ST.LUCIA TOURISM MINISTER SAYS PRIDE IN COUNTRY WILL HELP KEEP CAPITAL CITY CASTRIES CLEAN is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Saint Lucia’s Tourism Minister, Lorne Theophilus, has declared that a lot more can be done to keep the capital city of Castries clean, reports.

However the minister believes the issue of keeping the city clean is not only a function of the agencies that are responsible for the upkeep of the capital.

“We need to look at the source of the uncleanliness and it is basically what is being done by our very own people,” Minister Theophilus told the St LuciaTimes.

According to Mr.Theopilus, there is need to instill greater respect for this country.

He also stated that Saint Lucians need to respect themselves as well.

The minister believes that in this way, citizens will do what is necessary to contribute to keeping Castries clean.

“We have Saint Lucians who on regular basis leave our jurisdiction and travel overseas and the things that they would not do overseas, they feel very comfortable doing within their very own country, so it calls for a greater sense of pride in our very own people and in our country,” Mr.Theopilus asserted.

The minister observed that a greater sense of pride would greatly assist the agencies responsible in what they need to do to keep Castries clean.

Stray dogs, garbage, indiscriminate urination around Castries and dilapidated buildings – especially the CDC apartments on Jeremie Street, have been cited as contributing to making the capital city lose its appeal to both locals and visitors.

Read the article at

Kilde:, press release.

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