MEXICAN LOW COST AIRLINE VOLARIS ANNOUNCES FLIGHTS TO COSTA RICA is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. Contact us at

The ultra low cost Mexican airline with the most extensive route network servicing Mexico and the US, has announced their incursion into the Costa Rica market with the launch of two new flights from Cancun, Quintana Roo and Guadalajara, Jalisco to Costa Rica’s capital city, San Jose, starting on September 10 with flights two times per week. 

Costa Rica becomes the second Central American destination for Volaris.

Volaris is expanding presence to Costa Rica as part of the carrier’s international growth plans, seeking to increase the country’s connectivity to Mexico’s most important cities as well the US market. Volaris CEO, Enrique Beltranena said: “We are extremely proud to announce flights to Costa Rica, a destination special not only as a natural and adventure tourism location, but also for their history and cultural heritage”.

“Two new services plus our innovative business framework make visiting Costa Rica easier than ever for our Customers in Mexico“, Beltranena added.

Separately, Costa Rica Minister of Tourism, Mauricio Ventura said, “Mexico is Latin America’s top issuing market for tourism by air, which is why Volaris’ bet strengthens the work we’ve done towards attracting more airlines and opening our markets by increasing the number of seats available to the destination and becoming a complement to traditional offerings with an option that provides good service at an affordable price,” the official said. “This also introduces an element of competitiveness in terms of fares to Costa Rica.”

To date, Volaris is the airline with the widest route network servicing Mexico and the US. The carrier has transported nearly 50 million passengers since it started operating in 2006, and this number continues on the rise as a result of more than 240 daily flights operated to 61 leading destinations, including 38 in Mexico and 23 internationally.

#By #Cancun #CostaRica #Ferie #Flyselskap #Hovedstad #LatinAmerika #MellomAmerika #Mexico #Minister #Reise #SanJose #USA

#Airline #Capital #CentralAmerica #City #Holiday #LatinAmerica #Travel


HONDURAS CRACKS DOWN ON VIOLENCE – TOURISM BOOM EXPECTED is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Tegucigalpa, Capital of Honduras (

It has not been an easy time for the Honduran tourism industry in recent years, followed by the political unrest events of 2009, the country was constantly bombarded by international media over violence and even gained the title of “murder capital of the world.”, the Global Travel Industry News – website reported.

Having such a reputation, prompted potential tourists to stay away, with the exemption of seasoned travelers who recognize that the crime situation anywhere is often magnified and not as bad as portrayed in the news.

The Honduran island of Roatan in the Caribbean, has actually seen a sharp increase on the number of vessels calling there.

Fortunately for Honduras, things seem to be improving over the last 24 months. The government, with the assistance of the United States, has taken drastic measures to reduce drug trafficking and other criminal-related activities, thus, seeing an immediate reduction in violence.

In a visit to Tegucigalpa, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon praised the country`s efforts to control violence and expressed he was happy to see the very positive outcome in such a short period of time. During his 2-day stay, Ban Ki Moon visited the Maya Ruins of Copan, a World Heritage site and one of the most iconic tourist destinations in Honduras.

The United States also congratulated Honduras for its achievement through a State Department: “Tourism is one of the most viable ways to improve the Honduran economy and bring prosperity to their people,” said Eduardo Rivera, CEO of Explore, a regional tour operator based in Honduras.

“We perceive that there is a political will to create the conditions for the long-awaited take-off of tourism in Honduras,” Rivera mentioned.

Despite the bad press, numerous investments in the sector are now taking place. A cruise ship terminal recently started operation in the Caribbean port town of Trujillo, and a new airport near Copan is scheduled to begin service in a couple of months. Several international chain hotels are being built in the capital and in the second largest city San Pedro Sula as well.

If the proper funds are devoted to promote the incredible diverse attractions that the country has to offer, there is no doubt that Honduras has a great chance to attract thousands of tourists for years to come.

#BanKiMoon #By #Cruise #Ferie #Flyplass #FN #Honduras #Hotell #Hovedstad #Karibia #Maya #Reise #SanPedroSula #Tegucigalpa #USA

#Airport #Capital #Caribbean #City #Holiday #Travel

SAN SALVADOR TO HOST EVENT AIMED AT PROMOTING CRUISE-SHIP TOURISM is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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A cruise ship approaches Trujillo, Honduras. Photo: Orlando Sierra / AFP

Next month, the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association will hold its 2015 regional meeting in El Salvador – the only Central American nation without a Caribbean coast, the website reported.

