Australia opens state-of-the-art embassy in Jakarta after 2004 bombing is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Australian Embassy, Jakarta. This is Australias largest diplomatic mission anywhere in the world. Photo by Graham Crouch / Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Media Release from the Australian Embassy in Indonesia:

The new Australian Embassy in Jakarta has been opened by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

 he new embassy is the largest ever constructed by an Australian Government and reflects the depth of the relationship between Australia and Indonesia.

The new complex in Patra Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, which includes a five-storey Chancery, accommodation for some Embassy staff, and a recreation and medical centre covers more than 50,000 square metres.

The embassy complex was built by Indonesian company Total Bangun Persada in partnership with Leighton (Asia) and continues to make a positive contribution to the local economy. During construction up to 2,500 local workers were employed on the site. The Australian Government is also undertaking upgrades to infrastructure in the local neighbourhood.

Ambassador Paul Grigson said the new embassy is indicative of Australia’s expanded diplomatic footprint which includes a Consulate-General in Bali and another mission soon to be opened in Makassar.

” The Embassy showcases the best in Australian innovative design and cutting edge technology to make the most out of the Indonesia’s environment while minimising the impact on local water and energy sources,” Ambassador Grigson said.

The Embassy complex uses low resource technologies such as collecting and using rainwater as well as solar hot water heating systems.

Extensive landscaping was carried out during construction including the relocation of four mature Banyan trees. The relocation is the biggest of its kind ever undertaken and has been recognised by the Indonesian Guinness Book of Records, receiving a Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) award.

The distinctive colours chosen for the Chancery are designed to represent Australia’s wealth in minerals such as copper, zinc, brass, steel and aluminium. 

” The new Australian Embassy complex is not only a tribute to Australian creative design and innovation, but it is also a tangible example of a very successful Australian-Indonesian construction partnership,” Ambassador Paul Grigson said.

The Australian government began talks on the new highly secure facility after the original embassy was bombed by terrorists in 2004, according to

Nine people including the suicide bomber died in the attack, and more than 150 people were injured. No Australians were killed.

In the decade since, the Australian embassy staff have been working at a number of locations across the Indonesian capital as the original building was unable to accommodate a doubling of Australian staff.

See images at

A multi-faith prayer session and a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony were keys parts of the ceremony.

Sources: Australian Embasssy, Jakarta –, and

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