www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Effective from 1 June, will Air Tanzania increase flights from Dar es Salaam to Moroni, capital of the Comoros, from the previous five per week to now 8 per week, www.eturbonews.com reports
The airline, one of the few from the African mainland flying to the Comoros, cited risen demand for the change. The airline also confirmed that apart from every Thursday, when two flights will be operated it will be a daily service from now on. Air Tanzania will be using their Bombardier CRJ200 jet for the service, which offers 50 seats in an all economy configuration.
While confirming the development did a Dar es Salaam based aviation source also point out that the airline?s only other aircraft, a Bombardier Q300 turboprop, continues to remain in the hanger undergoing heavy maintenance, which led to the suspension of services to such destinations like Kilimanjaro and Mwanza, now served by both Fastjet with an Airbus A319 and Precision Air with their ATR’s fleet comprising -42’s and -72?s.
As and when the Q300 re-enters service will these destinations be served again, no doubt leading to a battle over market share fought through lowering fares and upping perks for travelers. For breaking and regular aviation news from Eastern Africa just watch this Space.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Dronning Elizabeth II (89) gjennomfører denne uken et bredt anlagt statsbesøk i Tyskland. Her ser vi dronningen bli tatt imot med fulle militære æresbevisninger i Berlin av Tysklands president, dr.Joachim Gauck (75).
Tusenvis av fastboende og turister hadde samlet seg langs den tyske hovedstadens gater for å få et glimt dronningen og hennes følge.
Dronning Elizabeth og prins Philip, hertugen av Edinburgh (94) blir ønsket velkommen av president Joachim Gauck utenfor presidentpalasset Bellevue i Berlin. Til venstre står presidentens samboer, Daniela Schadt (54).
Forbundskansler Angela Merkel (60) og dronning Elizabeth utenfor Bundeskanzleramt i Berlin.
Båtturen på elva Spree i Berlin var et svært så populært programinnslag, både for dronningen og vertskapet, og for de svært mange skuelystne som hadde møtt fram langs elvebredden.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
The Menorca tourism board, with the support of the Spanish Tourist Office in London, will launch a marketing campaign in the UK, www.breakingtravelnews.com reports.
The UK market, a priority for the island, is part of a new marketing strategy chosen to reinforce the image of Menorca and encourage visitors all-year round.
The campaign will run across a variety of on and off line media platforms to target Britons interested in Menorca´s tourist offer, such as culture, wellness, gastronomy or outdoor activities, among others.
To grab the attention and focus on customer retention, the print campaign will include a series of advertorials in the printed and online versions of a national newspaper (The Independent), and in the digital version of the Evening Standard, the most read paper in London and south-east England.
In addition, Menorca will be featured in specialised magazines such as Adventure Travel and Cyclist as a way to promote Menorca’s resources and infrastructure to cater for activity holidays.
Mahon, capital of Menorca
The main focus however, will be on social media.
The challenge is to convey an important message to a fragmented audience minimising COSTs.
The way to achieve this is by generating own content or selected one from third parties that is relevant, memorable and preferably viral; a communication strategy based on low volume (segmentation) and high impact (memorability), rather than the traditional high volume, low impact (publicity).
The Spanish Tourist Office in London has designed a specific digital strategy for UK following Turespaña’s digital plan It consists in a dedicated social hashtag #MustSeeMenorca created to generate interest and engagement, and to increase the visibility and aspirationality of Menorca as a destination to visit.
The impact of the social media campaign is estimated to exceed 15 million impressions, with over one million users reach.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Cruiseskip i Puerto de La Luz i Las Palmas. Foto: Hugo Ryvik, canariajournalen.no
Stadig flere cruiseskip ankommer Kanariøyene. I 2014 økte antallet cruiseturister til godt over 1,9 millioner, en økning på nesten 18 prosent, skriver www.canariajournalen.no
Trenden fortsetter i år, ifølge en presentasjon holdt i dag av styreformannen for havnevesenet, Louis Ibarra.
Gran Canaria ledet an med 334 000 cruiseturister i april, en økning på 12 prosent fra april i fjor.
37 euro per dag
Hver cruiseturist bruker 37 euro i gjennomsnitt per dag på Kanariøyene, og 43 euro på Tenerife og La Palma, viser en studie utført av regionsregjeringen.
Studien viser også at Las Palmas, La Palma og Tenerife er de mest attraktive øyene å besøke for cruisepassasjerene. Passasjerene var mer fornøyde med sine besøk enn tidligere på alle Kanariøyene unntatt Puerto del Rosario på Fuerteventura.
