Ferie #Hovedstad #Karibia #Miljø #Minister #Reise #SaintLucia #StLucia #Turisme

#Capital #Caribbean #City #Environment #Holiday #Tourism #Travel

BEST I EUROPA PÅ KOLLEKTIVT is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


De fleste nordmenn velger kollektivtransport når de skal til og fra Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen. Dette gjør at nordmenn er best i Europa på kollektivreiser, skriver VG.

I 2014 slo vi alle rekorder: Hele 68 prosent av flypassasjerene brukte kollektivtransport til og fra flyplassen. Året før var kollektivandelen på 65 prosent.

-Vi er veldig fornøyd med utviklingen og vi ser hvor viktig det er med et godt samarbeid mellom kollektiv-aktørene for å sikre at flest mulig reiser kollektivt, sier Emil Elke, leder for Kollektivforum for Oslo Lufthavn.

Gardermoen har altså Europas høyeste kollektivandel for flyplasser, med med kraftig forventet vekst i flytrafikken de nærmeste årene, øker også utfordringene.

Prognosene viser at Oslo Lufthavn vil vokse med om lag 2,9 prosent per år. Den pågående utbyggingen av flyplassen vil øke kapasiteten fra dagens 23 millioner passasjerer til 28 millioner.

Kollektivforumet på Oslo Lufthavn ber om at det satses på både vei og bane, slik at flypassasjerene fortsatt vil oppleve kollektivtrafikken som den beste og mest effektive måten å komme seg til flyplassen på.

Kilder: Verdens Gang

#Buss #By #Drosje #Ferie #Flybuss #Flyplass #Flytog #Gardermoen #Hovedstad #Jernbane #Kollektiv #Lufthavn #Norge #Oslo #Passasjer #Reise #Taxi #Trafikk #Tog #Transport #Turisme #VG

HIT REISER NORDMEN I JULEFERIEN: LONDON, AMSTERDAM OG NEW YORK MEST POPULÆRE is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

London i juleskrud

London, Amsterdam og New York. Det er til storbyene de norske julereisende tar turen i år, det viser tall fra Travellink, skriver

Gdansk i Polen klatrer mest, opp 37 plasser på listen over de mest populære reisemålene.

– I år har sol og bad slitt litt med å hevde seg mot storbypulsen, sier Hege Bergsløkken, leder i Travellink Norge til Travelnews.

Som vanlig er reiselystne nordmenn klare for å forlate vintervêret over jul og nyttår, selv om årets juleferie byr på færre fridager enn de siste to årene, ser ikke dette ut til å påvirke antall solgte reiser.

– Julen er en periode hvor nordmenn reiser mye uansett hvor mange dager de må ta seg fri. Men i år vil man trolig prioritere storby og litt kortere reiser, for å slippe unna julestresset i Norge, sier Bergsløkken videre.

Det er fortsatt ikke for sent å bestille en julereise.

– Om man er fleksibel på avreisedatoer, lengde og reisemål, finnes det fortsatt reiser igjen. Ett tips er å unngå reisemål på topplisten. Den som finner en mindre åpenbar favoritt kan få ned prisene betydelig, sier Hege Bergsløkken.

Her er julens mest populære reisemål (fjorårets plassering i parantes):

Topp 10 Europa

1. London
2. Amsterdam
3. Paris
4. Alicante
5. Gdansk
6. Manchester
7. Brüssel
8. Malaga
9. Berlin

Topp 10 langdistansereiser

1. Bangkok
2. Phuket
3. New York
4. Dubai
5. Krabi
6. Miami
7. Addis Abeba
8. Teheran
9. Manila
10.Tel Aviv

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#AddisAbeba #Alicante #Amsterdam #Bangkok #Belgia #Berlin #Brussel #By #Dubai #Emiratene #England #Estland #Etiopia #Ferie #Filippinene #Florida #ForenteArabiskeEmirater #Frankrike #Gdansk #Hovedstad #Iran #Israel #Jul #Krabi #London #Malaga #Manila #Manchester #Miami #Nederland #NewYork #Nyttår #Paris #Phuket #Polen #Reise #Spania #Storbritania #Tallinn #Teheran #TelAviv #Thailand #Turisme #Tyskland #USA #Vinter

CROATIA NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD RELEASES ADVENT IN ZAGREB VIDEO is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

A new video from the Croatian National Tourist Board highlights the country’s December tourism showpiece – Advent in Zagreb, reports.

