MAURITIUS TOURIST ARRIVALS JUMP 8.9 % IN FIRST HALF is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Port Louis, capital of Mauritius

The number of tourists visiting Mauritius rose 8.9 percent in the first half of 2015 from the same period last year, with more arrivals from Asia, official figures showed on Friday.

Tourism is an important component of the Mauritian economy and a key source of hard currency for the Indian Ocean island state, best known for its luxury spas and beaches.

Arrivals increased to 534,182 during the period from 490,697 a year ago, Statistics Mauritius said. Numbers from Asia rose 21.3 percent to 98,477, with visitors from China rising 31.8 percent.

“The Chinese market is very important for Mauritius as it provides us with a good client base for the low season,” Xavier Duval, the minister of Tourism said in a statement.

The number of tourists visiting from Europe, which accounts for two-thirds of visitors to Mauritius, rose by 8.3 percent to 288,374.

#By #Ferie #Hovedstad #IndiskeHav #Kina #Mauritius #Minister #PortLouis #Reise #Turisme

#Capital #China #City #Holiday #IndianOcean #Tourism #Travel

TOURISM KICKS OFF JUNKANOO SUMMER FESTIVAL IN NASSAU is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

A straw ribbon graced the entrance to the Junkanoo Summer Festival, which kicked off on Saturday, July 4, 2015 at Arawak Cay. Pictured, second left, Permanent Secretary Harrison Thompson; Junkanoo Nymphe, Analicia Thompson; Minister of Tourism the Hon. Obie Wilchcombe, Director General of Tourism Joy Jibrilu; and Deputy Director General Ellison Tommy Thompson. (BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna)

It looked like a prelude to the annual Boxing and New Year’s Day parades as thousands flocked to Arawak Cay in Nassau, capital city of The Bahamas, for the opening of the Junkanoo Summer Festival on Saturday, July 4, 2015, reports 

Organized by the Ministry of Tourism, the festival will be held every Saturday during the month of July. It is aimed at showcasing the best in culture, dance and food fare.

The event will also give Junkanoo groups, on a smaller scale, an opportunity to compete in music, dance and choreography for prizes and of course, bragging rights.

A street march was also part of the festivities with fire dancers, jugglers, acrobats and the Junkanoo Nymphe who was painted in hues of blue and glittery ornaments.

#Bahamas #By #Ferie #Festival #Hovedstad #Nassau #Reise #Turisme

#Capital #City #Holiday #Tourism #Travel 

FARGERIK 4.JULI-FEIRING is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Et fyrverkeri i de amerikanske fargene lyste opp himmelen over kongressbygningen (t.v.) på Capitol Hill i Washington DC da USA feiret sin nasjonaldag 4.juli.

#Amerika #By #Capitol #Ferie #Fyrverkeri #Hovedstad #Kongress #Nasjonaldag #Reise #Turisme #USA #Washington

PORTO NOVO: AN AFRICAN CITY TAKING ACTION AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Porto Novo is the official and legislative capital of Benin, and the seat of the national assembly, while Cotonou is the administrative and commercial capital – the seat of governmentment and foreign embassies.

Porto Novo in Benin, Rouen in France and Da Nang in Vietnam are taking steps to mitigate the harsh effects of climate change, which will hit them hard if they don’t.

Taking action against climate change is hugely important in the developing countries. This is particularly true for African countries, where the impacts of climate change will hit harder. It is also where development challenges and poverty alleviation needs are most severe, Lorena Pasquini of the University of Cape Town, writes in an analays.

The lack of funding and capacity for climate change mitigation is a sore point for cities everywhere. But despite these barriers, cities globally – including in Africa – are taking action as best they can to prepare for the effects of climate change.

A tale of three cities

Porto Novo in Benin, Rouen in France and Da Nang in Vietnam are three examples of cities that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. All three are particularly prone to flooding. This is not surprising in coastal cities such as Porto Novo and Da Nang, or in cities located on the banks of a major river like Rouen.

All of the infrastructure that is clustered around the banks of the river Seine, in Rouen, can’t, realistically, be removed. The best many cities can do with their existing at-risk infrastructure is try to protect it in some way. One of the best opportunities for preparing for the effects of climate change comes from new urbanisation and development plans.

See the whole story at The Conversation, Johannesburg:

#Ambassade #Benin #By #CapeTown #Cotonou #DaNang #Ferie #Frankrike #Hovedstad #Johannesburg #Klima #Miljø #Nasjonalforsamling #Parlament #PortoNovo #Regjering #Reise #Rouen #Seinen #SørAfrika #Turisme #Universitet #Vietnam 

#Capital #City #Climate #Embassy #Environment #France #Government #Holiday #NationalAssembly #Parliament #Tourism #Travel #University

ROLLING STONES-PLAKAT BLE FOR DRØY FOR LONDON is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Faksimile: Rolling Stones

I april 2016 skal Rolling Stones holde en stor utstilling ved det berømte Saatchi Gallery i London, hvor de vil vise fram minner og gjenstander fra sin lange karriere, skriver

I forbindelse med promoteringen av utstillingen har bandet også fått produsert en reklameplakat, som viser en kvinnes hofter, med bandets kjente leppe- og tungelogo klistret over kjønnsorganet.

Plakaten var i utgangspunktet ment å henge i Londons gater og i undergrunnssystem, med har ifølge The Guardian nå blitt stemplet som for drøy og kontroversiell.

