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Photo credit: Visit ASEAN@50

Cambodian Prime Minister, Hun Sen, says the Angkor Sangkranta-festival should be organised across the country, next year, besides the current venue in Siem Reap,  the website reported.

Agence Kampuchea Presse quoted the PM saying  the festival should be held in all provinces and the capital city Phnom Penh to add value to the traditional New Year celebrations and raise awareness of the country’s culture through special events.

The event has been included in the Visit ASEAN@50 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and to embrace ASEAN as a single tourist destination.

Angkor Sankranta, is held in Siem Reap during the Khmer New Year to build and display Cambodian family  values as a whole and to contribute to maintaining Cambodian traditions, culture, and customs.

Organised by the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia, Angkor Sankranta has drawn more than 1 million local and foreign visitors to experience many of Cambodia’s customs amidst the beautiful ancient Angkor temples.

The festival presents traditional folk dances and games, bullock races, Khmer orchestra recitals, and other performances that correspond to the theme for the year.

Food is a major Angkor Sankranta drawcard. It usually involves the cooking of two four-ton traditional Cambodian cakes, Num Treap Bay, a sticky rice dessert with toasted sesame seeds, and Num Ple Ay, glutinous rice balls filled with palm sugar.

This year, the 5th Angkor Sangkranta in Siem Reap, held 14 to 16 April, attracted more than 1,631,000 million domestic and foreign tourists, a 23% increase, generating an income of about USD95 million, the report said.

Ministry of Tourism has urged tourism operators and related businesses to maintain prices during major festivals particularly Angkor Sankranta to ensure consumers are protected and they gain a positive perception of the Cambodian travel experience.

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