ROMANIA OPENS EMBASSY IN UGANDA is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism and travel, the environment, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink. See also our travel blog at – Contact us at [email protected]

Romania has opened an embassy in Kampala, Uganda – the second Romanian embassy in East Africa after more than 46 years since they opened one in Kenya, reported.

While officiating at the ceremony at Serena Hotel in Kampala yesterday, the special presidential assistant, Patrick Ibembe said the embassy will strengthen bilateral and diplomatic relations between the two countries.

He said this is going to promote trade and investment in various sectors of the two nations.

Ibembe, who was representing the Attorney General, Fredrick Ruhindi, said the embassy will bring services closer to the people who want to travel, unlike before.

He urged Romanians in Uganda to feel free in Uganda.

The Romanian Ambassador to Kenya, Julia Pataki said it is going to strengthen economic ties among the two countries.

 “The new embassy will focus on promoting tourism, enabling access to educational programmes including scholarships, professional development and vocational training and educational exchange programmes,” she added.

They also intend to promote trade and investment in various sectors, in areas of manufacturing, mining, agro-processing and ICT.

Pataki also noted that the two countries share many things in common especially in culture and tourism which they need to explore for development.  

Pataki also installed Godwin Murungi as the first envoy of Romania to Uganda.  

Murungi commended Romania for extending cooperation to Africa.

“I am honored to take up this post. Uganda and Romania have had close working relationship over the years. This is going to strengthening our relations at various levels,” he said.

Maj. Benon Kakooza, director public relations, President’s Office, noted that this was going to create job opportunities for people of both countries.

The event was graced by diplomats from other embassies including Japan, China and Congo among others.


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