THE FUTURE OF HAVANA: ARCHITECTURE AS TICKING TIME BOMB is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]


Now that the Obama administration is working to reestablish diplomatic relations with the largest island nation in the Caribbean, there’s a lot of optimism that Cuba’s capital city, Havana, and its population of over two million could see prosperity over the relatively short term, reports. 

But Cuba watchers and an increasing number of people on the ground are learning that you can’t build a future without stabilizing the past.

One of the city’s biggest draws is its architecture, which has a distinct European feel. “Some people have called it “the Paris of the Caribbean”, says John Pilling, an architect based in Boston who has visited the country a few times. “It’s a handsome city, even in its state of disrepair.”

Disrepair is the right word. The city, designated World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is currently in very poor shape with crumbling infrastructure, terrible roads, and crumbling facades. Cuba needs money, and it needs it fast.

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