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A cutting edge Tourism Information Office has been officially opened in Dublin’s city center. The new center will be the first port of call for visitors to Dublin.

(Shane O’Neill, Fennell Photography / www.independent.ie)

Irlands turistmyndigheter, Fáilte Ireland, har åpnet et nytt, høyteknologisk informasjonssenter i sentrum av byen, et sted som er ment å bli det første stedet turister er innom før de utforsker Dublin.

Senteret ble nylig offisielt åpnet av Irlands minister for transport, turisme og sport, Paschal Donohoe.

Gratis wi-fi, en avdeling for sosiale medier, Apple Macs, touchscreen teknologi, et stort utvalg apper, digitale kart, storskjermer med foto og film, er noe av det som tilbys de besøkende.

Selv om det nye senteret er høyteknologisk og mye basert på at publikum skal finne ut mest mulig selv, er kontoret betjent av personale, og, det finnes fremdeles gode, gammeldagse brosjyrer å plukke med seg…

Man regner med at minst 5000 personer vil være innom turistkontoret daglig i høysesongen.

Interactive pods, a social media wall, Apple Macs and touchscreen technology are all to hand for visitors to the new Tourism Information Office, writes independent.ie

Located at 25 Suffolk Street, the office was officially opened by Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe, and promises to combine the high-tech digital delivery of information with a warm Irish welcome in the slick new setting.

There are still human beings to hand, in other words.

There are a large digital display showing social media posts and tweets tagged with the #LoveDublin hashtag, broadcasting images of Dublin on an “almost live” basis.

These spaces are designed to help visitors access relevant information quickly and intuitively, using a simplified map displaying key locations and attractions throughout the city and county. “All Dublin has to offer is only two touches away,” according to Fáilte Ireland.

Identical to the maps displayed digitally on the pods, these allow the visitor to note attractions and activities that relevant to their own needs. They can mark their key areas of interest and routes to get there, creating their own personalised map of Dublin.

A large-scale video wall presenting specially commissioned hi-res photographs from around Dublin. Visitors encounter this almost immediately on entering the space. The images are shown with an animated map that shows the location in which they were taken.

Free Wif-Fi, always a good thing.

Visitors can download key smartphone apps promoted here – including the Wild Atlantic Way app – giving them “the tools they need to sample and explore”, according to Visit Dublin.

This features several screens updated daily with events, concerts and special exhibitions taking place today and tomorrow. Some events can be booked in the Office.

“With its focus on the needs of the modern traveller and the provision of the most up to date information, we believe we now have a tourism office in Dublin that sets a benchmark nationally and, indeed, globally”, said Orla Carroll, Fáilte Ireland’s Head of Dublin.

“This new facility is a winning blend of the traditional and the new,” Minister Donohoe added.

Fáilte Ireland also announced an upgrade to its www.visitdublin.ie website.

The new Office and rebooted website come in a year when the Grow Dublin Tourism Alliance has been tasked with “rebranding” the city. The new brand is expected around autumn.

Although Dublin has been recovering from the recent financial crisis, and overseas visitors to Ireland increased by almost 9pc last year, the city has been underperforming against its potential – not to mention city break competitors such as Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen.

Fewer visitors are utilising traditional tourist offices, due in part to the range of digital tools now available to help them explore cities, but it is estimated that as many as 5,000 people a day could pass through the new Tourist Information Office in peak months

Kilder / Sources: www.independent.ie, discoverireland.com, failteireland.ie, visitdublin.com

Dublin Tourism Information Office
25 Suffolk Street
Dublin 2

Telefon: + 353 1850 230 330




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