Graden av fornøydhet var i gjennomsnitt 52,1 prosent.
Bygger ut cruisekapasitet
Lanzarote er nå i gang med en stor havneutbygging for å kunne ta imot flere cruiseskip, og i Santa Cruz de Tenerife skal cruiseterminal nummer tre åpnes i september 2016 .
I Las Palmas er havnen utvidet til å ta imot flere, og byen har lagt spesielt til rette for cruisepassasjerer.
Vil utvide sesongen
Cruisesesongen er over for i år på Kanariøyene, men nå blir det jobbet for gjøre sommeren også til cruisesesong.
Sommeren 2016 er det planlagt et anløp av et skip med 900 passasjerer, ifølge Ibarra.
De typiske cruiseturistene som kommer til Kanariøyene er eldre par som har vært sammen i minst 41 år. De er kulturinteresserte, interesserte i Kanariøyenes monumenter , og de fleste er briter eller tyskere.
Britene og tyskerne bruker imidlertid mindre penger enn andre cruiseturister, viser studien.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
The Maldives largest annual food and hospitality event Hotel Asia Exhibition and International Culinary Challenge 2015 will be held at Dharubaaruge Exhibition Hall, Male Maldives from August 23 – 26, 2015, www.dailynews.lk reports.
This years event is supported and endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism of Maldives along with the Sri Lanka Maldives Bilateral Business Council and the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka, who will host two major pavilions.
This years event is held during a significant time when Maldives celebrate their 50 years of Independence. Hotel Asia Exhibition has been included as part of this mega celebration which commences from July until the end of the year.
The event has sold out its 15000 square feet of exhibition space across 3 halls of the Dharubaaruge Exhibition Centre emphasizing and highlighting the strength of international interest and investment in one of South Asia’s most lucrative food, beverage and hospitality markets.
According to CEO of Lanka Exhibitions, the holding company of Maldives Exhibition and Conference Services, Aasim Mukthar, Hotel Asia offers the most comprehensive and contemporary products, services and insights for the food, beverage and hospitality Industry.
He said the Exhibition and the Culinary Challenge is more than a regional event, it is an international showcase and a global business arena. The event is a trading platform, a knowledge sharing experience, a networking opportunity and industry driver under one roof. Over 200 International suppliers and about 5000 industry professionals will attend the four day event.
The Hotel Asia International Culinary Challenge is the regions premier culinary competition with the participation of over 500 Chefs. The highlights of the Culinary Challenge is displaying the talents of these young chefs. It will be presented by judges representing the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS). The competition segment is worked out through a large number of categories which include classics such as Pastas, Hot Cooking Meat, Poultry and Seafood and Iced Mocktails.
Hotel Asia offers the most comprehensive and contemporary products, services and insights for the food, beverage and hospitality industry, not just across the South Asian region, but across the world, said Husnie Rauf, General Manager, Maldives Exhibition and Conference Services, organizer of the exhibition.
Alan Palmer, Chief Judge and Project Director and Veteran chefs in the likes of Otto Weibel, Thomas Gugler, Rudolf Muller, Michael Strautmanis, Kenny Kong, Tarek Ibrahim, Rohan Fernandopulle, Alvin Goh, James Antolin, Norbert Girnth, Penk Ching, Terence Chew, Yen Koh, and many others are distinguished members of the panel who provide their expertise in judging the entries for the competition.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
The first movie theater to operate in the Haitian Capital Port-au-Prince in years has opened its doors off a renovated downtown square, a welcome sign of revival in a city shattered by an earthquake more than five years ago, Associated Press reports.
The Triomphe theater had been closed since 1988, but was rehabilitated with more than 700 plush seats, a digital sound system and two screens. The Port-au-Prince cinema with a glass facade also boasts conference rooms and a hall for concerts, plays and other cultural performances.
President Michel Martelly inaugurated the revamped theater Friday along with dignitaries and dozens of local artists. Authorities say it won’t actually start showing films to the general public for about another month, once arrangements for a parking garage are completed.
Port-au-Prince had roughly 30 cinemas in the 1970s. But over the years they all closed amid political turmoil and rampant bootlegging of movies with pirated DVDs and videotapes.
The last movie theater to operate in Port-au-Prince was the Imperial Cinema, which closed shortly before the January 2010 quake that devastated much of the capital and surrounding areas.
