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Last Saturday, Sierra Leone passed Day 42 – the 42nd consecutive day without a new case of Ebola. This was a benchmark put in place by the World Health Organization. WHO will now monitor the country for the next 90 days to make absolutely certain that the outbreak is over, travelpulse.com reported.
Adventure travel companies started offering new tours almost as soon as WHO announced that the 42-day threshold had been passed. Travelers and adventure outfitters will most likely have to rely on medical evac insurance for some time because Sierra Leone’s medical infrastructure is in complete tatters after the outbreak.
Other than that, and some general safety-net precautions against Ebola infection, these companies should be back to business as usual quite quickly.
The more promising signs come from the hotel industry. Right after Day 42, work restarted on the 12-floor Hilton Freetown Cape Sierra project.
This luxury hotel will sit on the capital city’s most beautiful section of beachfront. The hotel will be completed in fall of 2016. Others in the hospitality industry will see the end of the Ebola crisis as a chance to get in before the competition returns.
Read more at http://www.travelpulse.com/news/destinations/now-ebola-free-sierra-leone-looks-to-tourism.html
Source: www.travelpulse.com
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