The beaches may be empty and the pristine Adriatic too cold for the more discerning bather, but tourism in Croatia continues throughout the year, with the December focus being largely on the capital city of Zagreb, as the Croatian National Tourist Board released its latest video on December 2, 2015, named simply ‘Advent in Zagreb’.

A relatively new tourism initiative, Advent in Zagreb is fast gaining in popularity, both locally and internationally, and organisers were given a boost last month, as website European Best Destinations included Zagreb as one of Europe’s top Christmas destinations.

“This year, we also expect tourism to grow in Zagreb during December. We know that the guests liked what they saw and experienced during the last Advent, and we believe we are going to have even more tourists, especially from neighboring countries and those countries which have direct flights to Zagreb. In addition to them, we expect journalists and tourist agents from Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, USA, France, Russia and the Czech Republic”, said Zagreb Tourist Board director Martina Bienenfeld.

During the first ten months of this year, Zagreb recorded an increase of 12 percent in the number of arrivals and overnight stays compared to last year, with more than 889,000 arrivals and 1,530,000 overnight stays. “With such figures, in just ten months we have almost achieved the same results as in the whole of last year. If all goes well, we expect further good results in the future and even stronger positioning of Zagreb on the tourist map of Europe and the world”, Bienenfeld concluded.

Read the article and see video at


#Adriaterhavet #Advent #By #Ferie #Frankrike #Hovedstad #Japan #Jul #Korea #Kroatia #Malaysia #Reise #Russland #Strand #SørKorea #Taiwan #Tourism #Travel #Tsjekkia #Tyrkia #USA #Video #Zagreb

#Adriatic #Beach #Capital #Christmas #City #Croatia #CzechRepublic #France #Holiday #Russia #SouthKorea #Tourism #Turkey #Travel

JAMAICA LOBBY FOR KINGSTON TO BE UNESCO-RECOGNIZED is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


Tourism authorities in Jamaica are lobbying for the capital city of Kingston to be designated a Creative City by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO, reports. 

A Jamaican delegation is making a case for the designation at the ongoing UNESCO World Creative City Forum in Japan.

Senior Director in the Entertainment Division of the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment, Gillian Wilkinson McDaniel, who is heading the discussions in Japan, expressed confidence that Kingston will be ascribed the prestigious designation.

“We have a very long and very stored history in terms of entertainment and so we are hopeful and we are confident, quite frankly, because we made a very strong application and we are looking forward to being designated,” she said ahead of the trip.

She noted that the team would be highlighting Jamaica’s contribution of over six genres of music to the industry.

State Minister with responsibility for Entertainment, Damion Crawford, said this is part of efforts to reduce the geographical seasonality of tourism in Jamaica, by rebranding the city as a place for visitors to travel for Entertainment.

“We are rebranding Kingston to say that Jamaica is now not just the North Coast, but Jamaica in total is open for business. The designation as a Creative City also leads to exposure, and consciousness leads to consumption,” he said.

The state minister added that this designation would also result in the provision of grant funding for selected projects to develop the creative sector in Kingston.

“The importance of that should not be understated. Places like Trench Town for example could now be better recognised and be better marketed,” he said.

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network was created in 2004 to promote cooperation with, and among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban Development.

The Network is currently formed by 69 members from 32 countries covering seven creative fields: Crafts & Folk Art, Design, Film, Gastronomy, Literature, Music and Media Arts.

Read the article at


#By #Design #Ferie #Film #FN #Fornøyelser #Gastronomi #Hovedstad #Jamaica #Japan #Kingston #Kreativitet #Kultur #Kultur #Litteratur #Media #Minister #Musikk #Reise #Tokyo #Turisme #Underholdning #UNESCO #Utdanning #Vitenskap

#Capital #City #Creativity #Culture #Education #Entertainment #Holiday #Music #Science #Tourism #Travel #UN #UnitedNations 

BATACLAN ÅPNERT IGJEN OM ET ÅR is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


Konsertlokalet Bataclan i Paris, der 90 mennesker ble drept i terrorangrepet 13. november, åpner trolig igjen om et års tid, opplyser to av eierne, skriver 

– Veien er lang, men vi trenger å se at dørene åpner. Vi trenger liv, sier Jules Frutos ved Bataclan til Le Monde.

