www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Sex-arbeidere i Pattaya. Illustrasjonsfoto: wikipedia.org
Thailands regjering vil ha slutt på ryktet om at landet er et reisemål for sexturisme, melder nrk.no Ifølge myndighetene har Thailand over 120.000 sexarbeidere, selv om prostitusjon er ulovlig i landet. Men, håndhevingen av loven har ikke alltid blitt fulgt like godt opp.
Prostitusjon var i tidligere tider tillatt, og skattelagt, blant annet i perioden 1351-1767, da staten drev landets bordeller. Prostitusjon ble igjen forbudt i 1960.
I 2015 ble det anslått at prostitusjon og sex-industrien hadde 6,4 milliarder dollar – rundt 45 milliarder kroner, i inntekter, og utgjorde dermed en betydelig del av landets brutto nasjonalprodukt.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
Gabala mountains
Azerbaijan’s picturesque Gabala city, also known as Qabala, was chosen the tourist capital of the Islamic world for 2020, by the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
This was announced at the 10th Islamic ministerial conference on tourism, where Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, and Gabala was selected as capital cities of Islamic tourism in 2019 and 2020 receptively, the www.azernews.az website reported.
The conference was held in Dhaka.
Previously Konya (Turkey), Madina (Saudi Arabia) and Tabriz (Iran) were named the Tourism Capital of the Islamic world in 2016, 2017 and 2018, accordingly.
Gabala, which is located about 225 km away from Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, is a perfect place for rest and tourism. The weather here is mild in spring and autumn, hot in summer and cold in winter. Gabala has several historical monuments, which emerge all around the city and its vicinity.
Like in the past, today Gabala is a magnet for international and local events, and it’s the second popular destination of Azerbaijan after Baku. Numerous meetings of politicians and summits are held in the city. In 2013, Gabala was declared the Cultural Capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Many hotels, including world hotel chains were put up in Gabala. The city contains an ice skating rink and a Greek-style theatre, built especially for outside concerts. Tourists can do shopping in several shopping malls in the city. Gabala is also home to Tufan Ski Complex, one of the biggest ski resorts throughout the whole Caucasus, which serves up to 3,000 visitors a day.
The largest entertainment park under the open sky in Azerbaijan – Gabaland, is located in Gabala.
www.hovedsteder.blogg.no is a Norway-based blog mainly about the capital cities of the world, but now also about other destinations and topics, with a focus on tourism, transport and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs and politics, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog atwww.minbestereise.blogg.no – Contact us at[email protected] Facebook: Hovedstederblogg
En domstol i Tyskland har avgjort at tyske byer kan innføre forbud mot dieselbiler i sentrum, melder nrk.no Kjennelsen falt i en domstol i Leipzig i Sachsen tirsdag, og omfatter i første omgang byene Düsseldorf i Nordrhein-Westfalen, og Stuttgart i Baden-Württemberg.