www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Illustrasjonsfoto: Hurtigruten
Den nye hurtigrutekaia i Bodø kostet 121,5 millioner kroner å bygge, melder nrk.no
Men Hurtigruten seiler foreløpig rett forbi og legger til ved den gamle kaia lenger unna sentrum.
Kilde: www.nrk.no – NRK
#Bodø #Havn #Hurtigruta #Kai
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