LAOS LAUNCHES TOURISM MAP IN KOREAN is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Vientiane, capital of Laos

Laos has introduced tourism maps in the Korean language as more tourists from South Korea visit the country, reports.

Lao News Agency reported the tourist maps, paid for by the Maum Donghaeng Foundation of South Korea, will become a useful tool to guide Korean tourists and help them learn about the key tourist attractions of Laos in their own language.

The tourist maps in the Korean language will help to promote tourist attractions in and increase the tourism market, it said.

The first batch of 5,000 maps were handed over by the Maum Donghaeng Foundation president, Pak Gun Sun, 26 May, to the Tourism Advertising Department, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism’s Deputy Minister Chaleun Valinthalasack.

The second batch of 10,000 copies, will be handed over later this year.

South Korean visitors grew from 27,000 in 2010 to 81,700 in 2013, and to 94,600 in 2014, This year there should be around 100,000 visitors.

South Korea ranks as the fourth largest foreign investor in Laos and is currently financing and managing over 400 projects.

Investment is estimated at around USD712 million. Meanwhile, trade between the two countries reached approximately USD200 million, last year, but of that just USD20 million was earned by Laos on exports to South Korea.

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