SAS kutter ned på ruten sin til Hongkong. Årsaken er at færre nå reiser til den konflikt-rammede byen, som er en autonom region i Kina. Kuttet er på 20 prosent, ifølge informasjonssjefen i SAS-Norge, Knut-Morten Johansen. Det melder NRK. SAS vurderer fortløpende om flyselskapet skal kutte ned mer på tilbudet til Hongkong.
Flyselskapet Cathay Pacific, med hovedkontor i Hongkong, kjøper lavprisselskapet HK Express for 5,4 milliarder kroner. HK Express, som også hører hjemme i Hongkong, skal fortsette å drive under eget navn og med samme profil. Ifølge Cathay Pacific skal kjøpet gjennomføres i løpet av året. is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Lederen for lokalregjeringen i Hongkong, Carrie Lam, har avlyst den årlige fyrverkeriseremonien etter at 19 mennesker mistet livet i en bussulykke i helgen. Det melder South China Morning Post, ifølge is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Hong Kongs første urbane resort, med store utendørsområder, åpnet nylig. Kerry Hotel Hong Kong har store terasser bygd som et podium oppe i etasjene, skriver Se og Hør. is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Hongkong (illustrasjonsfoto)
Hvis du synes boligprisene i Oslo er høye, bør du være glad for at du ikke bor i Hongkong.
Den tidligere britiske kolonien, som nå er en autonom region med utbredt selvstyre i folkerepublikken Kina, har nemlig de høyeste boligprisene i verden målt etter inntekt, skriver VG.
I Hongkong koster gjennomsnittsboligen vel 18 ganger så mye som gjennomsnittsinntekten. Til sammenligning koster boliger i Oslo rundt 7,8 ganger så mye som den norske gjennomsnittslønnen.
Et nytt eiendomsprosjekt i Hongkong har ikke akkurat problemer med å sikre seg nok beboere, ifølge den lokale storavisen South China Morning Post.
Hele 9400 personer ønsker å kjøpe leilighet i byggene som har 870 boliger. Totalt skal eiendomsprosjektet være verdsatt til 1,4 milliarder Hongkong-dollar, tilsvarende 12 milliarder kroner etter dagens kurs. is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Kinas eneste museum om massakren på Tianmen Square -Den himmelske freds plass, i hovedstaden Beijing 4.juni 1989, blir stengt på grunn av en rettssak mellom museumsledelsen og eierne av bygningen, skriver NRK.
Ifølge nyhetsbyrået Reuters blir museet – June 4h Museum (bildet), som ligger i Hongkong, midlertidig stengt.
Museet åpnet i april 2014.
Den tidligere britiske kolonien Hongkong er en autonom region – Special Administrative Region, i folkerepublikken Kina, det samme gjelder Macau, som er en tidligere portugisisk koloni.
Hongkong ble tilbakeført til Kina i 1997, etter å ha vært under britisk kontroll siden 1841. Macau ble tilbakeført til Kina i 1999, etter å ha vært styrt av Portugal siden 1557. is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Hong Kong
In the rankings of the most expensive places to live Hong Kong has taken the top spot. Listed in last place at position 209 is Windhoek, capital of Namibia, Deutsche Welle reports.
In the ranking compiled by the Mercer consulting group Hong Kong, the city has replaced Luanda, capital of Angola, from the top spot, which it had held for the last three years.
That foreign visitors in Hong Kong have to dig deep in their pockets has a lot to do with exchange rate fluctuations. The currency of the Chinese special market, the Hong Kong dollar, is pegged to the US-dollar which has recently gained in value.
That in turn makes the city expensive particularly for visitors from Germany or any other the euro zone country.
The pricing levels in most of the cities surveyed have remained stable, according to Mercer in Paris. Some cities have even become considerably cheaper due to exchange rate fluctuations. The value loss of the Russian ruble for instance caused Moscow to drop from 17th to 67th place in the ranking.
As the yen is currently strong Tokyo has climbed from eleventh to fifth place, and is now just below Singapore on fourth place and Zurich on third.
The former top spot holder Luanda has slipped on to second place. The strong US-dollar has ensured that several cities in the United States have climbed up this ranking.
Mercer’s annual survey looks at the cost of living in 209 cities worldwide. It takes into consideration the cost of goods and services typically used by expats, including accommodation, food, travel and leisure activities.
See the full story here: is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Hong Kong has come out on top yet again on another ranking of the world’s most popular tourism destinations, beating out the likes of London and Singapore, as well as seven Mainland China cities, as detailed in Euromonitor International’s latest report.
According to the market research, Asia dominated in 2014, and especially Hong Kong which enjoyed an 8.2% increase from 2013, with 27.77 million tourists within a year — 10 million more than London, the runner-up, reports
Meanwhile, Shenzhen led the host of Chinese cities at #7 with an 8% increase from 2013 to 13.12 million.
Guangzhou was the next best at #16 with a 6.7% increase to 8.19 million. Wrapping up the top 20 was Shanghai, which saw a 4.2% increase to 6.39 million.
But while most cities in the ranking improved on numbers this past year, Beijing experienced a notable decrease — apparently in parallel with its worsening air quality — placing the capital at a distant #39, with a 3.7% drop to a 4.33 million visitors.
The world’s Top 10 tourist cities 2015 are: Hong Kong, London, Singapore, Bangkok, Paris, Macau, Shenzhen, New York, Istanbul, and Kuala Lumpur.
Euromonitor’s research project covered 57 countries in total, with data sourced largely from national statistics offices, airport arrivals, and hotel bookings.
