SINGLE VISA FOR TWO KINGDOMS is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

 Cambodia and Thailand have joined hands to increase foreign and inter-ASEAN tourism under the “Two Kingdoms, One Destination” tourism pact, the reports.

Tith Chantha, secretary of state at Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism, said Cambodia and Thailand have already created a single-visa option for tourists looking to explore both countries in one trip.

“Now, we’re joining With Thailand to promote Two Kingdoms, One Destination. It will make it much easier for tourists who don?t want to visit only one country during their trip,” he said.

“Thailand has a lot of airlines operating long-haul to Europe or the United States – we don’t have many of those long flights, so we will benefit from this once the campaign kicks in.”

Thailand’s minister of tourism and sports, Kobkran Wattanakvrangkul, told the Bangkok Post that the campaign would run from 2015 to 2017.

“The collaboration looks forward to exchanging foreign travellers and facilitating travel across both countries. The plan also promotes intra-ASEAN tourism,” Kobkarn was quoted as saying.

The campaign will promote two major tourist routes. One will run along the Gulf of Thailand’s coastline, going through Bangkok, Rayong, and Trat in Thailand to Koh Kong, Sihanoukville, Kampot and Phnom Penh.

The other will also originate in Bangkok and end in Phnom Penh, but will go through further inland from Aranyaprathet in Thailand to Poipet, Battambang, and Siem Reap.

Ho Vandy, co-chair of the Government-Private Sector Working Group on Tourism, welcomed the initiative. He said that Cambodia had been cooperating with Thailand’s tourism association since 2008.

“Now that this is being done on a governmental level, it will be a big boost because it will share benefits with both countries,” he said.

“We have observed that we got more than 30 per cent of Cambodia’s tourists from Thailand since the promotion began.”

Tourist arrivals to Cambodia from Thailand were up 37 per cent to 71,572 visitors during the first quarter of 2015, ranking fifth, while Vietnamese tourists still ranked first followed by China, South Korea, and Laos, according to the Ministry of Tourism.

The data showed that Cambodia welcomed some 1.3 million foreign tourists in the year’s first quarter, a 3.1 per cent increase from the 1.267 million tourists in the same period last year.

Last year, Cambodia received some 4.5 million foreign tourists, a 7 per cent increase from the year before. The arrivals generated about $3 billion worth of Cambodia’s $15 billion GDP. The Ministry of Tourism projected that Cambodia would receive about 5 million foreign tourist arrivals this year.

#Bangkok #By #Ferie #Hovedstad #Kambodsja #Kongerike #PhnomPenh #Reise #Thailand #Turisme #Visum

#Cambodia #Capital #City #Holiday #KIngdom #Tourism #Travel #Visa

BRUNEI’S NEW MIDNIGHT BAN is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, the environment, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.  

Bandar Seri Begawan

Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei, recently declared that all shops and restaurants in the city will not be allowed to operate after midnight following a new government regulation, the website reported.

According to media reports, a circular issued by the Bandar Seri Begawan Municipal Department noted that effective immediately, permission previously granted to shops or restaurants to operate after midnight have been revoked.

Furthermore, it noted that if any shop is found violating the new midnight ban, actions will be taken including issuing a letter of suspension or canceling the license of the business in question.

The BSB Municipal Chairman told The Brunei Times that the ruling will be applied nationwide, with similar circulars distributed soon to other municipalities.

He also added that this would apply to all eateries and shops, including small sundry shops (kedai runcit) and other food vendors who usually operate 24 hours a day.

The new directive has reportedly faced opposition among regular Bruneians for several reasons. While some speculated that the move may be linked to curbing social ills, be it reducing crime during late hours or preventing loitering by the youth, The Borneo Bulletin quoted a few businessmen in Brunei as saying that they were concerned that the authorities did not mention the regulation before the announcement and involve the business community in the decision-making process.

Restaurant owners and staff also said they were worried about the impact on their income, whether it be from regular Bruneians or visiting tourists.

Other Bruneians interviewed about the directive by The Brunei Times noted the impact on workers and citizens. A man who only wanted to be identified as Hj Mohd Ali said the new regulation would make it difficult for people who work night shifts to get their meals. He also said that there may be an additional issue during the month of Ramadan, since it would make it difficult for Muslims to consume meals early in the morning before fasting known as sahur – which would also affect businesses.

