SILVER AIRWAYS LAUNCHES NONSTOP SERVICE FROM JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA TO NASSAU, BAHAMAS is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at

Fort Lauderdale-based Silver Airways has announced it will begin nonstop flights from Jacksonville International Airport, Florida, to Nassau, capital of The Bahamas, reports The Florida Times-Union – website. 

The service will begin May 28 with one way fares, including taxes and fees, priced at $99.

– We are thrilled to be the first airline to introduce the much-requested service between Jacksonville and Nassau. Silver has long been committed to the Jacksonville area and we appreciate the great support we receive from its community and airport, said Silver Airways President and CEO Sami Teittinen in a news release.

The airline averages over 100 daily flights to 26 destinations in Florida (including hubs in Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and Tampa) and the Bahamas, and the Mid-Atlantic region from Washington-Dulles.

Silver Airways has a 22 plane fleet made up of 34-seat Saab 340B Plus turbo-prop aircraft.

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