Bærekraftige reiser

Illustrasjonsfoto: www.tui.no

Nordmenn blir stadig mer opptatt av å velge bærekratige reisealternativer. På reiseoperatøren TUI sine nettsider har selskapet samlet alle Travelife-sertifiserte hoteller under fanen “Bærekraftsertifiserte hoteller”, skriver Se og Hør.

Rundt halvparten av TUIs nordiske gjester benytter slike hoteller i dag.

VM i skreifiske i Lofoten avlyst

Foto: Wikipedia

En av verdens største fiskekonkurranser, VM i skreifiske i Svolvær i Lofoten, er avlyst på grunn av høye bølger og mye vind. Uværet ventes å fortsette utover kvelden lørdag. Arrangørene begrunner avlysningen med at de er bekymret for sikkerheten til deltakerne på grunn av mye vind og regn, skriver NTB / VG.no

– Det gjør vi sammen med politiet og kystvakta, og de båtene vi har snakket med. På grunn av høye bølger på 4–5 meter og 12–18 sekundmeter med vind, sier daglig leder Sten-Ståle Sortland i Vågan Båt- og Sjøfiskeforening til Lofotposten.

VM i Skreifiske ble arrangert for første gang i 1991

Finner gamle lik på Mount Everest

Mount Everest. Illustrasjonsfoto: Wikipedia.org

Global oppvarming fører til raskere smelting på Mount Everests isbreer, skriver NRK.no
Det gjør at sherpaer og klatrere finner mennesker som har ligget døde i mange år. Det er anslått at det ligger 200 døde på fjellet, begravet i snø og is.

Kilde: www.nrk.no

Rio de Janeiro is the World Architecture Capital in 2020

Theatro Municipal, Rio de Janeiro. Photo credit: Wikipedia.org

UNESCO has chosen Rio de Janeiro in Brazil as the World Architecture Capital for 2020.

It is the first time the UN is awarding a city this title, and this is part of a work of preserving architecture history in major cities.

The aim is to create an international forum for debates on demanding global challenges from a perspective on culture, cultural heritage, urban planning and architecture.

Rio de Janeiro was founded in 1565 by the Portuguese, and was the capital of Brazil until 1960 when the capital was transferred to the new city of Brasilia.

Wine and Dine in the Eiffel Tower

Photo credit: Parisianist

Being able to enjoy a breathtaking view from Paris’s most famous landmark the Eiffel Tower is well known.

But you can also enjoy good food and drinks in good company, high above Paris’ streets, run by the Eiffel Tower Gourmet Dinner Experience, in the 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant.

Photo credit: Restaurants de la Tour Eiffel

Read more and book a table at www.restaurants-toureiffel.com – Restaurants de la Tour Eiffel

Underwater restaurant opened in Norway

Restaurant Under Lindesnes exterior waves. Photo credit: Visit Norway

As many as 7500 guests are already on the waiting list to dine at the new restaurant “Under” at Sprangereid in Lindesnes municipality, Vest-Agder county, at the southern tip of Norway.
Under also means wonder in Norwegian.

Photo credit:  Mir / Snøhetta/ Under.no

The restaurant, located five and a half meters below sea level, accommodates 40 guests, and is the first of its kind in Northern Europe.

Under is said to be the largest underwater restaurant in the world.

Seafood dominates the menu, of course. The restaurant is fully booked until September.

The restaurant is designed by Snøhetta architects in Oslo.


«Vy» godkjent av generalforsamlingen i NSB

NSB-tog. Foto: Bane NOR

Generalforsamlingen i NSB AS vedtok i dag å endre navnet på selskapet til Vygruppen AS, som er morselskapet i konsernet, melder NRK.
NSB og Nettbuss tar i bruk det nye navnet 24.april, da starter også arbeidet med å endre utseendet på tog og buss.

Vy er et skandinavisk ord som betyr utsyn, oversyn eller bilde av.

Foto: Nettbuss


North Korea opens tourism office in Taiwan

Pyongyang, capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) in partnership with Taiwan’s Chung Hsing Travel Service has opened a tourism promotion office in Taipei, capital city of Taiwan (Republic of China) in a bid to entice more Taiwanese to visit the hermit kingdom, reported CN

Two package tours are available, in which tourists can visit three of North Korea’s main attractions during a three or five night visit, valued between NT$30,000 (US$975) and NT$60,000.

Private tourism is banned in North Korea, with sightseers restricted to state-run tours organized by the Korean Heritage International Travel Company.

Chien Shih-chiang from the Chung Hsing Travel Service told CNA he has organized tours of North Korea for more than a decade. Fewer than 1,000 Taiwanese tourists visit North Korea each year.

The package tours will visit the “Shibuya Farm” where tourists can speak to government-vetted farmers, the “Shaliyuan Scenic Area” resort where lessons on North Korean culture and heritage are given and lastly, tourists will be treated to the “Paradise Department Store” in the capital Pyongyang.

The U.S. Department of State rates travel to North Korea at its most dangerous level and advises U.S. nationals to “Do not travel to North Korea due to the serious risk of arrest and long-term detention of U.S. nationals.” The U.K. government advises against all but essential travel to the hermit kingdom.

Chung Hsing Travel Service will continue to promote the North Korea travel packages, and they will feature heavily at the Taipei International Travel Fair in November 2018.

News source: taiwannews.com.tw

Vietnam opens consulate in Andorra

Andorra la Vella.

Vietnam has opened a honorary consulate in Andorra la Vella, capital city, of the Principality of Andorra.

At the launching ceremony on 13 March, Vietnam’s Ambassador to France and Andorra, Mr Nguyen Thiep handed over the decision of Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh to appoint Mr Olivier Montel Monteret as the honorary consul of Vietnam in Andorra, the en.vietnamplus.vn website reported.

Thiep highlighted the significance of the inauguration of the office, saying that it marks an new important step in bilateral relations, enabling Vietnam and Andorra to further expand multifaceted cooperation in the coming time.

Previously, Ambassador Nguyen Thiep presented his credentials to Co-Monarch of Andorra, His Eminence Archbishop of Urgell Joan-Enric Vives i Sicilia, and paid a courtesy visit to Minister of Foreign Affairs Maria Ubach.

At the later reception for Mr Thiep, both Sicilia and Ubach said they are impressed by Vietnam’s new position in the region and the world, especially its rapid economic growth in the last five years.

They said Andorra and Vietnam hold much potential to promote bilateral cooperation in tourism and investment, and increase mutual support at international forums such as the United Nations, and the Francophone community.

Ms Ubach informed the Vietnamese ambassador of Andorra’s recent economic reform, saying that the European country is loosening regulations to attract more foreign investment, especially building tax policies to conform to principles of the European Union (EU).

For his part, Thiep asserted that Vietnam wants to maintain and expand cooperation with Andorra by backing each other at multilateral forums, exchanging visits at all levels and signing cooperation agreements on investment protection, double taxation avoidance, and tourism development.

He thanked Andorra for its support for Vietnamese candidates in international organisations, especially the UN.

Vietnam and Andorra established diplomatic ties in 2007. Vietnam is one of three Asian countries that have opened an honorary consulate in Andorra after the Republic of Korea and the Philippines.

News source: en.vietnamplus.vn

Partiet Rødt holder landsmøte på tariffløst hotell i Oslo

Radisson Blu på Alna. Foto: Radisson Blu Hotels

Hotellet der partiet Rødt skal holde sitt landsmøte har ikke tariffavtale, melder NRK.

Partiet beklager, men sier de ikke har råd til å flytte det til et annet sted, da avbestilling og flytting ville kostet rundt en million kroner.
Landsmøtet er 9.–12. mai på Radisson Blue på Alna i Oslo, skriver VG.