“People will only eat when they break their fast. After that there wouldn’t be many people eating until sahur. Now people can’t eat during sahur in restaurants anymore because theyære closed.”, he said.

Brunei’s midnight ban is just the latest sign of strict regulations being issued in the country, particularly following the implementation of a strict new penal code first published in October 2013.

#BandarSeriBegawan #Brunei #By #Ferie #Hovedstad #Reise #Restaurant

#Capital #City #Holiday #Travel

TOURISM POTENTIAL DRAWS TOP HOTEL CHAINS TO LAOS is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, the environment, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at – contact us a [email protected]

Vientiane (

The number of tourists in Laos is expected to reach 10 million in five years, the Bangkok-based newspaper The Nation – website writes.

At least 40 hotels, including five international chains, are scheduled to open in Laos over the next five years as the country becomes a more popular tourist destination.

Yang Fu Ning, general manager of Don Chan Palace, a luxury hotel in Vientiane, said international brands Ramada, InterContinental, Crown Plaza, Sofitel and Marriott were set to open hotels in the capital by 2019.

Three global brands – Mercure, Ibis and Best Western – have already opened their doors in Vientiane, and one regional brand has entered the World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang.

Furthermore, 25-30 three- and four-star hotels are set to open in the capital, with some in other tourist cities.

Yang said about 300 hotels, resorts, guest houses, boutique properties and independent hotels were already in Vientiane, and most were owned and operated by locals.

“Laos is opening up for tourism right now,” he said, adding that foreign tourists would be arriving in greater numbers.

A representative of the National Tourism Administration said Laos saw 3.7 million arrivals last year, generating income of US$600 million.

The government aims for 3.9 million tourists this year. The number of arrivals should reach 10 million within five years.

The top five source markets are South Korea, China, Vietnam, Japan and Thailand. The number of American and European tourists has significantly increased in recent years.

“In the next five years, the China market should become the largest portion for Laotian tourism due to a new high-speed train being constructed. The train will link Vientiane to Kunming in southern China, so a lot of tourists from China [will be] able to reach Laos easier and faster,” Yang said.

The Laotian government is also expanding Savannakhet Airport in the country’s south as a new aviation hub along with improving attractions in all key destinations while working intensively to increase the number of border checkpoints and integrate with countries in the region and the world at large.

Currently, seven foreign airlines, including Thai Airways International, AirAsia and Bangkok Airways, and two local carriers are operating in and out Laos. Some of these airlines run charter flights during high season.

One of the biggest investment opportunities touted by the Laotian government is Asean Paradize Savan City in the Savannakhet special economic zone, just cross the Mekong River from Thailand’s Mukdahan province.

The $10-billion project on 1,700 rai (272 hectares) will comprise an offshore financial centre, entertainment facilities, a casino, and accommodation for foreigners. Its first phase is scheduled to open in 2019.

Last year, the European Council on Tourism and Trade named Laos the “World’s Best Tourist Destination for 2013”, which put the country on the global tourism map especially for its rich history, culture, traditions and natural beauty.

In 2008, The New York Times named Laos as one of 53 countries it described as the world’s top tourist destinations.

Luang Prabang received the Top City Gold Award after being voted the world’s top tourist destination by Wanderlust, a UK-based travel magazine, from 2006 to 2008 and 2010 to 2012.

#Bangkok #By #Ferie #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Hotell #Hovedstad #Japan #Jernbane #Kina #Laos #LuangPrabang #NewYork #Reise #SørKorea #Thailand #Tog #Vientiane #Vietnam

#Airline #Airport #Capital #China #City #Holiday #Railway #SouthKorea #Train #Travel

BRUNEI OPENS MARITIME MUSEUM IN THE CAPITAL is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at – contact us a [email protected]

Brunei Tourism has announced the official launch of the Maritime Museum in the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan, the website writes.

The museum is located at Kota Batu near the river bank of Brunei is a repository for the country’s historical maritime artefacts and technologies from different eras.

There are three galleries: Brunei Ship Wreck Gallery, which displays artefacts from the Brunei Shipwreck discovered in 1997 and considered to be the most important discoveries in Brunei’s maritime history; Brunei Water Vessels Gallery, which focusses on the connection between Brunei people and the river; and Temporary Gallery, which showcases the history  of trade and cultural exchange between China and Brunei from as early as 2,000 years ago. 