The FCCA Central America Cruise Summit is set for May 13-15 at the Hilton Princess Hotel in San Salvador. The event features two workshops: “Breaking into the Cruise Industry” and “Port & Destination Development.”

Among other things, participants will discuss the true potential of cruise line calls; what to consider when developing a cruise facility; safety and security; how to attract cruise vessels, and how to showcase specific destinations.

President Salvador Sánchez Cerén and Vice President Óscar Ortiz may also attend the summit’s opening ceremony.

FCCA President Michele M. Paige says the seven nations of Central America now rank among the cruise industry’s fastest-growing markets worldwide.

“We’ve created this specialized forum so that executives from the cruise industry can meet with stakeholders from Central America and Colombia to optimize cruising’s impact and create valuable business relationships and pathways,” Paige said.

Read the whole story at

#By #Colombia #Cruise #ElSalvador #Ferie #Florida #Hilton #Honduras #Hovedstad #Karibia #LatinAmerika #MellomAmerika #President #Reise #SanSalvador #USA

#Capital #Caribbean #City #Holiday #Travel

GUATEMALA PROJECTING $350 MILLION IN NEW TOURISM INVESTMENT is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Guatemala City. Photo:

Guatemala is projecting big things in the tourism sector, the website reported.

The country’s tourist board said it was projecting 2.2 million visitors for the year 2014, with significant investment on the way in the next three years.

Tourism arrivals to the country grew by 2.8 percent in the third quarter, led by a strong July and buoyed by travelers from North America.

“Tourism is one of the main industries in the country, generating significant revenue to the economy as well as new employment opportunities,” said Pedro Duchez, director of INGUAT, Guatemala’s tourist board.

“There is a projected investment of USD $350 million over the next three years from both the private and public sectors, which is allotted towards new hotels, infrastructure, as well as the enhancement of public spaces and tourist attractions. It’s a very exciting time for the destination.”

The boost comes as a number of international brands have announced new forays into the country, from a new Ramada hotel to a pair of new properties by Courtyard by Marriott and La Quinta planned in Guatemala City.

“Investment by these top hotel brands is a testament to Guatemala’s growing appeal in the international arena,” Duchez said.

“While popular areas such as Antigua, Lake Atitlan and Petén see continued interest for further development, the Tourism Board is also focused on broadening the spectrum by showcasing other lesser known areas such as Las Verapaces and Rio Dulce that offer different types of excursions such as wildlife encounters and adventure experiences.”

#Antigua #By #Ferie #Guatemala #Hotell #Hovedstad #LatinAmerika #Marriott #MellomAmerika #Ramada #Reise

#Capital #CentralAmerika #City #Holiday #Hotel #LatinAmerica #Travel



MAGISKE BELIZE! is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, politics, diplomatic affairs, travel and transport, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Cave tubing i Belize. Foto:: Nick M.  Kilde: Flickr

Belize i Mellom-Amerika er kjent som et av verdens mest magiske, vakreste og mest spektakulære reisemål, både når det gjelder dykking og snorkling, fantastisk natur, flora og fauna, og arkeologiske attraksjoner fra den gamle Maya-kulturen.

Like øst for hovedstaden Belmopan, som ligger 78 kilometer inne i landet, sørvest for landets største by Belize City, ligger det magiske, mytiske og vakre Nohoch Che’en Caves Branch Archaeological Reserve, hvor man finner huler som Maya-kulturen regnet som hellige.

Her kan man drive med “cave tubing” og la seg flyte på Caves Branch River. Tubing-turene tar turistene inn i hulene hvor man finner stalakitter, stalagmitter, hulemalerier fra Maya-kulturen, og en rik og spennende marin fauna.

Det går turer til området daglig, husk kamera!


Belizes turistkontor:

Kilder: ,

Belize er en tidligere britisk koloni – Britisk Honduras, og ble selvstendig i 1981. Den daværende hovedstaden Belize City ble ødelagt av orkanen Hattie i 1964, og en ny hovedstad ble bygget i Belmopan, inne i landet.

