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From April 1st, Spain’s national airline Iberia will increased the number of flights from Madrid to Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic, from five weekly frequencies to a daily flight.

Iberia, along with its low-cost carrier Iberia Express and its franchise partner Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, are opening up to 39 new routes and adding 19 destinations, while adding flight frequencies and/or seats on 22 of its existing routes.

Iberia’s long operational range will open three destinations: Havana on June 1 following a two-year recess, Cali and Medellin, in Colombia, starting June 3 and adding to the agenda for the first time.

The Spanish airline described the Madrid-Havana route as the star on its long operational range.

Kilde / Source: www.dominicantoday.com

Dominican Republic Tourism Promotion Council: www.asonahores.com

#Airline #By #Cali #Colombia #Cuba #DominikanskeRepublikk #Ferie #Flyselskap #Havana #Hovedstad #Iberia #Madrid #Medellin #Reise #Republikk #SantoDomingo #Spania 

#Capital #City #DominicanRepublic #Holiday #Spania #Travel

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