#BandarSeriBegawan #Brunei #By #Båt #Ferie #Galleri #Hovedstad #Maritim #Museum #Reise #Skip

#Boat #Capital #City #Gallery #Holiday #Ship #Travel

PROMOTING MYANMAR’S NEW CAPITAL NAY PYI TAW IS A TALL ORDER is a blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, politics, diplomatic affairs, travel and transport, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism in Myanmar says it is studying ways to boost tourism to Nay Pyi Taw, the country’s new capital city, the ASEAN Travel News – TRWeekly, reports.

Several Myanmar media reported, Monday, that the ministry plans to create city tours that will include a visit to the Lower House of Parliament and will also  launch a website for the capital city to highlight its tour potential.

The ministry has been working with Air KBZ to run Nay Pyi Taw – Mandalay flights starting this April. It will also plan sports events and encourage events to move their venue to Nay Pyi Taw to take advantage of cheap hotel accommodation and a congestion-free airport.

Nay Pyi Taw will be positioned as a MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) destination, based on recommendations by the private sector at meetings with the government earlier this year.

There are serious challenges to overcome, as the city has hardly any entertainment facilities and is there little to do once the conference sessions end.

But it does have two massive convention centres, and plans are in place to build an exhibition centre.

Hotels and Tourism Minister, Htay Aung, was quoted as saying the basic infrastructure, such as an international airport and hotels are in place.

The lack of trained staff is another issued, but the ministry says it will conduct international-level hospitality and tourism courses in cooperation with the Myanmar Tourism Federation and Hilton Hotels.

A hospitality exhibition and conference and an international ecotourism conferences will be held in Nay Pyi Taw over the next two months.

The ministry claims the country could attract as many as 5 million tourists this year up from 3 million in 2014. The target is very ambitious as Yangon’s hotels are overpriced with no spare capacity to accommodate more visitors and the airport is congested with long queues at check-in and immigration counters.

It takes travellers more than one hour to clear immigration in Yangon.

The government tells hotel companies that if they want to develop hotels in Yangon or Mandalay they must build a hotel in Nay Pyi Taw, but occupancy in the political capital  are as low as 20% with a room rate of around USD30.

Ministry officials deny there is pressure on hotel companies to have a presence in Nay Pyi Taw, which contradicts what hotel investors and hotel management companies explain to TTR Weekly.

Kilde / Source:

#Burma #By #Event #Ferie #Flyplass #Flyselskap #Hotell #Hovedstad #Mandalay #Myanmar #NayPyiTaw #Rangoon #Reise #Sport #Turisme #Yangon

#Airline #Airport #Capital #City #Holiday #Hotel #Tourism #Travel

HANOI, PRAHA, LONDON, ROMA OG BUENOS AIRES MEST POPULÆRE HOVEDSTEDER is a blog about the capitals of the world – Se også vår reiseblogg / see also our travel blog at – contact us at [email protected]

Hanoi, Vietnam

Tripadvisors “Traveller’s Choice Awards 2015” er klar, og her ligger eventyrbyen Marrakech i Marokko på topp i år. 11 av de 25 destinasjonene på lista er hovedsteder, der Hanoi ligger høyest, på 4. plass, tett fulgt av Praha, London, Roma og Buenos Aires.

Les om Marrakech på vår reiseblogg:

1. Marrakech, Marokko

2. Siem Reap, Kambodsja

3. Istanbul, Tyrkia

4. Hanoi, Vietnam

5. Praha, Tsjekkia

6. London, Storbritania

7. Roma, Italia

8. Buenos Aires, Argentina

9. Paris, Frankrike

10.Cape Town, Sør-Afrika

11.New York, USA

12.Zermatt, Sveits

13.Barcelona, Spania

14.Goreme, Tyrkia

15.Ubud, Indonesia

16.Cusco, Peru

17.St.Petersburg, Russland

18.Bangkok, Thailand

19.Katmandu, Nepal

20.Athen, Hellas

21.Budapest, Ungarn

22.Queenstown, New Zealand

23.Hongkong, Kina

24.Dubai, De forente arabiske emirater

25.Sydney, Australia

#Argentina #Athen #Australia #Bangkok #Barcelona #Budapest #BuenosAires #By #CapeTown #Cusco #Emirater #England #Ferie #Frankrike #Goreme #Hanoi #Hellas #Hongkong #Hovedstad #Indonesia #Istanbul #Italia #Kambodsja #Katalonia #Katmandu #Kina #London #Marokko #Marrakech #Nepal #NewYork #NewZealand #Paris #Peru #Praha #Queenstown #Reise #Roma #Russland #StPetersburg #SiemReap #Spania #Storbritannia #Sveits #Sydney #SørAfrika #Thailand #Tripadvisor #Tsjekkia #Tyrkia #Ubud #Ungarn #USA #Vietnam #Zermatt


