Tanzania opens embassy in Seoul

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Seoul. Photo credit: seoulcycle.com

Tanzania has opened an embassy in South Korea (Republic of Korea) for the first time since the two countries established diplomatic ties more than two decades ago, the Yonhap News Agency reported.

The embassy is located in Yongsan, central Seoul. Tanzania has appointed Matilda Swilla Masuka as its ambassador to South Korea.

South Korea established diplomatic relations with Tanzania in 1992. Tanzania has diplomatic ties with North Korea as well.

South Korea opened its embassy in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania in October of the same year but Tanzania has not run a stand-alone embassy in Seoul, having its ambassador to Japan concurrently serve as ambassador to the Republic of Korea.

News source: http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr

#Ambassade #Ambassadør #DarEsSalaam #Japan #Korea #NordKorea #Republikk #Seoul #Tanzania #Tokyo

#Ambassador #City #Embassy #NorthKorea #Republic #SouthKorea


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