Selskapene Exterion Media og Clear Channel, som regulerer reklame og markedsføring for undergrunnssystemet og ved bussholdeplasser i den britiske hovedstaden, krever nå at tungelogoen flyttes til kvinnens navle, før de godkjenner at plakaten går opp.

-Vi er målløs og forvirret, og synes dette er en dum avgjørelse, sier en talsperson for Rolling Stones.

Som følge av at den opprinnelige plakaten nå er bannlyst, har Rolling Stones valgt å imøtese kravene, og flyttet den berømte tunga opp til navlen.

På bandets egen hjemmeside – – har de imidlertid valgt å la den originale versjonen stå, som promotering til den kommende utstillingen.

#Buss #By #Dagbladet #England #Ferie #Galleri #Hovedstad #Kunst #London #Metro #Musikk #Reise #Reklame #RollingStones #Storbritania #Turisme #Undergrunnsbane

RABAT’S ZOO AWARDED TRIPADVISOR CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Rabat’s The National Zoological Garden (JZN) obtained TripAdvisor’s Certificate of Excellence for the second consecutive year.

TripAdvisor’s Certificate of Excellence has been awarded for the second consecutive year to the national zoological garden in Rabat for its quality of service, reports

The zoo obtained this award because of the positive feedback of its visitors on the TripAdvisor website. The zoo had received an overall rating of 4/5 based on the appreciation of the local and foreign visitors.

This rating consequently ranks the zoo in the top 5 most visited attractions in Rabat and places it number one for open air activities.

This award, according to a communiqué released by the JZN, represents the recognition of the visitors to the quality of the zoo services.

TripAdvisor is the most popular online platform in the world and is present in 45 countries. The website is used for referencing, comparing, and rating the services of touristic establishments like hotels.

With more than 340 million visits a month and more than 225 million opinions on more than 4.6 million touristic establishments, the website is considered very reliable because it gives access to the real testimonies of visitors of these touristic attractions.

#By #Dyrehage #Ferie #Hovedstad #Marokko #Rabat #Reise #TripAdvisor #Turisme #Zoo

#Capital #City #Holiday #Morocco #Tourism #Travel

CST, HBD OPEN WIRELESS LINK BETWEEN SAO TOME, PRINCIPE is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Sao Tome and Principe operator CST and local hotel and agritourism group HBD have opened a new microwave radio link in Roca Sundy that will support telecommunications between the islands of Principe and Sao Tome, reports Telanon.

It is the second-largest wireless connection in the world across the sea and will increase the capacity of the current connection ninefold. Through this new link, the island of Principe will take advantage of the fibre optic submarine cable connection, thereby reaching speeds of 100 Mbps, and it will be able to get all the services available in Sao Tome.


#By #Ferie #Hotell #Hovedstad #Principe #Radio #Reise #SaoTome #SaoTomeOgPrincipe #Telekommunikasjon #Turisme

#Capital #City #Holiday #Tourism #Travel

KASTRUP FORENKLER ADGANGEN TIL GRATIS WI-FI is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Kastrup Lufthavn i København forenkler adgangen til gratis wi-fi nå i sommer, skriver VG. 

For mer informasjon, gå inn på CPH HOTSPOT, angi mailadressen din og land – og vips er du på!

#By #Danmark #Ferie #Flyplass #Hovedstad #Internett #Kastrup #København #Reise #Turisme #VG #WiFi

DEN DOMINIKANSKE REPUBLIKK BLIR EN STADIG STØRRE GOLFDESTINASJON is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


Antallet golfturister til Den dominikanske republikk øker stadig. Landet har hele 25 flotte baner, og to nye er under bygging. Det er suverent flest i Karibia, skriver VG.

Den dominikanske republikk ligger vest for Puerto Rico, dit Norwegian starter direkteflyvninger.

Den dominikanske republikk utgjør den østlige delen av øya Hispaniola, der Haiti utgjør den vestlige delen.

#By #DominikanskeRepublikk #Ferie #Golf #Haiti #Hispaniola #Hovedstad #Karibia #Norwegian #PuertoRico #Reise #SantoDomingo #Turisme #VG 

BRITISH AIRWAYS REVEALS PILOT’S EYE VIEW OF FUNCHAL LANDING is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Funchal airport. Foto:

A new video from British Airways gives its customers a pilot’s eye view of landing into one of its newest destinations – Funchal, capital of Madeira, reports.

The airport – one of the most challenging landings on the airline’s worldwide network – requires special approval from the Portuguese aviation authority for pilots to fly there.

British Airways’ expert pilot training team created a bespoke plan that received approval and allowed the airline to start flying to Funchal.

Pilots flying the three times a week service from Gatwick must undergo specialist training, including flight simulation to study every aspect of the approach in detail.

The airline started flying three times a week from Gatwick to Funchal on May 11th, 2015.

In this video two of the airline’s highly trained pilots, British Airways Captains Ally Wilcox and Ian Mills, show how it’s done.

Wilcox said: “Our highest priority is always safety.”

“It’s built into everything we do, including our approved plan for flights to Funchal.”

“While we will be focused on the technical aspects of the landing procedure, our customers will be able to enjoy the great views of the Atlantic and the beautiful island of Madeira.”

Watch the youtube-video at

#BritishAirways #By #Ferie #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Funchal #Gatwick #Hovedstad #London #Madeira #Pilot #Portugal #Reise #Storbritannia #Turisme #Video

#Airline #Airport #Capital #City #Holiday #Tourism #Travel #UnitedKingdom