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Det kan bli åpnet for en direkte bussforbindelse mellom hovedstedene Dhaka i Bangladesh og Katmandu i Nepal. Det er Bangladesh sin ambassadør i Nepal, Mashfee Binte Shams, som lanserer ideen, for blant annet å styrke forbindelsen mellom de to landene.

Det var på en middag i regi av tenketanken Asian Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs (AIDIA) at ambassadøren kom med forslaget om en bussrute som ville eventuelt gå via det østlige Nepal og videre vestover mot Katmandu.

Nepal har tidligere i prinsipppet gått inn for at en slik bussrute kan åpnes.

Bangladesh foreslår at ruten går fra Dhaka nordover til Banglabandh, til Kakarvita og videre til Katmandu. Det er svært mange turistattraksjoner på den aktuelle strekningen.

Nepal er fra før en stor turistdestinasjon, og ambassadøren håper at en bussrute mellom landenes hovedsteder kan være med å øke turismen til Bangladesh. 

#Ambassadør #Attraksjon #Bangladesh #Buss #By #Dhaka #Ferie #Hovedstad #Katmandu #Nepal #Reise


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Flyselskapet Garuda Indonesia har startet flyvninger mellom den populære indonesiske ferieøya Bali og Dili, hovedstaden i Øst-Timor / Timor-Leste. Det er daglige turer mellom Denpasar på Bali, og Dili.

Garuda er ett av de få selskapene som flyr til Øst-Timor.

Øst-Timor var portugisisk koloni fra 1642 til Indonesia okkuperte territoriet i 1975 og gjorde det til en indonesisk provins. Øst-Timor ble selvstendig i 2003, etter å ha vært styrt av FN fra 1999, etter at Indnesia hadde gitt opp annekteringen.

#Bali #By #Dili #Ferie #Flyselskap #FN #Hovedstad #Indonesia #Portugal #Reise #Timor #ØstTimor


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Hanoi has unveiled a plan to develop no-smoking zones in popular tourist spots, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reports.

Smoke-free tourist sites, restaurants, hotels and offices will be established in places such as the Old Quarter, Hoan Kiem Lake and shopping malls.

A campaign on harmful effects of smoking will be disseminated through the media to every part of the city.

Authorities will conduct inter-sector inspections and fine violators.

The tourism sector contributes a considerable share to Hanoi’s budget.

Hanoi received 16.5 million tourists including three million foreigners last year, up 16 percent from 2013.

The Law on Tobacco Harm Prevention that took effect on May 1, 2013 bans smoking in public places but regulations have not been enforced effectively.


#By #Ferie #Hanoi #Hovedstad #Reise #Røykelov #Vietnam

#Capital #City #Holiday #Smoking #Travel


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To byer i Asia har flest fornøyde hotellgjester, skal man tro en fersk rangering fra Trivago – verdens største hotellsøkeside på internett, skriver VG.

Hovedstaden i Vietnam, Hanoi og den kinesiske badebyen Sanya, beliggende ikke så veldig langt unna, får de beste hotellanmeldelsene, mens Sorrento i Italia tar tredjeplassen i den verdensomspennende kåringen.

Sanya har flott strender og nær tilknytning til Hongkong – derfor drar svært mange turister dit.

Blant Topp-100-byene finner vi bare to nordiske byer – Reykjavik på 47.plass og Stockholm på 67.plass. Ingen norske, danske eller finske byer er inne blant de 100 hotellbyene med flest fornøyde.

Kilde: VG

#Asia #Bade #Beach #By #Danmark #Ferie #Finland #Hanoi #HongKong #Hotell #Hovedstad #Island #Italia #Kina #Norge #Reise #Reykjavik #Sanya #Sorrento #Stockholm #Strand #Sverige #Trivago #VG #Vietnam