MACAU AIRPORT TO EXPAND TO BRING MORE INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO MACAU is a Norway-based blog about the capitals of the world, with a focus on tourism, travel, transport, the environment, politics, diplomatic affairs, lifestyle, culture and entertainment, food and drink.

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Macau International Airport (MIA) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Two decades after its opening, it still needs to expand to bring more international tourists to Macau, the website reported.

Experts praise the role of the airport for the development of the city but concede there’s still a lot of room for improvement.
Amy So Siu Ian is programme co-ordinator for hospitality and gaming management at the University of Macau. She says that the more international flights arrive at MIA, the more international tourists Macau could have.

The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) is bullish about the future role of the airport. In a written reply, it said the traffic capacity of Macau will be strengthened with the development of the Macau aviation industry, the master plan for Macau International Airport, and the construction of the New Ferry Terminal in Taipa, and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge.

“The tourism and aviation industries are closely related and are vital to the diversification of tourist markets. In recent years, there are more airlines/budget airlines providing routes to and from Macau, which helps to boost regional tourism and diversification of tourist markets”, a spokesperson said.

The master plan for the airport has yet to be implemented. And it takes time for all the works to be completed, Vicente Serafim, CEO of Macau Jet International Co. Ltd., tells Macau Business.

He slams the lack of strategy for the airport, questioning its future here, considering that other airports in the region are expanding and developing fast.
Jacky So Yuk Chow is the dean of the University of Macau’s Faculty of Business Administration. He says the airport here can face more competition in the future.

“There’s competition among the airports in Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macau in term of travellers and flying zones, etc. Zhuhai and Macau airports are now serving as regional airports. Hong Kong is the real international airport. In order to increase efficiency in terms of cost and time, I believe that co-ordination and division of labour are badly needed between the three of them”, he says.

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