Bahrain to set up an embassy in Kuala Lumpur is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at  – Contact us at [email protected]
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Kuala Lumpur. Photo credit:

The Kingdom Bahrain has decided to set up an embassy in Malaysia to strengthen bilateral relations, The New Straits Times newspaper reported.

Bahrain Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid Ahmed said his government will send a team to the Malaysian capital city Kuala Lumpur to make the necessary arrangements over the next two months.

“Within the next two months, our technical team will come here and look into the right premises and the necessary arrangements to open the embassy,” Sheikh Khalid said during a joint press conference with Malaysia’s Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

Sheikh Khalid also said Bahrain is taking necessary steps to implement a visa-free travel policy between the two countries.

He added that Bahrain and Malaysia have many similarities, including culture and general atmosphere.

The Foreign Minister is in Malaysia as part of Bahrain’s King Hamad Isa Al Khalifa’s four-day state visit, which began on April 30.

The visit is historic, as it is the first by a Bahraini ruler to Malaysia in 43 years of diplomatic relations.

News source: The New Straits Times –

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