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Ambassador Felicidade de Sousa Guterres with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.
The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, otherwise known as East Timor, has opened an embassy in Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia, the Khmer Times reported.
East Timors first resident ambassador to Cambodia is Mrs Felicidade de Sousa Guterres, a veteran of East Timor’s fight for independence. The new embassy is located in the Phnom Penh Tower.
East Timor won its independence on May 20, 2002. Now, after four centuries of rule by Portugal and 24 years of rule by Indonesia, the nation of 1.2 million people is pushing to join Asean, the body that unites the countries of Southeast Asia.
East Timor has now set up embassies in all 10 Asean member countries as part of its push to join the regional grouping. The move to join Asean took a positive turn last week when Prime Minister Hun Sen spoke in favor of East Timor becoming a member during a speech in Kuala Lumpur at the World Economic Forum on Asean.
See the full story and read the interview with Ambassador Felicidade Sousa de Guterres here: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/25781/cambodia—s-newest-embassy-opens/
News source: www.khmertimeskh.com
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