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Russian diplomats here will soon be needing new stationery. Photo: Dmitry Karpezo / Wikimedia Commons

Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko has announced plans to rename the street where Russia has its embassy after Boris Nemtsov, the prominent Russian opposition leader who was shot to death near the Kremlin on 27 February, Transitions Online reported.

Nemtsov was a harsh critic of President Vladimir Putin and the annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula and Russian policy toward eastern Ukraine.

Klitschko, a former heavyweight boxing champion, made the announcement in Cologne, Germany, as he was presented an award given annually by German newspaper Express to socially and politically conscious athletes, Newsweek reports.

The Kyiv mayor said he had discussed the proposal earlier with Nemtsov’s daughter, Zhanna Nemtsova, who works for state broadcaster Deutsche Welle in Germany.

Klitschko said she welcomed the decision to honor her slain father by renaming Povitroflotskyi Avenue after him.
Kyiv city hall said the change would be implemented in the near future.

Russian parliamentarian Dmitry Gudkov, an independent, earlier this year asked the mayor of Moscow to honor Nemtsov with a memorial plaque but was told such a thing is possible only 10 years after a person’s death, Newsweek said.

Shortly after his death, Nemtsov’s allies published a draft report he’d been working on that outlined in detail allegations of Russia’s direct military involvement in the war in Ukraine. Russia denies the allegations.

Opposition politicians in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg tried to rename a street after Nemtsov days after his murder. The proposal was not successful.


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