#Arkeologi #Belize #BelizeCity #Belmopan #Britisk #By #Cave #City #Dykking #Elv #Fauna #Ferie #Flora #Geologi #Honduras #Hovedstad #Koloni #Maya #MellomAmerika #Orkan #Reise #River #Snorkling


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San Jose (

Costa Rica’s Tourism Board wants visitors to spend time not just at the country’s beaches and national parks, but in its capital city San José, The Tico Times reported.

“The Tourism Board is launching a strategy that aims to make San José a cultural and gastronomic attraction”, the board’s director of promotion, Ireth Rodríguez Villalobos, said Monday.

The strategy is part of tourism policies outlined by President Luis Guillermo Solís, who last year signed an executive decree declaring of public and national interest the tourism development of downtown San José. The decree was published in the official newspaper La Gaceta on Monday and takes effect this week.

It’s main goal is to promote San José’s downtown among both local and international tourists through brochures, maps, guides, videos and websites.

They all will advertise the capital?s historic buildings, museums and galleries, as well as the many gastronomic options located between 7th Avenue and 10th Avenue and 9th Street and 12th Street in central San José.

In addition to promoting the area’s urban attractions, such as the National Theater, historic post office, National Museum and Gold Museum, the Tourism Board also will promote several surrounding neighborhoods, including Amón, Otoya, Aranjuez and Pitahaya, where visitors can check out historic buildings and antique houses.

The tourism board plans to keep promoting current touristic activities such as walking and train tours through the city’s main attractions. It will also support private initiatives like Art City Tour, ChepeCletas and bus tours by Costa Rica City Square Tour.

The government also plans to host tourism and cultural fairs, and boost promotion on the web, through social networks and at information offices downtown, Rodríguez said.

Among its main challenges, officials will have to work to make tourists feel comfortable and safe walking the capital’s streets.

They’ve already made one move: the Tourism Board’s director of tourist services, Víctor Ramírez Montero, said the board recently moved the Tourist Police headquarters to new facilities within the promoted area and added 49 police officers, two police cars, six motorcycles and ten bicycles for patrolling downtown.

Currently board officials are in negotiations with San José’s municipal tourism department to coordinate the creation of a new information, assistance and tourist protection center, Ramírez said. Plans also include campaigns on mass and social media asking people to avoid littering and keep the city clean, he added.

According to data from the Tourism Board, some 1.3 million tourists stay at least one night in the Central Valley each year, usually prior to moving to other destinations across the country.

Click here to download a PDF version of one of the brochures the Tourism Board will provide at their information Offices.

Kilde / Source:

#Beach #By #CostaRica #Ferie #Hovedstad #LatinAmerika #MellomAmerika #Museum #Nasjonalpark #Reise #SanJose #Strand

#Capital #CentralAmerica #City #Holiday #LatinAmerica #NationalPark #Travel


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#Republikken #Honduras i Mellom-#Amerika har formelt sett to offisielle #hovedsteder, #Tegucigalpa (#Teguc i dagligtale) og #Comayagüela, men det er førstnevnte som er landets de facto #hovedstad og blir regnet som sådan i de fleste sammenhenger. De to byene utgjør et eget hovedstaddistrikt, #Municipio del #Distrito Central. og Comayagüela er ifølge grunnloven den konstitusjonelle hovedstaden.





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#Belmopan, #hovedstaden i #Belize (tidligere #Britisk #Honduras) i Mellom-Amerika, får stadig flere asfalterte gater. I det siste har åtte gater i området #Caribean #Villas blitt asfaltert: #Jamaica #Street, #Pacific Street, #Atlantic Street, #Cayman Street, #Bahamas Street, #Barbados Street, St.#Vincent Street og #Bermuda Street. Fem nye gater i #Judges Area, #Innis Street, #Staine Street, #Brown Street og #Sosa Street, blir snart asfaltert.

Det er også startet arbeid med å oppgradere gatene i #San #Martin Area, blant annet med å asfaltere gaten som fører til #George #Price #Center.

Belmopan er en ung by, grunnlagt i 1970. Den er bygd opp fra grunnen av, etter at lokalregjeringen i den daværende #britiske #kolonien Britisk Honduras besluttet å flytte hovedstaden fra kystbyen Belize #City og inn i landet, etter at orkanen Hattie i 1961 hadde ødelagt 75 prosent av bygningene i hovedstaden.

Belmopan ligger 80 kilometer fra kysten.

Ministry of Tourism and Culture: