Hainan-provinsen i Kina stanser salg av biler med fossilt drivstoff i 2030, og blir dermed den første av landets provinser som setter en slik dato, melder NRK.no Alle regjeringsbiler, busser og taxier skal erstattes med elbil, brenselcellebiler og plug hybridbiler.
Provinsen ligger på Hainan-øya og er den sørligste og minste av Kinas provinser, med 8,6 millioner innbyggere.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, and now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] – Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Turister i Beijing. Illustrasjonsfoto: wikipedia
Fra våren av skal kinesiske Hainan Airlines fly tre ganger i uken fra Oslo til Beijing. Dette blir den første direktruten mellom Norge og Kina. Avtalen om flyruten ble signert tirsdag i Beijing under en seremoni under det norske statsbesøket i Kina, skriver NTB / VG.no
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Doha, capital city of Qatar.
Qatar Tourism Authority (QTA) has announced the opening of representative offices in China, with headquarters in Beijing, and supporting locations in Shanghai and Guangzhou, the thepeninsulaqatar.com reported.
The opening comes as Qatar has officially been awarded Approved Destination Status (ADS), allowing it to receive tourists from China and to promote Qatar as a tourism destination within China.
“Qatar has become an increasingly accessible destination for Chinese travellers, especially after Qatar waived entry visa requirements for Chinese citizens” said Sultan Salmeen Al Mansouri, Qatar’s Ambassador to China.
“Chinese visitors to Qatar no longer need to apply or pay for a visa; instead, a multi-entry waiver is issued to them free-of-charge at the port of entry. At the same time, the Chinese outbound tourism market has been growing exponentially, making the time ripe for Qatar to establish a presence in China and actively engage with the domestic travel and tourism market”
The QTA office in China will aim to greatly enhance the organisation?s on-the-ground presence and capabilities, introducing and developing awareness and knowledge about Qatar as a quality destination through pro-active marketing to tour operators, travel agencies, hospitality partners and media, as well as consumers.
According to Rashed AlQurese, Chief Marketing and Promotion Officer at QTA, Qatar’s marketing campaign in China will cover a wide range of promotional initiatives, including workshops, sales visits, travel agents destination training through QTA?s online TAWASH programme, partnerships with tour operators, familiarisation trips, media campaigns and a variety of innovative activities to raise Qatar’s profile as a destination among Chinese tourists.
“China has risen rapidly as a major source of outbound tourists in the world and we have identified it as key source market for future growth, among both leisure and business visitors,” said AlQurese.
The offices will be operated in partnership with PHG Consulting, a division of Preferred Hospitality Group; the premier global provider of representation and consultancy services for tourism boards, destination management companies, airlines, and hotel brands.
“Qatar has been developing its assets in both areas, and we look forward to working with our partners at the China National Tourism Administration and PHG Consulting to raise awareness of our unique tourism offering.”
“Our on-the-ground presence in China will enable us to actively promote Qatar to Chinese consumers, and develop relationships with members of the Chinese travel trade who will sell Qatar as a destination,” added AlQurese.
He continued, “Now that Qatar has been granted ADS, our work can begin immediately, and will culminate in a major campaign that will kick off in January 2018, which will include advertising in major publications, key outdoor locations and familiarisation trips for media to experience Qatar first hand.”
Chinese travellers interested in Qatar will also have easy access to information about the destination’s tourism offerings, hospitality options and key tourism events online, with its official website (www.visitqatar.qa) now available in Mandarin. Additionally, VisitQatar will establish a presence across the most prominent Chinese social media platforms in the coming months.
“As demand for unique, exciting, and experience-rich destinations continues to grow among Chinese travellers, we are excited to embark on this multi-year partnership with QTA. We look forward to working together to achieve Qatar’s ambitions of generating great awareness and demand for the destination’s compelling tourism offerings among China’s booming outbound travel market,” said Ken Mastrandrea, Chief Operating Officer of PHG.
QTA’s office in China is the third to open in Asia and the ninth globally. It joins an international network covering the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, the United States, the Gulf Cooperation Council markets, and South East Asia.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Chinese Capital Airlines will soon be opening a new flight connecting Chinese cities, including the capital city of Beijing, to Lisbon, capital city of Portugal, as the country is witnessing a surge of Chinese tourists, Lisbon newspaper Diario de Noticias reported, according to Global Times
The Portuguese government and Tourism of Portugal is focusing its efforts on China and will soon be opening the flight connecting eastern Chinese city Hangzhou and capital Beijing to Lisbon four times per week.
The flight, taking off in July, was created by HNA Group, a Fortune Global 500 company headquartered in Haikou, Hainan, China, which is also Portugal airline TAP’s stakeholder.
Citing figures from Portugal’s tourism department, the report says the number of Chinese tourists visiting Portugal in 2016 was 19.1 percent higher than the previous year. And in the past three years, the number duplicated to over 180,000 at the end of last year.
Moreover, Chinese tourists spent around 72 million euros (76.68 million US dollars) in Portugal last year.
Chinese tourists spend more money than travellers from any other country, according to data released this week by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
News source: Global Times, Xinhua, Diario de Noticias
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
En ny økonomisk sone på 2000 kvadratkilometer skal etableres i Hebei-provinsen i Kina, melder nrk.no
Prosjektet inngår i landets ambisiøse plan om å integrere Hebei og havnebyen Tianjin i en supermetropol rundt hovedstaden Beijing, som skal huse 130 millioner kinesere.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Illustrasjonsfoto: breakingenergy.com
Idet innbyggerne i Beijing startet feiringen av kinesisk nyttår, ble det registrert farlig høy luftforurensning i byen, skriver NRK.
Luftkvalitetsindeksen ved den amerikanske ambassaden i den kinesiske hovedstaden gikk fra en måling på 30 fredag til 724 natt til lørdag, ifølge NTB.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Den kinesiske mur, ved Badaling. Foto: Beijingholiday.com
Verdens største jernbanestasjon for hurtigtog skal bygges i Badaling utenfor Kinas hovedstad Beijing, 100 meter under bakken ved Den kinesiske mur blir stasjonen like stor som fem fotballbaner, skriver Se og Hør.
Badaling er det mest populære stedet å besøke den berømte muren på, og togstasjonen skal åpne i 2019.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Photo credit: wikipedia.org
Italian national carrier Alitalia began non-stop flights on 18 July from Rome Fiumicino to Beijing after a three-year absence on the route between the two capital cities, anna.aero reported.
The 8,143-kilometre sector will be served four times weekly by the SkyTeam carrier’s A330-200 fleet.
Speaking at the inaugural flight ceremony, the airline’s CEO, Cramer Ball, said: “We have introduced a trio of new intercontinental routes from Rome in 2016 and the new service to Beijing joins the recently launched destinations of Santiago in Chile, and Mexico City, an 8% increase in the number of our long-haul flights we offer. Alitalia is committed totally to the Chinese market and wants to grow its presence in China. The new service to the Chinese capital city is an important investment for Alitalia as part of our strategic growth to serve long-haul destinations for the benefit of business and leisure travellers.”
Star Alliance member Air China will compete on the airport pair, with its existing daily operation. In total Alitalia now serves 14 long-haul destinations non-stop from Fiumicino. Of these, 11 are in the Americas, while just three are in Asia; Seoul Incheon, Tokyo Narita and now Beijing.
See the full story here: http://www.anna.aero/2016/07/19/alitalia-adds-chinese-capital-connection/
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
Terminal 3, Beijing International Airport. Foto: wikipedia.org
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport i Atlanta, hovedstaden i den amerikanske delstaten Georgia, er fremdeles verdens travleste flyplass, med Beijing i Kina på andre plass, viser nye tall fra Airports Council International (ACI), skriver Dagbladet.
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Atlanta. Foto: wikipedia.org
Det har Atlanta-flyplassen ifølge CNN vært siden 1998. ACI sammenlikner tall fra 1144 av de største flyplassene verden over. Flyplassen i Atlanta hadde i 2015 hadde en passasjervekst på 5,5 prosent, og satte ny rekord med over hundre millioner reisende.
Det var spådd at Kinas hovedstad Beijing skulle ta igjen forspranget til Atlanta i 2015, men med lavere passasjervekst er flyplassen fortsatt nummer to når det gjelder antall passasjerer.
Atlanta får god hjelp av sin strategiske beliggenhet, heter det i en pressemelding fra ACI. Så mye som 80 prosent av befolkningen i USA bor innen en rekkevidde på to timer med fly fra flyplassen i Atlanta.
Ikke minst hjelper det at giganten Delta Air Lines har sitt hovedkvarter her. Atlanta er kjent for å huse store merkevarer, som CNN, Coca-Cola, og UPS, verdens største fraktselskap, som har sine hovedkontorer her.
Vel 20 flyselskap trafikkerer flyplassen, som har til sammen 207 gate’er.
Kinas nest største flyplass, Shanghai, er verdens raskest voksende flyplass i antall passasjerer. Mens med en vekst på 16,3 prosent, og totalt 60 millioner reisende, hopper Shanghai fra plass 19 til 13.
London Heathrow hadde en vekst på bare 2,2 prosent i fjor, og går fra å være verden tredje mest travle flyplass til nummer seks. Dubai i De forente arabiske emirater gjør et byks andre veien, fra sjette- til tredjeplass, med 78 millioner reisende – en vekst på 10,7 prosent i 2015.
Mens 101 491 106 passasjerer reiste til eller fra Atlanta i fjor, reiste 50 023 416 passasjerer til eller fra en av Avinors 46 lufthavner.
Ifølge Avinor reiste nesten halvparten av dem, 24 678 195 passasjerer, via Oslo lufthavn.
Vel seks millioner tok fly til og fra Bergen lufthavn Flesland, 4,5 millioner fra Stavanger lufthavn Sola, og 4,3 millioner til eller fra Trondheim lufthavn, skriver Dagbladet.
ACI har 592 medlemmer som drifter 1853 flyplasser i 173 land. Den endelige rapporten over samtlige flyplasser kommer til sommeren.
Hartsfield-Jackson, som er eid av Atlanta by, er oppkalt etter to sentrale politikere i Georgia: William Berry Hartsfield Sr. (1890-1971) og Maynard Jackson. Førstnevnte var hovedmannen bak åpningen flyplassen i 1925, på en nedlagt travbane. William B.Hartsfield var borgermester i Atlanta 1937-1941 og 1942-1962, og er Atlantas lengstsittende ordfører.
Maynard Holbrook Jackson Jr. (1938-2003) var også borgermester i Atlanta, og var den første afro-amerikaner som ble valgt til ordfører i en større by i sørstatene da han ble valgt første gang i 1973. Han satt til 1980, og ble valgt igjen i 1990. Da han døde ble navnet Jackson lagt til flyplassens navn, som frem til da var kjent som Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport.
Topp ti flyplasser i 2015
Travleste flyplasser i antall passasjerer totalt.
1. Atlanta – 101 491 106 2. Beijing – 89 938 628 3. Dubai – 78 010 265 4. Chicago – 76 949 504 5. Tokyo – 75 316 718 6. London – 74 989 795 7. Los Angeles – 74 937 004 8. Hong Kong – 68 283 407 9. Paris – 65 766 986 10 Dallas – 64 072 468
Travleste flyplasser i antall passasjerer på internasjonale avganger.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at www.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at [email protected]
A Chinese man shows how a canister is used. The demand for bottled air by Vitality has soared in China. Photo credit: vitalityair.com
Since China’s capital city Beijing issued its first ever air pollution red alert last week, sales of bottled Canadian fresh mountain air to Chinese customers have soared, reports The Daily Mail.
Two entrepreneurs from Alberta have been selling Vitality Air for just over a year, but over the last two weeks their sales to China have increased dramatically, reports The People’s Daily Online.
The red alert over air pollution was issued by Beijing authorities on December 7, lasting three days, amid the second bout of bad air this month. During this time PM2.5 levels – tiny hazardous airborne particles – exceeded 900 micrograms per cubic metre.