Musician, producer and playwright Jean Jean-Pierre said yesterday that the Triomphe’s reopening by the Champ de Mars plaza in downtown Port-au-Prince is “very exciting.” It’s the city’s main public square and major work has been done to rehabilitate it, including the recent completion of an open-air amphitheater.
“The idea is to create confidence so that people will come back to the Champ de Mars for regular cultural events,” said Pierre, a member of Haiti’s council of the performing arts.
On a recent morning, dried food vendor Lisette Issonne gazed up at the Triomphe as she strolled across the bustling square with her two daughters.
“I’m not sure I can afford to take my daughters when the movies start, but it’s nice they are opening this theater and fixing up the Champ de Mars,” she said.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Mer enn 12 millioner mennesker besøkte Thailand mellom januar og mai i år. Det er en økning på 25 prosent sammenlignet med i fjor, skriver www.travelnews.no
Kinesiske turister (3,3 millioner) og malaysiske (1,4 millioner) utgjør de to største gruppene. Inntektsmessig bidrar de besøkende i denne perioden med 137 milliarder kroner til den thailandske økonomien, som er en økning på 25,13 prosent.
Totalt regner regjeringen med at inntekten gjennom året vil lande på vel 500 milliarder kroner. Av dette utgjør internasjonal turisme 324 milliarder kroner.
Veksten kommer særlig fra Sørøst-Asia, Midtøsten og USA, mens Europa viser en negativ tendens – noe som hovedsakelig skyldes en betydelig svikt i trafikken fra Russland.
Israelerne er for øvrig den folkegruppen som brukes mest penger i Thailand per person (19 650 kr per person per reise). Hakk i hæl følger svenskene (18 100 kr) og sveitserne (17 540 kr).
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts’ latest luxury hotel – Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, opened on 3 June. Photo: skyscrapercenter.vom
Visitors arriving in Mongolia’s capital Ulan Bator, or Ulaanbaatar – and largest city will find the property within walking distance to the famous Government House and Great Chinggis Khan Square, and centrally accessible to the country’s vivid landscape of picturesque steppes, historic monasteries and grasslands teeming with wildlife, www.rustourismnews.com reports.
The hotel is connected to Ulaanbaatar’s only luxury mixed-used development, the Shangri-La Centre. The 28-storey centre, which debuts in 2016, encompasses exclusive apartments, four floors of retail and 19 floors of upscale commercial space. Other features include a 7,200-square-metre sports club with an indoor swimming pool, gym, jacuzzi and sauna, as well as a separate two-level kids Zone for children to enjoy dedicated entertainment.
The 290-room Shangri-La hotel is the latest arrival to Ulan-Bator’s evolving scene and embraces the rich nomadic culture of Mongolia with the sophisticated warmth of Shangri-La hospitality. Travellers are greeted with touches of the local culture upon arrival, met by traditionally dressed doormen at the porte cochere, which is decorated with dramatic, double-tier crystal lights forming an auspicious geometric pattern and ethnic copper and brass fittings.
Inside, the hotel?s spacious lobby is crowned by crystal chandeliers measuring three metres in width?an impressive sight not to be found elsewhere in the city.
The use of textured stone walls and decorative glass lights in the shape of hunting horns complement the interior and represent the warrior spirit of Mongolia.
Overlooking Nayramdal Park to the south or the Great Chinggis Khaan Square to the north, the guestrooms are Ulaanbaatar’s largest and start from 42 square metres. Elegantly appointed in natural tones and light coloured wood, each room is furnished with complimentary Wi-Fi, an executive desk, marble bathroom and a window seating area to admire the vistas and snow-capped mountain ranges. Luxurious interiors continue in the suites that are spaciously sized at 84 square metres and configured with a separate master bedroom and living area for an entourage or family travelling together.
View of Ulan Bator. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org
Providing an even higher level of personalised service on the hotel’s uppermost floors is the Horizon Club, due to be revealed in July. Guests enjoying access to the Horizon Club Lounge, which overlooks Nayramdal Park, are also entitled to express check-in and check-out service, complimentary breakfast, all day beverages, cocktails and canapés in the evening, and use of the meeting room daily.
Dining options at Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar begin with the all-day dining Cafe Park. Using copper motif inlay on pillars and multiple cooking stations to create a focal point, diners can experience a multi-cultural feast and the chefs signature dishes at either breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Naadam – named after Mongolia’s largest summer sporting festival – is a pub bar and grill featuring a collaborative and exciting experience of western food, music and entertainment, and the city’s finest vodka menu. Native artefacts infuse charming elements to the restaurant, which opens onto an outdoor terrace for 50 people.