Det populære konsertlokalet i Boulevard Voltaire åpnet første gang dørene 3.februar 1865.

#By #Ferie #Frankrike #Hovedstad #Konsert #Paris #Reise #Terror #Turisme #Voltaire

OSLO OG NEW YORK DE DYRESTE HOTELLBYENE is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected] 

Oslo er Skandinavias dyreste hotellby, og slår så vidt København. Stockholm kan om kort tid gå forbi, for her øker prisene mest. Men ingen slår New York, skriver

Det er hotellreservasjons-selskapet HRS som har vurdert gjennomsnittsraten på hoteller i kategoriene én til fem stjerner i Europa og resten av verden. Prisene er basert på reelle hotellbestillinger, og sammenligner tredje kvartal 2014 mot tilsvarende tall i samme periode i år.

Snittprisen i København steg med 3,6 prosent, til 1 060 kroner, mens den i Oslo steg med 6,3 prosent – til 1 090 kroner. I Stockholm er snittet lavere – på 870 kroner, men prisene i Sveriges hovedstad har steget med hele 11,5 prosent.

I Finlands hovedstad Helsinki koster gjennomsnittsrommet også 870 kroner, opp åtte prosent sammenlignet med i fjor.

I Europa ellers steg for eksempel romprisene i London med hele 16 prosent. Snittprisen er nå 1 820 kroner, som er hele 190 kroner mer per natt enn den nest dyreste hotellbyen i Europa – Zurich i Sveits med 1 630 kroner.

Istanbul i Tyrkia har plutselig steget i gradene – opp til en tredjeplass på listen over Europas dyreste hotellbyer. Her koster nå et rom i snitt 1 440 kroner.

Den største økningen i prisene står italienske Milano for. Her steg romprisen med nesten 20 prosent, opp til en snittpris på 1 170 kroner.

Mens Paris, Roma og Madrid opplevde en liten nedgang i snittprisene har de falt dramatisk i den russiske hovedstadeb Moskva – med en gjennomsnittlig nedgang på 21 prosent sammenlignet med tredje kvartal 2014.

De billigste ratene i Europa opplever du fortsatt i Praha med 640 kroner, Warszawa 685 kroner, og Budapest med 732 kr.

Generelt stiger hotellprisene jevnt og trutt. New York – der prisene bare det siste året har steget med 30 prosent – har tidligere ligget på topp, men må dele den plassen med Boston, som opplevde en prisoppgang på 35 prosent. Snittprisen er nå på hele 2 520 kroner natten.

I San Francisco koster det 2 200 kroner i snitt for en natt.

I Asia leder Tokyo suverent. Der koster en natt på hotell i gjennomsnitt 1 600 kroner. Da steg prisene med 35 prosent sammenlignet med fjoråret.

Ut over det er det relativt rimelig å bo godt i Asia. I Kuala Lumpur i Malaysia er prisene nede i 650 kroner natten. Her kan du med andre ord bo fire netter på hotell for samme pris som én natt koster i New York.

I Thailand har for øvrig hotellprisene falt med ni prosent, som gjør at det nå koster i gjennomsnitt 695 kroner for en natt på hotell.

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#Boston #Budapest #By #California #Danmark #England #Ferie #Finland #Frankrike #Helsingfors #Helsinki #Hotell #Hovedstad #Istanbul #Italia #Japan #KualaLumpur #København #London #Madrid #Malaysia #Massachusets #Milano #Moskva #NewYork #Norge #Oslo #Paris #Polen #Praha #Reise #Roma #Russland #SanFrancisco #Skandinavia #Spania #Stockholm #Storbritannia #Sveits #Sverige #Thailand #Tokyo #Tsjekkia #Turisme #Tyrkia #Ungarn #USA #Warszawa #Zurich

“TOO FEW HOTELS” IN DUBLIN CLAIM AS TOURISM IRELAND KICKS OFF is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected] 

There are too few hotels in Dublin, which will act as a brake to developing the economy across the island, a leading accountancy firm claimed yesterday, on the same day Tourism Ireland launched its plans to boost tourism in the capital, the reports.

