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Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó officially opened the Hungarian Embassy in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, on Tuesday, according to the Hungarian news agency MTI, the Budapest Business Journal reported.

“Hungarian enterprises have excellent export opportunities in the Uzbekistani economy, which is producing an enviable level of economic growth even in Asian comparison, namely within the fields of the food industry and animal husbandry technologies, the pharmaceutical industry and water management technologies,” said Szijjártó in a statement to MTI following negotiations in Tashkent, as quoted by official government website

Mr Szijjártó said that Hungary becomes the 11th European Union member state with an embassy in the Uzbek capital. The other three Visegrád Group (V4) countries – the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – already have embassies in the city, he added.   

He met with Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov and several ministers in the government during his visit. After the meetings, he noted opportunities for Hungarian companies to export cattle, as well as cattle and poultry farming technology, to Uzbekistan. Hungarian water management companies could also contribute to Uzbekistanʼs economic stability, he added.   

The foreign minister said the Uzbek government welcomes the further expansion of Hungarian drugmaker Richter in the country. Richter has several hundred medicines registered in Uzbekistan and is undertaking drug trials at more than 30 local clinics, he added.

Mr Szijjártó also told reporters that Hungary has offered 30 scholarship places for Uzbek students to attend Hungarian universities. The related agreement is currently being drawn up and will be signed in New York on the sidelines of the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly.

As reported earlier, the main purpose of Peter Szijjártóʼs ongoing tour of Central Asia is to suitably prepare Hungary for its upcoming presidency of the V4 Group, which begins on July 1, in view of the fact that the most important task of the Hungarian presidency will be to enable the V4 to significantly develop relations between Central Europe and Central Asia, according to

News source:The Budapest Business Journal –

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