Opening in August is Hutong, a restaurant that will serve a variety of Chinese cuisine, including Beijing Duck, clay pot stews and dishes typical of Northern China, alongside an extensive collection of wines. Muted lighting and a colour palette of burgundy and charcoal gray combine with dark wood to create a contemporary feel.
Guests looking for a gathering point for conversation and casual meetings will be catered for with light meals and beverages at the Lobby Lounge. Large windows let in plenty of light to the corner area adorned with local copper and brass artworks.
Specifically designed to host conference and celebratory events, Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar has the city’s largest portfolio of meeting space, which totals 2,643 square metres. Eight rooms, including the 1,300-square-metre pillar-free Grand Ballroom capable of accommodating more than 800 guests, complete the multi-purpose function rooms.
The fully equipped Health Club allows guests to stay in shape or relax with gym, jacuzzi, sauna and steam facilities, and massage options.
To take advantage of the most optimum months in Ulaanbaatar, please view the hotel’s summer offers here that include benefits such as complimentary breakfast, a dining credit or double Golden Circle Award Points. For more information or to make reservations, please visit www.shangri-la.com.
Limousine transportation, with complimentary wi-fi, may be reserved at a fee for travel from the International airport or train station to Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar.
The journey time is 40 minutes and 20 minutes per trip respectively.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Grand Cafe, med et av Per Kroghs berømte veggmalerier i bakgrunnen. Foto: grand.no
Grand Cafe, midt på Karl Johan i Oslo, skal stenge dørene etter 141 års drift. Kafeen ble åpnet i 1874, da med inngang fra Rosenkrantz gate, og legger ned.september 2015, etter mange år med millionunderskudd. Nå kan det bli klesbutikk her, skriver Dagens Næringsliv: www.dn.no
Her vanket kunstnere, komponister og forfattere som Frits Thaulow, Hans Jæger, Edvard Munch, Christian Krogh, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Ivar Aasen, Sigbjørn Obstfelder, og ikke minst Henrik Ibsen.
Kafeen i Grand Hotel er fremdeles et populært serveringssted blant både fastboende og turister, men ikke nok til at man kan fortsette driften.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Island er verdens tryggeste land å reise til, mens Norge kommer helt nede på 17.plass, skriver www.travelnews.no
Sikkerhet og trygghet er for mange en avgjørende faktorer for hvor vi velger å reise. Historie og kultur er vel og bra, men du risikerer sjelden livet for det.
Dette er litt av bakgrunnen for indeksen til den uavhengige tenketanken Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), som for niende gang har utarbeidet nivået på sikkerheten i 162 av verdens uavhengige land. Disse er deretter rangert utfra hvor fredelige de faktisk er.
Indeksen, som omfatter 99,6 prosent av verdens befolkning, måler global fred i forhold til tre hovedtemaer: Nivået på sikkerhet og trygghet, konfliktnivået innenriks og utenriks, og i hvilken grad landet er militarisert.
Konflikt og krig koster ikke bare uhorvelig mange liv, men også betydelige ressurser. Faktisk belaster vold og krig 13,4 prosent av verdens brutto nasjonalprodukt (BNP / GDP).
Det tilsvarer den samlede BNP i Brasil, Canada, Frankrike, Tyskland, Spania og Storbritannia.
I IEPs måling gikk Island helt til topps med en nesten perfekt score på 1,148, mens Danmark tok andreplassen (1.150) og Østerrike havnet på tredje (1.198).
Norge kom på en noe skuffende 17. plass, som kan skyldes en hendelse i og utenfor Oslo for snart fire år siden.
Cuba (82. plass) er rangert klart foran USA (94. plass), mens et populært norsk ferieland som Thailand er helt nede på 126. plass.
Nederst ligger ikke overraskende Syria, mens Irak ligger rett foran på 161. plass.
Ti på topp
1. Island (1.1341)
2. Danmark (1.150)
3. Østerrike ((1.198)
4. New Zealand (1.221)
5. Sveits (1.275)
6. Finland (1.277)
7. Canada (1.287
8. Japan (1.329)
9. Australia (1.329)
10.Tsjekkia (1.341)
Sverige ligger på 13.plass, Spania på 21., Kroatia på 27., Tyrkia på 36. og Hellas på 61. plass.