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Turkish Airlines will start flying to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, at the end of October, from Istanbul three times a week, the www.macauhub.com.mo website Writes.

The flights from Istanbul to Maputo will leave shortly after midnight on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and return on the evening of the same day.

They will make a one-hour stopover in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The airline intends to offer tickets at very competitive prices. For example, a round trip from London-Maputo, via Istanbul, is expected to cost about US$790, which is a cheaper rate than is offered by Ethiopian Airlines and Kenya Airways, for example.

Currently, several airlines offer flights to Maputo, including TAP Air Portugal, Qatar Airways and South African Airways, although only TAP offers a direct connection to Europe via Lisbon, on a code-sharing basis with Mozambican airline LAM.

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