Figures were counted from visitors staying at least 24 hours but less than 12 months at their given destination. is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Ireland’s links to Hong Kong are apparent from a stroll through the city, With street names like Connaught, O’Brien and Hennessy, and the relationship with the southern Chinese city is about to deepen with the official launch of the Irish consulate general in the city, The Irish Times reports.
Boasting more Irish expatriates than any other Asian city, there are more than 3,000 Irish living in Hong Kong, and this is a connected community, working in Financial services, law, accountancy, the building industry, high-tech and education.
During its colonial period, Hong Kong has had nine Irish governors, and thousands of Irish people have worked as judges, engineers, teachers and police officers over the years. Now it is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, under Beijingis rule but with its own rules and regulations.
“The office is small and perfectly formed,” quips Peter Ryan, the Consul-General who arrived in Hong Kong in August 2014 after serving in numerous jobs in the region, including a stint on secondment to the Asia-Europe Foundation, and as deputy consul-general in New York.
“There are very big Irish connections here, and we’ve been trying to connect the dots,” said Ryan, speaking in the new consulate general office on the 20th floor of the Bank of East Asia Building on Des Veoux Road in central Hong Kong.
Some of those connections are explicit. The mobile operator 3, with 1,500 employees in Ireland, is owned by Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing, while HSBC has 400-500 workers in Ireland, and tech firm Huawei has 200. The city’s Wah Yan College is run by Irish Jesuits and among its alumni is former administration chief executive Donald Tsang.
Ireland’s business interests in Hong Kong and Macau are already substantial. Last year, there were more than 120 million euros worth of Enterprise Ireland client exports and with growth of 32 per cent in 2014, and both markets offer considerable potential. The key targets for expansion are financial services, technology, tourism, education and food and beverage exports, said Ryan,
The consulate general was officially launched by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, who expects the mission to support and galvanise the longstanding, significant and well-connected Irish community in Hong Kong and Macau.
“The consulate is already making a big impact under the leadership of Peter Ryan and is a strong focal point alongside Enterprise Ireland, the IDA and on behalf of Bord Bia and Tourism Ireland in support of Irish interests in Hong Kong,” said Bruton.
There are many Irish organisations in the city – there are Irish Chambers of Commerce in both Hong Kong and Macau, a St Patrick’s Society in Hong Kong, the Irish International Education Centre, the Celtic Connections Choir and the Hong Kong Gaelic Athletic Association, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.
The Hong Kong economy is slowing down, in tandem with the bigger mainland market, but there are still major opportunities in fintech and tech start-ups, as evidenced by the staging of the RISE conference here in August. There are also opportunities offered by the internation
“Hong Kong is where many tourists from China may taste Western food for the first time. This is a shop window for the Pearl River Delta,” said Consul General Peter Ryan.
Among the premium products being imported into Hong Kong from Ireland include razor clams, crabs and oysters – some 55,000 Irish oysters a month are imported into Hong Kong.
“It’s an easy place to do business. We see it as a landing spot into Asia, where people can hit the ground running. They call themselves the superconnector here, which is like what Ireland does for Europe,” said Ryan.
One of the driving factors behind the consulate was the need to boost Ireland’s presence in the highly competitive fund management market.
Ireland was facing tough competition from Luxembourg, which had a representative office in the territory to promote itself as a place to set up funds, whereas Ireland was relying on the goodwill of professionals working in the field and on promotion by the Irish Funds Industry Association. is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]
Hong Kong Tourism Board chief Peter Lam Kin-ngok wants mainlanders to be able to apply to visit without going to their hometown – but only Beijing can make change, the South China Morning Post – reported.
Allowing mainland residents to apply online for permission to visit Hong Kong could help arrest a collapse in visitor numbers that has hit the hospitality industry as well as local retailers, the head of the tourism board said yesterday.
The switch would mean would-be tourists no longer had to return to their hometowns to apply for the permit, chairman Peter Lam Kin-ngok told an economic forum.
But the change would be up to Beijing to implement.
His comments came after months of declining visitor numbers. Even the post-National Day “golden week” holiday at the start of this month – typically a boom time for the industry – saw a year-on-year increase of visitor numbers of just 2.3 per cent, the weakest “golden week” since a small drop in visitor numbers in 2006.
Lam said his biggest concern was a steep decline in the number of visitors staying overnight in the city. He said for the first eight months of this year, the number of mainland tourists staying overnight dropped by 5.9 per cent year on year, and the biggest drop – of 7.7 per cent – was recorded among those coming to Hong Kong on a “one-off individual visit permit”.
The permit is available to residents of 48 mainland cities who wish to visit Hong Kong at least once a year without joining a tour group. Residents of Shenzhen can also apply for permits to cross the border no more than once a week. But permit holders must return to their hometowns to apply for or renew their permits, presenting a snag for the millions of mainlanders who have moved far from home to work.
“Tourists from outside southern China stay in Hong Kong longer, have bigger purchasing power and are the guests that Hong Kong seeks to attract,” Lam said. We should attract more such high-quality tourists to Hong Kong, such as [by asking Beijing to] allow those with electronic passports to apply for a visa on the internet.”
Lam said more than 20 million people held an electronic passport.
In the first nine months of this year, a total of 44.4 million tourists visited Hong Kong – down 0.5 per cent year on year. Some 78 per cent of them came from the mainland.
However speaking at the same forum, Dr David Wong Yau-kar, a local deputy to the National People’s Congress, said the city should do more itself to boost tourism.
For example, the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai was in urgent need of expansion, he argued.
“With no value-added tax, Hong Kong’s advantage as a host for trade exhibitions is much bigger than any mainland city – If a phase three of the centre had been completed today, it would be full already,” Wong said.
The government has earmarked a site for expansion, but construction will not begin until after the Exhibition MTR station is completed in 2020.