Crowe Horwath accounting and consultant firm said occupancy rates of up to 80% indicates that Dublin hotels are effectively full and illustrates the severity of the shortage even at this early stage in the economic upswing.

Because of the construction industry is in a bad shape there is no evidence the new hotels will be built. It says that planning problems and finding funding for projects are the “key hurdles.”

“The limited availability of rooms in Dublin city is causing a bottleneck that is likely to damage the full potential of Ireland’s economic growth and needs urgent attention,” says the accountants.

Yesterday, Tourism Ireland formally launched its follow on to the Wild Atlantic Way, by saying it will launch ads abroad in the new year for its new programme highlighting “Ireland’s Ancient East”, as well as promoting a campaign around an initiative specifically for the capital, called “Dublin – A Breath of Fresh Air”.

The tourism agency’s chief executive Niall Gibbons, said the 7.9 million visitors coming to the island this year was a record.

It now aimed to attract 8.2 million people NeXT year: “Growth has been recorded from all our markets around the world–with record numbers arriving here from North America, Mainland Europe and Australia and developing markets. Throughout the year, Tourism Ireland undertook a packed programme of promotions, to bring Ireland to the attention of travellers everywhere,” he said.

But Aiden Murphy, partner at Crowe Horwath, a specialist in the hotel and tourism sector, said the occupancy levels means that Dublin hotels are already effectively full.

The limited availability of rooms in Dublin city is likely to damage the full potential of Ireland’s economic growth.

“If Dublin is considered the gateway to Ireland, what happens when there are no rooms to be found,” he said.

The accountants say that the average rate charged for a room in Dublin is 97.25 euros, up 7.2% from 90.73 euros a year earlier. Room rates have still to match 2006 levels, but are costly compared with prices outside the capital, including 79.36 euros in Midlands and East; 79.43 euros in the South west; and 67.50 euros along the Atlantic seaboard.

“Hotels require active management and have longer planning horizons. Offices are currently more attractive to build and lack of finance is also compounding the issue,” Aiden Murphy said.

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#Australia #By #Dublin #Ferie #Hotell #Hovedstad #Irland #Reise #Turisme

#Capital #City #Holiday #Tourism #Travel

COST OF DOING BUSINESS IN SWAZILAND’S CAPITAL CITY OF MBABANE SHOOTS UP is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


The Municipal Council of Mbabane, Swaziland’s capital city, is releasing Service Charges Bye Laws to increase cost of doing business while other countries are striving to keep the costs of doing business as low as possible so to attract investors, / APA reports on Monday.

Service charge increments that will affect almost all businesses operating from the city are trading license inspection fees, building application fees and advertising fees as some of the service charges have been increased by a whopping 100 per cent.

Businesspeople under the informal sector will now pay $11.5 for the council to do inspection, in order to be awarded a trading license. This reflects an increase by 28.20 per cent from the current $9.

The businesspeople who will be hit by this cost hike are food vendors, street photographers, barbers, street vendors with stalls, hawkers, shoe repairs, clobbers, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and motor vehicle attendants.

See the article at


#By #Ferie #Hovedstad #Mbabane #Næringsliv #Reise #Swaziland #Turisme

#Business #Capital #City #Holiday #Tourism #Travel

MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE ÅPNER I WASHINGTON DC is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Når Museum of African American History and Cultre åpner i USAs hovedstad Washington DC er det første gang et museum i USA utelukkende vies afro-amerikanske liv, historie og kultur, skriver Se og Hør.

Den 10 etasjer høye bygningen vil huse gjenstander fra hele historien  – fra Harriet Tubmans salmebok til bilder og bannere fra BlackLivesMatter- demonstrasjonene.

Museet åpner i løpet av 2016 – og båndet skal klippes av president Barack Obama mens han fortsatt er president.

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#Afrikansk #Afroiamerikansk #Amerikansk #BarackObama #Black #Bok #By #Demonstrasjon #Ferie #Historie #Hovedstad #Kultur #Museum #Obama #President #Reise #Salme #Salmebok #Turisme #USA #WashingtonDC